Past Conferences

Past Conferences

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Future Conferences

Conference Location Dates (Organizer) NA49 Speakers
Recontres de Moriond Moriond 1995 T.Alber
Nuclear Dynamics Key-West Feb. 1995 H.Rudolph
AIHENP95 Pisa 3-8 Apr. 1995 C.Bormann, M.Howe, M.Fuchs
APS Washington Apr. 1995 I.Huang
Multiparticle Dynamics Stara Lesna 1995 P.Seyboth
Nuclear Dynamics Snowbird Jan. 1996 T.Wienold
Strangess '96 Budapest 15-17 May 1996 G.Odyniec, G.Vesztergombi, S.Margetis, J.Eschke
Quark Matter '96 Heidelberg 20-24 May 1996 P.Jones, T.Wienold, K.Kadija
PANIC96 Williamsburg 23-26 May 1996 P.Jacobs
Physics in Collision Mexico City 19-21 June 1996 A.Sandoval
Event-by-Event Seattle 24-26 July 1996 (T.Trainor) G.Roland, Y.Foka, T.Trainor, J.Reid, D.Weerasundara, T.Wienold, J.Cramer, P.Jacobs
ICHEP96 Warsaw 25-31 July 1996 R.Stock, G.Odyniec, K.Kadija
HIPAGS 1996 Wayne State 22-24 Aug. 1996 P.Jacobs
ACS Symposium Orlando, FL 27-29 Aug. 1996 (B.Jacak) P.Jacobs
High Energy Physics Phenomenology Finland 31 Aug.-6 Sep. 1996 W. Retyk
Software Enginering Lausanne 2-6 Sept. 1996 (R.Brun) G.Roland
Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics School Prague 2-6 Sept. 1996 R.Stock
Multi Particle Dynamics Portugal Sept. 1996 P.Seyboth
High Energy Physics Problems Dubna 2-7 Sept. 1996
Particle Interferometry Trento 16-27 Sept. 1996 (U.Heinz) S.Schoenfelder
APS DNP MIT, Cambridge MA 2-5 Oct. 1996 B.Lasiak, M.Toy, J.Dunn, I.Huang
NuPECC Town Meeting Torino 4-5 Oct. 1996 P.Seyboth, R.Stock
Workshop on Heavy Ion Physics Using 4 pi Detectors Poliana Brasov, Romania 7-14 Oct 1996
Event-by-Event Forum CERN 8 Nov. 1996 (Foka) G.Roland, T.Trainor, T.Wienold, A.Panagiotou, D.Weerasundara
Nuclear and Particle Physics Tokyo 3-6 Dec. 1996
Oaxtepec Oaxtepec 6-9 Jan. 1997
QCD Phase Transitions Hirschegg 13-18 Jan. 1997 R.Stock, G.Roland, D.Rohrich
Jan. 1997
Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics Faro Blanco, FL 1-8 Feb. 1997 M.Toy, G.Cooper, T.Trainor
RHIC/INT Winter Workshop: Hadronic Signals of New Physics at RHIC LBNL 20-22 Feb. 1997 (Randrup) S.Margetis
ICPAQGP '97 Jaipur 17-21 March 1997 P.Jacobs, T.Trainor
Rencontres de Moriond Les Arcs 22-29 March 1997 (Kluberg)Y.Foka
Hadrosynthesis in Nuclear Collisions Trento 7-12 April 1997 (H.Satz)H.Stroebele, N.Xu, D.Roehrich
Computing in High Energy Physics Berlin 7-11 April 1997 R.Brun
Strangeness '97 Santorini 14-18 April 1997 (A.Panagiotou)P.Seyboth, C.Bormann, M.Gazdzicki, G.Odyniec, V.Friese, T.Yates
APS Washington, DC 18-21 April 1997 A.Poskanzer
Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics Elba 25-31 May 1997 B.Lasiuk, S.Wenig
Intersections of Particle & Nuclear Physics Big Sky, MT 27 May-2 June 1997 P.Jacobs
Spacetime '97 MSU 28-31 May 1997
Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions Gatlinburg, TN 2-6 June 1997 R.Stock
Nuclear Chemistry Gordon Conference
15-20 June 1997
Open Standards for Cascade Models for RHIC BNL 23-27 June 1997 (M.Gyulassy)
Advances in Nuclear Physics Thessaloniki 8-12 July 1997
Nuclear Physics Gordon Conference (QCD in Nuclear Physics)
27 Jul-1 Aug 1997
Europhysics Conf. on High Energy Physics Jerusalem 19-26 Aug. 1997 P.Seyboth
5-th International Workshop on Relativistic Aspects of Nuclear Collisions Rio de Janeiro27-29 Aug. 1997 H.G.Ritter, G.Odyniec
Multiparticle Dynamics Frascati 7-13 Sep. 1997 G.Roland
Probing Nuclear Matter at Extreme Conditions Las Vegas ACS meet. 8-11 Sep. 1997 N.Xu
APS Whistler, B.C., Canada 5-8 Oct. 1997 B.Lasiuk, L.Wood
Quark Matter '97 Tsukuba 1-5 Dec. 1997 (Yagi) G.Odyniec, G.Roland, A.Poskanzer, F.Puehlhofer
Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics Snowbird, Utah 31 Jan-7 Feb. 1998 (Ritter) P.Jacobs, T.Trainor
Hadron Physics in the 21st Century Washington, DC 27-29 March 1998 (B.Nefkens)
Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems Minsk 14-17 April 1998
pp and pA Interactions Bratislava 28-30 May 1998 (Ftacnik)
CRIS '98 HBT and Heavy Ion Physics Catania 8-12 June 1998 B.Lasiuk
Particle Distributions in Hadronic and Nuclear Collisions Chicago 11-13 June 1998 G.Roland, T.Trainor
Nuclear Chemistry Gordon Conference New London, NH 14-19 June 1998 (Sobotka)A.Poskanzer
Hadrons 98 Crimea 21-26 June 1998
High Density Matter in CERN SPS and RHIC Collisions BNL 8-14 July 1998
Strangeness in Quark Matter 98 Padova 20-24 July 1998 S.Margetis, F.Gabler
ICHEP98 Vancouver 23-28 July 1998 H.Bialkowska
Inter. Nucl. Phys. Conf. Paris 24-28 Aug 1998 (Dykstra)
Multiparticle '98 Delphi 6-12 Sep 1998 (P.Seyboth) F.Wang
Hadron Structure '98 Stara Lesna 7-13 Sep 1998 (K.Safarik)
Heavy Ion Collisions from Nuclear to Quark Matter Erice 17-25 Sep 1998 (Faessler) R.Stock, H.G.Ritter
Event-by-Event Physics Trento 21-26 Sep 1998 (Heinz) A.Poskanzer, D.Weerasundara, G.Roland, M.Gazdzicki, G.Odyniec, A.Sandoval, Y.Foka, R.Stock, T.Trainor, T.Wienold
Heavy Ion Physics at the SPS
invitation only
Chamonix 25-27 Sep 1998 (Lourenco and Drees) N.Xu (speaker), M.Gazdzicki (speaker), G.Odyniec, D.Roehrich, G.Roland (speaker), P.Seyboth, R.Stock, T.Trainor
Physics of Hadrons and Nuclei Tokyo 14-17 Dec 1998 (Morimatsu)
Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics Park City, Utah 10-15 Jan 1999 (Westfall)T.Trainor, F.Wang
Rencontres de Moriond Les Arcs 22-29 Mar 1999 P.Seyboth
QM99 Torino 10-15 May 1999 (Riccati) F.Sikler, A.Poskanzer, G.Cooper, R.Ganz, C.Hoehne, J.Reid, G.Veres
PANIC99 Uppsala 10-16 Jun 1999 (Ericson) D.Roehrich
Europhysics, High Energy Physics 99 Tampere, Finland 15-21 Jul 1999
