FMSH addfile - this is obsolete command, use 'fmadd' instead

Once you manage to create your DSTs, use fmsh to catalogue them.

[hpna49-2] /tmp > fmsh -help
Usage: fmsh
fmsh [FATMEN command]
fmsh [-help] [-library] [-pool] tape [-n <number>]
fmsh [-help] [-library] [-pool] free <VID VID ...>
fmsh [-help] [-library] [-pool] list
fmsh [-help] [-library] [-pool] listpool <pool>
fmsh [-help] [-library] [-pool] addtape -tape <VID>
-fseq <n>
-dataset <//CERN/NA49/...>
-name <filename on tape>
-size <Mb>
-comment <'comment text'>
fmsh [-help] [-library] [-pool] addfile [-tape <VID>]
[-fseq <n>]
[-size <Mb>]
-file <file1,file2,...>
-dataset <//CERN/NA49/...>
-name <filename on tape>
-comment <'comment text'>
If we assume that you have a dst called mydst.ds in your
/shift/shift37/data17/vp/dst/users/dhammika/dst directory, you can use
the following command to add it to FATMAN:
cd /shift/shift37/data17/vp/dst/users/dhammika/dst
fmsh addfile -file mydst.ds \
-dataset //cern/na49/users/dhammika/my_dst.ds \
-name mydst.ds \
-comment 'This is my first DST'
This will allocate free tape, calculate file size and put your first file
on tape and enter dataset into FATMEN.
Now, if you already have a tape and one file on it, you can use:
fmsh addfile -file my_newdst.ds \
-tape <VID> -fseq 2 \
-dataset //cern/na49/users/dhammika/my_new_dst.ds \
-name my_newdst.ds \
-comment 'This is my second DST'

This is how you can use fmsh to store several DST files on one tape and
update the FATMEN catalogue:
tape=`fmsh tape`
for file in 1 2 3 4 5 6
fmsh addfile -file dst_$i.ds \
-tape $tape -fseq $i \
-dataset //cern/na49/users/dhammika/dst_$i.ds \
-name dst_$1.ds \
-comment 'DST file'
If you already have your own tapes which you would like to enter into FATMEN,
you can also use:
fmsh addtape -tape <VID> -fseq <n> \
-dataset <//CERN/NA49/...> -name <filename on tape> -size <Mb> \
-comment <'comment text'>

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