Tracking QA - selection
- For the visualization space points are needed, thus the big DST is used.
The data fields are accessed via the following pointers (header file):
- vertex: vertex_fit
- position: x, y, z
- chi2 probability: pchi2
- global rtracks:
g_ptr_list -> rtrack_glb_p
- space points: point_p recursively
- fitted trajectory: x, y, z and px, py, pz
as starting point, using trkstep
- global tracks:
g_ptr_list -> rtrack_glb_p -> first_track_p
- track flag: iflag
- charge: sign of qpxz
- momentum at vertex: px, py, pz
- impact parameter: bx, by
- actual/potential point ratios:
rtrack_quali->n_point / rtrack_quali->n_max_point
- Event selection
- p+p (using Gábor's list)
- vertex_fit->pchi2 > 0 ®
- -585 < vertex_fit->z < -574 ®
- (vertex_fit->x)**2+(vertex_fit->y)**2 < 1 ®
- p+Pb (using Gábor's list)
- vertex_fit->pchi2 > 0 ®
- -583.43 < vertex_fit->z < -577.43 ®
- (vertex_fit->x)**2+(vertex_fit->y)**2 < 1 ®