Gordon Research Conference on QCD in Nuclear Physics Newport25-29 Jul 1999 G.Roland
Multiparticle Dynamics '99 Brown Univ.9-13 Aug 1999 T.Trainor, C.Roland
Flow and Strangeness Production Obernai, France27- 28 Sep 1999 H.Stroebele
RHIC2000:5th RHIC-INT Workshop & 6th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynam ics Park City, Utah11-18 Mar 2000 P.Seyboth, T.Trainor
Moriond 2000 Les Arcs 1800, France18-25 Mar 2000 M. Gazdzicki
CRIS 2000: Phase Transitions in Strong Interactions Acicastello, Italy 22-26 May 2000 M. Gazdzicki
CIPANP-2000:7th Conf. on Intersections Between Particle and Nuclear Physics Quebec City, Canada22-28 May 2000
Bologna 2000: Structure of the nucleus at the dawn of the Century Bologna, Italy29 May - 3 June 2000 H. Stroebele
IX International Workshop on Multiparticle Production Torino, Italy 12-17 Jun 2000 P. Seyboth
Gordon Conference on Nuclear Chemistry Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH 18-23 Jun 2000 G. Cooper
Nucleus-Nucleus Strasbourg 3-7 Jul 2000 R. Stock
Strangeness 2000 Berkeley 20-25 Jul 2000 (Odyniec) R. Barton
ICHEP 2000: XXXth International Conference on High Energy Physics Osaka, Japan 27 Jul - 2 Aug 2000 P. Filip, F. Silker
ISMD 2000 Tihany9-15 Oct 2000 P. Seyboth
QM 2001 Stony Brook January 15 - 20, 2001 C. Blume, V. Friese, T. Susa
Nuclear Dynamics 2001 Park City, USA March 10-17,2001 P. Seyboth, T. Trainor
EPS-HEP 2001 Budapest, Hungary July 12-18,2001 van Leeuwen
Gordon Conference on Nuclear Physics - "QCD in Extreme Conditions: High Temperature, High Density and small-x" Salve Regina University, Newport, RI July 22-27,2001
International Nuclear Physics Conference Berkeley, CA July 30- August 3,,2001
ISMD2001 Datong, ChinaSept. 1-7,2001 Friese
International Workshop on the Physics of the Q.G.P. Palaiseau, FranceSept. 4-7,2001 Gazdzicki, Kadija
6th International Conference on Strange Quarks in Matter Frankfurt am Main, GermanySept. 22-28,2001 Kadija, Kollegger, Mischke
ICPAQGP-2001 Jaipur, IndiaNov. 26-30,2001 Seyboth
Rencontres de Moriond Les ArcsMarch 2002 D. Barna
QM2002 Nantes, FranceJuly 18-24,2002 C. Blume, C. Hoehne, M. Kreps, M. Leeuwen, A. Mischke
ICHEP2002 AmsterdamJuly 24-31, 2002 H.Bialkowsa
ISMD2002 CrimeaSept. 7-13, 2002
19th Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics Breckenridge, CO, USAFebruary 8 -15, 2003 P. Seyboth
Strange Quark Matter 2003 (SQM2003) Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, USAMarch 12-17, 2003 V. Friese, M. Gazdzicki, I. Kraus, C. Meurer, M. Mitrovski, A. Rybicki
XXXVIIIth Rencontres de Moriond, QCD and Hadronic interactions Les Arcs 1800March 22-29, 2003 Marco van Leeuwen
8th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions Moscow, RussiaJune 17-21 2003 V. Kolesnikov
HEP2003 Europhysics Conference Aachen, GermanyJuly 17-23 2003 O.Chvala, A.Mischke
