******************************************************************* NA49 Collaboration meeting at CERN, March 28 - April 1, 2003 Agenda draft 27/3/2003 ******************************************************************* ---------------- Friday, March 28 ---------------- 9:00 - 12:00 - working group meetings as required 14:00 - 17:00 ******************** SL-Amphi. BAT 864 1-D02 General: ------- - In-beam run Bialkowska/Wenig/Blume 30' - computing infrastructure at Cern Betev/Buncic 30' migration to Redhat 7 status of CASTOR - physics analysis infrastructure Blume 20' ROOT simulation - calibration and production of 20 GeV data Betev/Gazdzicki 20' - status of analysis of 2002 pp data NN 30' Physics discussions: ------------------- - report from SQM2003 Stroebele 30' Friese 10' - energy scan with light ions Gazdzicki/Stroebele 30' 17:30 - 19:00 ********************** BAT 892 - NA49 council meeting finances status/requirements for 2003 contributions 2004 -> implications of decision of Cern group use of detector after In run conference speakers ISMD2003 HEP2003 QM2004 plenary next coll.meeting aob ------------------ Saturday, March 29 ------------------ 9:00 - 12:30 ******************** Council Chamber BAT 503 publications in preparation: ---------------------------- inclusive analysis: pp hyperon production (tbc) Susa/Barna/Kadija 30' l/lbar in PbPb Mischke 30' d production Melkoumov 30' phi production Friese 20' Omega production at 158 GeV Blume 30' 14:00 - 18:00 ******************** Council Chamber BAT 503 correlations and fluctuations:fluctuations Perl 30' charge fluctuations Zaranek 30' lambda-p correlations Blume 30' update on submitted flow paper Wetzler 10' physics analysis in progress: ----------------------------- inclusive analysis: analysis of 30 GeV PbPb data: TOF-Dubna Kolesnikov 15' TOF-Marburg Friese 25' dE/dx van Leeuwen 15' lambdas Mischke 15' pions and overview Gazdzicki 15' 19:00 collaboration dinner ---------------- Sunday, March 30 ---------------- 9:00 - 12:30 ******************** Council Chamber BAT 503 omega production in pp (tbc) Susa/Barna 20' omega production in PbPb Mitrovski/Blume 20' cascade production Meurer(Blume) 20' system size dependence lambda,antilambda Kraus 20' pions,kaons Hoehne 20' publication outline Puehlhofer 20' K*(890) Korus 20' Lambda(1520) search/discussion Yoo(Stroebele) 15' Phi->e+e- Dinkelaker 20' open charm van Leeuwen 20' 14:00 - 18:00 ******************** Council Chamber BAT 503 pp, pA analysis (tbc) ---------------- Monday, March 31 ---------------- 9:00 - 12:30 **************** SL-Amphi. BAT 864 1-D02 fluctuations and correlations: energy dependence of pt fluct. Perl 30' balance function Christakoglou 30' critical fluctuations Diakonos 30' multiplicity fluctuations Rybczynski 20' long range correlations Naoumenko(Gazdzicki) 15' unlike particle correlations Lednicky/Seyboth 5' pion BE correlations Flierl 5' ? model interpretations: ---------------------- fluctuations and deconfinement Gazdzicki 60' 14:00 - 16:30 **************** SL-Amphi. BAT 864 1-D02 RESERVE *******************************************************************
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