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EXEC class

EXEC class is mainly used in Server/Client operation. All methods are stand-alone programs or shell commands. The driver allows the user to specify up to 20 sub-classes and in ech of them up to 5 different commands for handling different messages for each sub-class.

The driver creates an object .exec:

Definition of EXEC sub-classes

structure /exec_method/                           
               character*80  command         
               character*80  messages        
       end structure
       structure /exec/                                  
               record/exec_method/  methods(5)      
       end structure

System command to be executed
List of messages (separated by spaces ot commas) which triggers the command

20 entries of .exec are created when the driver is initialized. The user can fill any of them with required action.

Example of EXEC sub-class definition

INIT .exec(1)                                 ! CLASS exec TYPE 1
     methods(1).command  = dsread >/dev/null
     methods(1).messages = FILL

INIT .exec(2) ! CLASS exec TYPE 2 methods(1).command = $PATREC_HOME/bin/patrec_ds >/dev/null methods(1).messages = FILL END INIT

The definitions above ensure that an attempt to access any object of class exec and type 1 will trigger dsread if the object has no data. And the attampt to access an object of class exec and type 2 will run patrec_ds. The process is recursive - so, if patrec_ds requires objects which are of CLASS exec and type 1 - dsread will automatically be called (unless the object is already there).

Fri Nov 4 01:19:29 MET 1994