p=3-6 pt=0.7-0.9 Positives: ^^^^^^^^^^ 19: Split? {no, just close tracks} 62, 87: Crossing tracks, only one point removed {ok, bug in the intersection-remover, corrected, thanks!} Negatives: ^^^^^^^^^^ No problem. Remark: still there are many short tracks. Positives 10 ++-**---------***---***------+-------------+--------------+------------++ 8 ++ ** ** ***** * + + + ++ 6 ++ ** ** ** * ** ** * ++ | ** ** ** * ** * | 4 ++****** ***** * ++ 2 ++* * * + * ** ** + *************** ++ 0 ***----***----+-------************************---**-----**+**********--++ 0 50 100 150 200 250 Number of points Negatives 10 ++------------+-$$-----------+-------------+--------------+------------++ 8 ++$$ $$ $$$$+ $$ $$ + + + ++ 6 ++$$ $$ $ $ $$$$$$$ ++ | $$$ $$ $ $$$$ $ | 4 ++$ $$$$ $$ $$ $ $$$ ++ 2 ++$ $$$ + $ +$$$ + $$$$ $$$$$$$$ ++ 0 $$$-----------+-------$$$$$$$$$-$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-----$$----$$$$$$$$$$$--++ 0 50 100 150 200 250 Number of points