G2DS: Synopsis: g2ds [-i inputfile] [-o outputfile] [-n events] [-l(oquacious)] [-v(erbose)] [-h(elp)] To run g2ds, just take care the g2ds.input and g2ds.output are linked to the input and output files you want to use (make a soft link, i.e. ln -s geant-zebra-filename g2ds.input ln -s g2ds-dspack-filename g2ds.output or use the -i and -o command line options. g2ds -h will give you a short help. You can give the number of events on the command line (-n); else you will be prompted for them. By default, a number of GEANT messages will be suppressed (actually, written to a separate file "geant_output"), in order to keep the log files short and readable. If you would like to have these messages in your output, use the -l option. If you would like LOTS of information (should be irrelevant for the casual user), user the -v option.usage: g2ds [-i inputfile] [-o outputfile] [-n events] [-l(oquacious)] [-v(erbose)] [-h(elp)]