ISMD2003 XXXIII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics Cracow, PolandSeptember 2003 M.Gazdzicki, A.Rybicki
International School on Nuclear Physics; 25th Course: Heavy Ion Reactions from Nuclear to Quark Matter Erice/Sicily/ItalySeptember 16 - 24, 2003 M.Gazdzicki, M.Mitrovsky
Quark Matter 2004 Oakland, CaliforniaJanuary 11 - 17, 2004 Gazdzicki, C.Roland, Meurer, Kniege, Kadija
Nuclear Dynamics 2004 JamaicaMarch 14 - 20, 2004 Blume, Mitrovski
Moriond 2004 La ThuileMarch 28 - April 4,2004 Susa, Botje
Quarks and Nuclear Physics BloomingtonMay 23 - 28,2004 Barna
Gordon 2004 New LondonJune 13 - 18,2004 Stroebele
Focus on Multiplicity BariJune 17 - 19,2004 Rybczynski
Gordon 2004 New LondonJune 13 - 18,2004 Stroebele
Hot Quarks 2004 TaosJuly 18 - 24,2004 Blume, Kraus, Richard
ISMD2004 Sonoma State Univ., CaliforniaJuly 26-31, 2004 Seyboth
ICHEP 2004 PekingAugust 16 - 22, 2004 Flierl
Phase Transitions (NPDC18) PragueAugust 23 - 29, 2004 Bialkowska, Stoebele, Rybczynski, Christakoglou
Strange Quark Matter 2004 Cape Town, South AfricaSeptember 15 - 20, 2004 Blume, Dinkelaker, Friese, C.Roland
Quark Confinement 2004 CagliariSeptember 21 - 25, 2004 Stock
International Workshop XXXIII on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal, AustriaJanuary 16 - 22, 2005 Hoehne, Seyboth
21st Nuclear Dynamics 2005 Breckenridge, COFebruary 5 - 12, 2005 Seyboth, Stroebele
ICPAQGP 2005 KolkataFebruary 8 - 12, 2005 Friese
Moriond 2005La ThuileMarch 12 - 19, 2005Blume.Laszlo

QM2005BudapestAugust 4 - 9, 2005 Hoehne, Laszlo, Stefanek
ISMD2005KromerizAugust 9 - 15, 2005 Christakoglou, Lungwitz
PANIC 05Santa FeOctober 2005 Fodor
Can We Discover the QCD Critical Point at RHICBrookhaven National LaboratoryMarch 9-10, 2006M.Gazdzicki, P.Seyboth
SQM2006UCLA, Los AngelesMarch 26-31, 2006 M.Mitrovski, D.Kikola, T.Schuster
Hot Quarks 2006Villasimius, SardiniaMay 15-20, 2006 E.Kornas
Hard Probes 2006Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CaliforniaJune 9-16, 2006 C.Blume
CP&OoD+FCFlorenceJuly 3-9, 2006 B.Lungwitz, M.Rybczynski
QM2006ShanghaiNovember 16 - 22, 2006 C.Blume, P.Chung
23rd Nuclear Dynamics 2007Big Sky, MontanaFebruary 11 - 18, 2007 P.Seyboth
INPC2007Tokyo, JapanJune 3 - 8, 2007
CP&OoDDarmstadt, GSIJuly 2 - 7, 2007 K.Grebieszkow, A.Laszlo, B.Lungwitz, G.Melkumov
HEP2007Manchester, UKJuly 19 - 25, 2007 V.Kolesnikov
ISMD2007Berkeley, USAAugust 4 -9, 2007 P.Seyboth
Quark Matter 2008Jaipur, IndiaFebruary 4 - 10, 2008 M.Rybczynski, P.Seyboth
ICHEP 2008Philadelphia, USAJuly 29 - August 8, 2008
Hot Quarks 2008Aspen, USAAugust 13 - 18, 2008M.Szuba
ISMD2008DESY HamburgSeptember 16 - 20, 2008
SQM2008BeijingOctober 6 - 10, 2008M.Gazdzicki
PANIC08EilatNovember 9 - 14, 2008C.Blume

Future Conferences

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