- The files are stored on shift, so you have to log in to a na49i machine.
- Tracks can be visualized using a simple plotter called gnuplot (version 3.6 or 3.7).
- PC Linux: only the old 3.5 version is installed, but you can have it using my compiled 3.7 version which is at ~fsikler/public/gnuplot/bin/gnuplot (make an alias to this).
- Otherwise you can get the latest gnuplot 3.7 version from here.
- Bin-by-bin track scan:
The aim is to look at tracks with both positive and negative charges, in selected 5×5 bins in (p,pT).
Track selection: global rtracks with iflag=0 are used.
The viewer call is given below.
The 'event' field composition, just two examples:
Hopefully we will have 100 tracks in each bin that can be accessed via the 'track' field by giving numbers between 0 and 99.
- 'pbpb/pos_p=3-6_pt=0.7-0.9'
means positive, p between 3 and 6 GeV/c and pT between 0.7 and 0.9 GeV/c.
- 'pbpb/neg_p=10-15_pt=0.0-0.2'
means negative, p between 10 and 15 GeV/c and pT between 0.0 and 0.2 GeV/c.
- How to use it?
Read the following thoroughly!
- Login to a na49i
- Type cd ~fsikler/public/ips/reform/view
- Type ~fsikler/public/gnuplot/bin/gnuplot (look at machine dependencies here)
- The viewer call
(after the prompt):
gnuplot> call "plot" 'event' 'low z' 'high z' 'low x/y' 'high x/y' 'track' 'view'
- 'event': see above
- 'track': track number 0-
if there are no more tracks in the event the message
"No tracks with sequential number ..." appears
- 'view' : 0 for topview (z-x), 1 for sideview (z-y)
Look at both views!- 'low and high x/y/z': determines the vertical and horizontal range for the plot, given in cm. Change this values to zoom in/out.
gnuplot> call "plot" 'pbpb/pos_p=3-6_pt=0.7-0.9' '-600' '800' '-400' '400' 1 0
will display track 1 in the specified bin, in topview mode.
Single and double quotes are important!
- Graphics
Labels - the above mentioned track numbers - are also plotted, centered on track pieces. They allow cross-checks with other tracks. The borders of the TPCs are indicated using straight lines (MTPCs are not rotated).
Blue: points belonging to the chosen track Red: surrounding points of another tracks Green: points of V0 candidate Lightblue: unused points Open square: fitted first point Green line: result of the tracking without vertex constraint, line Purple line: result of the tracking with vertex constraint, line Vertical line: at target z, confidence limits on bx and by
Make the graphics window big enough in order to see the points.
- Printout
After each call a line in the following format is printed and appears as a title in the graphics window:
p=('px','py','pz') b=('bx','by') fit='fitted points' a/p=('vt1','vt2','mt') iflag='iflag' event='event'
- 'px','py','pz': track momentum components in GeV/c
- 'bx','by': impact parameters at vertex->z in cm
- 'a/p': actual over potential point ratios in the three TPCs in percent
0% means: no actual points, although there are potential points
-1% means: track cannot have points, i.e. there are no potential points
- 'iflag': track iflag
- 'event': event number
gnuplot> call "plot" 'pbpb/pos_p=3-6_pt=0.7-0.9' '-600' '800' '-400' '400' 1 0
p=(-0.733 0.016 3.273) b=(0.56 -0.34) fit=167 a/p=(88%|55%|88%) iflag=0 event=1
- You can quit gnuplot by typing q or quit or exit
- Reports
25 bins will be distributed. Reports in written form are expected (mail) that will be displayed in a table: as an example you can look at the report-page of p+Pb here. At the end short summaries, remarks are also welcome.