SYNTAX runna49@na49rs01:~> fmadd Usage: fmadd [-user] -tape -fseq -datadir -comment <'comment text'> -file EXAMPLE runna49@na49rs01:~> ll mt-*.bos -rw-r--r-- 1 runna49 vp 5224832 Aug 21 21:10 mt-empty-21aug96.bos -rw-r--r-- 1 runna49 vp 4551440 Aug 21 21:11 mt-fe-21aug96.bos runna49@na49rs01:~> fmadd -datadir //CERN/NA49/USER/RUNNA49/R96A/TEST \ -comment 'Test... Test...' -file mt-*.bos Executing: tpwrite -V YD9999 -FF -L 32768 -q 1,2 -s 5:5 mt-empty-21aug96.bos mt-fe-21aug96s Aug 26 11:44:58 tpwrite[23176]: selecting tape server ... Aug 26 11:44:58 tpwrite[23176]: * sp023 is a possible tape server. Aug 26 11:44:58 tpwrite[23176]: * sp006 is a possible tape server. Aug 26 11:44:58 tpwrite[23176]: ! selected tape server is sp006. CPDSKTP - TAPE MOUNTED ON UNIT ntr1001 CPDSKTP - RECORD FORMAT: F CPDSKTP - BLOCK SIZE: 32768 CPDSKTP - RECORD LENGTH: 32768 CPDSKTP - MAX. SIZE OF FILE: 5 MB CPDSKTP - END OF TRANSFER CPDSKTP - 5224832 BYTES COPIED CPDSKTP - 160 RECORDS COPIED CPDSKTP - DATA TRANSFER BANDWIDTH (5102 Kbytes through en0): 283 KB/sec CPDSKTP - TAPE MOUNTED ON UNIT ntr1001 CPDSKTP - RECORD FORMAT: F CPDSKTP - BLOCK SIZE: 32768 CPDSKTP - RECORD LENGTH: 32768 CPDSKTP - MAX. SIZE OF FILE: 5 MB CPDSKTP - END OF TRANSFER CPDSKTP - 4551440 BYTES COPIED CPDSKTP - 139 RECORDS COPIED CPDSKTP - DATA TRANSFER BANDWIDTH (4444 Kbytes through en0): 261 KB/sec Aug 26 11:46:44 tpwrite[23176]: command successful add/tape YD9999 YD9999 1 //CERN/NA49/USER/RUNNA49/R96A/TEST/mt-empty-21aug96.bos mt-empty-21aug96.b1 add/tape YD9999 YD9999 2 //CERN/NA49/USER/RUNNA49/R96A/TEST/mt-fe-21aug96.bos mt-fe-21aug96.bos UN 1 ACCESS TO DATA USING FATMEN - THIS WORKS *ONLY* ON shiftxx AND hpna49-x MACHINES [hpna49-2] ~ > fmsh ls "//CERN/NA49/USER/RUNNA49/R96A/TEST/*.*" -g //CERN/NA49/USER/RUNNA49/R96A/TEST/MT-EMPTY-21AUG96.BOS //CERN/NA49/USER/RUNNA49/R96A/TEST/MT-FE-21AUG96.BOS [hpna49-2] ~ > fmsh find //CERN/NA49/USER/RUNNA49/R96A/TEST/MT-EMPTY-21AUG96.BOS x.ds Aug 26 12:30:54 tpread[14668]: selecting tape server ... Aug 26 12:30:54 tpread[14668]: * sp023 is a possible tape server. Aug 26 12:30:54 tpread[14668]: ! selected tape server is sp023. CPTPDSK - TAPE MOUNTED ON UNIT ntr1005 CPTPDSK - RECORD FORMAT: F CPTPDSK - BLOCK SIZE: 32768 CPTPDSK - MAX. SIZE OF FILE: 5 MB CPTPDSK - RECORD LENGTH: 32768 CPTPDSK - END OF FILE CPTPDSK - 5224832 BYTES COPIED CPTPDSK - 160 RECORDS COPIED CPTPDSK - DATA TRANSFER BANDWIDTH (5102 Kbytes through fi0): 1020 KB/sec STG41 - stagein succeeded for file 1 on YD9999, return code 0 [hpna49-2] ~ > ll X.DS lrwxr-xr-x 1 buncic vp 42 Aug 26 12:31 X.DS -> /shift/shift37/data15/vp/stage/ REMOVING FILES FROM FATMEN FM> cd //CERN/NA49/USER/RUNNA49/R96A Current Working Directory = //CERN/NA49/USER/RUNNA49/R96A FM> ls Total of 0 files in 1 directory FM> ld List of subdirectories... //CERN/NA49/USER/RUNNA49/R96A //CERN/NA49/USER/RUNNA49/R96A/TEST Total of 1 subdirectories of which 1 match FM> cd //CERN/NA49/USER/RUNNA49/R96A/TEST Current Working Directory = //CERN/NA49/USER/RUNNA49/R96A/TEST FM> ls MT-EMPTY-21AUG96.BOS MT-FE-21AUG96.BOS Total of 2 files in 1 directory FM> ls -d FMLSC. warning - files should be deleted by descending key serial number rm //CERN/NA49/USER/RUNNA49/R96A/TEST/MT-EMPTY-21AUG96.BOS 1 rm //CERN/NA49/USER/RUNNA49/R96A/TEST/MT-FE-21AUG96.BOS 2 Total of 2 files in 1 directory FM> rm //CERN/NA49/USER/RUNNA49/R96A/TEST/MT-EMPTY-21AUG96.BOS 1 FM> rm //CERN/NA49/USER/RUNNA49/R96A/TEST/MT-FE-21AUG96.BOS 2

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