NA49 Collaboration Meeting


Nov. 17 - Nov. 23,2002

 NA49 Collaboration meeting at GSI, November 18 - 22, 2002
        Agenda    15/11/2002

Monday, Nov 18

11:00 - 12:30

 - working group meeting: HBT analysis

14:00 - 17:00

 - agenda, news                                (Seyboth)       15
   news from SPSC                              (Bialkowska)    10

 - contents of SPSC addendum In-run 2003       discussion      30

 - news from the detector                      (Wenig/Betev)   15

 - 20/30 GeV PbPb analysis preparation

     planned schedule                          (Gazdzicki)     15

     geometry calibration                      (Betev)         15

     veto calorimeter                          (Mitrovski)     15

     res.distortions,mag.field,dE/dx,TOF         ??

     pion yields at 30 GeV                     (Gazdzicki)     15

 - data processing

     NA49 computing at Cern                    (Buncic/Betev)  25

     status of ROOT, simulations               (Blume)         20

17:30 - 19:00  NA49 council meeting:
                 plans for 2003 and beyond
                   Marburg TOF
                   release of TOF pool electronics
                   request/addendum to SPSC
                 conference speakers
                   SQM2003 plenary
                   Moriond 2003
                 next coll.meeting

Tuesday, Nov 19

 9:00 - 12:30

 - pp,pA physics analysis

     forward protons in pp using GTPC+VPC      (Varga)         25

     news on pp hyperon publication                             5


 - AA analysis

     publications in preparation :

       directed and elliptic flow              (Wetzler)       30

       p_t fluctuations: draft                 (Perl)          20
                         models                (Mrowczynski)   20

       Lambda, anti_Lambda production          (Mischke)       20

       Phi production, energy dependence       (Friese)        30

14:00 - 18:00

 - AA analysis (cont.)

       Lambda-Lambda, Lambda-proton corr.      (Blume)         20

       deuteron production                     (Melkoumov)     30

     analyses in progress :

       p,pbar production at y=0 vs energy      (Kolesnikov)    15

       H0 dibaryon search                      (Blume)         15

       update on Omega at 158 GeV              (Blume)         15

       Omega at 40 GeV                         (Mitrovski)     15

       Cascades at 40 GeV
         data                                  (Meurer)        30
         simulation                            (Kraus)         20

19:00    Collaboration Buffet at GSI

Wednesday, Nov 20

 9:00 - 12:30

 - AA analysis (cont.)
     analyses in progress (cont.)

       Lambda production in CC,SiSi at 158GeV  (Kraus)         20

       Lambda(1520) search                     (Yoo)           20

       Phi -> e+e- search                      (Dinkelaker)    20

       charge fluctuations update              (Zaranek)       20

       balance function in pp and PbPb
                          at 158 GeV           (Christakoglou) 30

       Wavelet analysis in a search for 
         dynamical fluctuations in Pb+Pb       (Georgopoulos)  30

14:00 - 18:00

 - invited talk :                              (E.Bratovskaya) 45
     energy dependence of hadron production in string
     models (UrQMD,HSD)

 - invited talk :                              (U.Mosel)       45
     In medium mass modifications (e.g. Lambda(1520))

 - Experimentally accessible order parameter
   of the deconfinement phase transition       (Panagiotou)    30

Thursday, Nov 21

 9:00 - 12:30

 - AA analysis (cont.)
     analyses in progress (cont.)

       progress on pion HBT                    (Flierl
                                                    ,Seyboth)  20

 - discussion of SQM2002 contibutions/abstracts
    (deadline December 15, 2002)

14:30 - 17:00

 - reserve


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