Since some of you may be interested in copying NA49 DSTs onto DLT tapes, below, I will list the instructions on what/how to do this successfully. First you have to have enough DLTs at the CN tape vault. Last fall, I had problems reading back the unlabeled DLTs, so I recommend that you register DLTs as Standard Label (SL) tapes with CN. Use "copytape" utility to copy DSTs. For our purpose, copytape can be run in three modes, namely, to do one to one, one to many or many to one DSTs to DLT copying (see man copytape for more details). For almost all the NA49 DSTs, we only need, either one to one or many to one modes. I recommend that you use a directive file ( see man copytape) to define all the arguments to copytape command. I also recommend that you do tape copying on ion machines. copytape could be called in the following way with a directive file: copytape < directive file name I suggests that you check the integrity of data on DLTs before you remove them from the tape vault. First stage in the DLT and read the staged file with DSPACK and scan a few structures and see they make sense. Yes, you know what I mean !!!!. Below I will list two shell scripts that do one-->one & many-->one DSTs-->DLT copying. **************************** Example 1 ************************************* **** one DST onto one DLT (one-to-one.csh): ----------------------------one-to-one.csh-------------------------- #!/bin/csh set run = $1 set tape = $2 set fn = $3 # run copytape with a directive file copytape < cpdlt-r${run} >& cpdlt-r${run}.log # to check the integrity of data on DLT, stage a couple of files. stagein -g DLT -F F -q 1 -V DZ00${tape} -v DZ00${tape} dz${tape}.1 stagein -g DLT -F F -q ${fn} -V DZ00${tape} -v DZ00${tape} dz${tape}.${fn} --------------------------------------------------------- Say, for example, for run 833, the directive file cpdlt-r833 would look like: --------------------------cpdlt-r833------------------------------- * copy dsts for run 833 (1-64 files) to DLT tape dz0060 * COPYTAPE DIRECTIVE FILE : cpdlt-r833 MERGE 1 1 * GLOBAL OPTIONS * -s 200 INPUT * TAPE VSN VID FSEQ 1 -V YD0090 -q 1-64 OUTPUT * TAPE VSN VID FSEQ 1 -V DZ0060 ------------------------------------------------------------- To find input DST VID and the #of files on it; goto the appropriate FATMEN directory and do ls -b For DLT VID DZ0060 & run 833 with 64 DST files, one-to-one.csh could be called in the following way: one-to-one.csh 833 60 64 **************************** Example 2 ************************************* **** many DST onto one DLT (many-to-one.csh): -----------------------------many-to-one.csh-------------------------------- #!/bin/csh # run copytape with a directive file copytape < cpdlt-r814-815 >& cpdlt-r814-815.log stagein -g DLT -F F -q 1 -V DZ0085 -v DZ0085 dz85.1 stagein -g DLT -F F -q 64 -V DZ0085 -v DZ0085 dz85.64 stagein -g DLT -F F -q 65 -V DZ0085 -v DZ0085 dz85.65 stagein -g DLT -F F -q 77 -V DZ0085 -v DZ0085 dz85.77 ----------------------------cpdlt-r814-815--------------------------------- * copy dsts for run 814 (1-64 files) * 815 (1-13 files) to DLT tape dz0085 * COPYTAPE DIRECTIVE FILE : cpdlt-r814-815 MERGE 2 1 * GLOBAL OPTIONS * -s 200 INPUT * TAPE VSN VID FSEQ 1 -V YD0048 -q 1-64 2 -V YD0049 -q 1-13 OUTPUT * TAPE VSN VID FSEQ 1 -V DZ0085 ******************************************************************************* MAX_SIZE: The default is 200 MB. To change it in the line after * GLOBAL OPTIONS above, uncomment the line * -s 200 and set the -s option. The "MTPC only" DSTs are ~50 Mb, full "old" DST ~100 Mb but "global" DST will be 250 Mb. And, if we write space points, we have 1 Gb on output. You can find precise file size information in FATMEN (ls -lax). -- Predrag ******************************************************************************* I hope I provided adequate details, above. If you run into any problems, consult the experts !!!. Cheers!!! Dhammika PS. For more examples see cpdlt.csh & cpdlt-multi.csh in /afs/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dhammika Weerasundara Phone : (206)616-8141 Nuclear Physics Lab. Fax : (206)685-4634 Box 354290 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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