p=10-15 pt=0.3-0.5 Positives: ^^^^^^^^^^ 87: kink, a/p correct! Negatives: ^^^^^^^^^^ 42: split! (event 473, track 8,4) {could not be merged, #8 is secondary} 43: split! (event 480, track 14,3) {could not be merged, primary} 83: ? (few points missing) 96: is it really OK? close tracks {yes, it is ok} Positives 16 ++------------+--------------+------------**-*****--------+------------++ 12 ++ + + ** *** * + ++ 10 ++ ****** ** ++ 8 ++ * ** * ++ 4 ++ **** * ++ 2 ++ + ** + ** * + * + ++ 0 ****************************************---+------*******************--++ 0 50 100 150 200 250 Number of points Negatives 20 ++------------+--------------+-------------$$$--$$--------+------------++ 16 ++ + + $ $ $$ + ++ 12 ++ $$ $ $$ ++ 10 ++ $ $$$$$ ++ 6 ++ $$$$ $ ++ 2 ++$$ + + $$ + $$$ + ++ 0 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$----+-------$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$--++ 0 50 100 150 200 250 Number of points