************************************************************************ ********* NA49 collaboration meeting agenda (15/4/2004) ************************************************************************ ********* April 19 Monday; ---------------- Arival April 20 Tuesday: ================= 9:00-10:00 registration at ECT*: .................... ECT* Strada delle Tabarelle N. 286 38050 Villazzano (Trento), I phone: +39-0461-314730 fax: +39-0461-935007 10:00-12:00 General: -------- welcome, news, agenda (Seyboth) (20 min) qm2004 and na49 (Botje) (30 min) 11:00-11:30 Coffee Break 11:30-12:30: status of the NA49 simulation (Blume) (15 min) copying raw data to CASTOR (Kliemant/Lungwitz) (20 min) processing 20,30 GeV semicentral PbPb data (Gazdzicki) (15 min) beam charge for Si and C at 40 GeV (Fodor) (15 min) 12:30-14:00 Lunch at the ECT* canteen 14:00-16:00: p+p, p+A results: ----------------- pentaquarks - overview of world data (Barna) (60 min) status of NA49 analysis low momentum protons in pA (draft) (Sikler) (40 min) 16:00-16:30 Coffee Break 16:30-18:30 p+A analysis plans in Karlsruhe (Meurer) (15 min) news from IPJ Warsaw (Bialkowska/Boimska) (20 min) + ... ? A+A physics talk : ------------------ Quark coalescence and entropy conservation at SPS energies (Levai) (40 min) A+A results (inclusive spectra): -------------------------------- L/Lbar at 40-158 GeV - revised paper (Mischke,Blume) (20 min) dE/dx calibration at 20/30 (van Leeuwen) (30 min) pi/K at 20/30 GeV - draft (Gazdzicki/van Leeuwen) (15 min) 19:30 Buffet-dinner at ECT* April 21 Wednesday: =================== 9:00-11:00 phi at 20-158 GeV - draft (Friese) (40 min) K* at 20-158 GeV (Korus) (20 min) L* status (Yoo) (20 min) d,p at 20,30 GeV (TOF) - draft (Kolesnikov/Melkumov) (20 min) dbar ( 158 GeV high stat. run) (Kolesnikov/Melkumov) (20 min) 11:00-11:30 Coffee Break 11:30-12:30: pbar/p (TOF) energy,centrality dependence (Kolesnikov/Melkumov) (25 min) Omega at 40/158 GeV - draft (Blume/Mitrovski) (30 min) 12:30-14:00 Lunch at the ECT* canteen 14:00-16:00: upper limit for open charm (Botje) (15 min) Xi at 40 GeV - draft (Meurer) (15 min) L/Lbar at 20/30 GeV (Richard) (20 min) Xi/Omega at 20-158 GeV (Mitrovski) (10 min) energy dependence of mT spectra (Blume) (30 min) 16:00-16:30 Coffee Break 16:30-19:00: kaons in C, Si at 40/158 GeV (Kliemant) (20 min) pions in C, Si at 40/158 GeV (Lungwitz) (20 min) pions, kaons in min. bias. Pb+Pb at 40/158 GeV (Dinkelaker) (45 min) CC, SiSi at 158 GeV final Lambda/Antilambda spectra (Kraus) (20 min) C, Si at 158 GeV - system size dependence paper (Hoehne) (20 min) calculations within percolation model (Hoehne) (20 min) 19:30 Dinner at the La Baracca restaurant (close to ECT*) April 22 Thursday: ================== 9:00-11:00: A+A results (correlations/fluctuations): ---------------------------------------- HBT - track cuts, comparison to CERES (Kniege) (30 min) HBT - momentum resolution (Flierl) (10 min) HBT - centrality dependence (Alt) (15 min) HBT - publication draft (Flierl) (15 min) Lambda anisotropic flow (Stefanek) (30 min) pT fluctuations - revised paper (Grebieszkow/Gazdzicki) (15 min) 11:00-11:30 Coffee Break 11:30-12:30: balance function - draft (Christakoglou) (20 min) charge fluctuations - draft (Zaranek/Gazdzicki) (15 min) multiplicity fluctuations (Rybczynski) (40 min) 12:30-14:00 Lunch at the ECT* canteen 14:00-16:00: energy dep. of pT fluctuations (Grebieszkow/Gazdzicki) (15 min) critical fluctuations (Fotis/Nikos) (30 min) particle ratio fluctuations (Roland/Gazdzicki) (30 min) multiplicity, p_t/multiplicity and p_t/p_t long range correlation analysis in PbPb collisions at 158 AGeV (Naomenko) (30 min) 16:00-16:30 Coffee Break 16:30-18:30: NA49 council meeting -------------------- finances organisation: spokesperson, deputies transfer of detector to NA49' AOB 20:30 Collaboration dinner (downtown) April 23 Friday: ================ 9:00-11:00: NA49': ------ general news (Gazdzicki,Vesztergombi) (30 min) Physics ideas: -------------- energy scan (A+A, p+A, p+p) (Gazdzicki + ...) (20 min) high p_T (Vesztergombi + ...) (20 min) 11:00-11:30 Coffee Break 11:30-12:30: Detector upgrades: ------------------ status of the NA49 software/hardware (Betev) (20 min) minimal upgrades/repairs needed to run in 2006(7) (Betev) (20 min) repair of MTPC sectors (Renfordt) (15 min) 12:30-14:00 Lunch at the ECT* canteen 14:00-16:00: possible increase of event rate: -general requirements (Renfordt) (30 min) -maximum traget thickness (Flierl) (10 min) -test set up and results in Budapest (Fodor) (30 min) -development of new CT board (Fodor/Vesztergombi) (20 min) -read-out control unit, and DAQ (Roehrich) (30 min) 16:00-16:30 Coffee Break 16:30-18:30: astrophysics needs (Hungs) (20 min) spectator detector (Stroebele/Renfordt) (10 min) photon calorimeter (Vesztergombi) (20 min) ideas on improvement of acceptance (Blume) (20 min) preparation for the Villars meeting (Gazdzicki) (20 min) preparation of the proposal (20 min) 19:30 Dinner at the La Barraca or downtown in a pizzeria April 24 Saturday: ================== Departure or Start of the Workshop: ``Tracing deconfinement in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions'' (see the workshop agenda)
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