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EXEC class is mainly used in Server/Client operation. All methods are stand-alone programs or shell commands. The driver allows the user to specify up to 20 sub-classes and in ech of them up to 5 different commands for handling different messages for each sub-class.
The driver creates an object .exec:
Definition of EXEC sub-classes
structure /exec_method/ character*80 command character*80 messages end structure structure /exec/ record/exec_method/ methods(5) end structure
20 entries of .exec are created when the driver is initialized. The user can fill any of them with required action.
Example of EXEC sub-class definition
INIT .exec(1) ! CLASS exec TYPE 1 methods(1).command = dsread >/dev/null methods(1).messages = FILL END INITINIT .exec(2) ! CLASS exec TYPE 2 methods(1).command = $PATREC_HOME/bin/patrec_ds >/dev/null methods(1).messages = FILL END INIT
The definitions above ensure that an attempt to access any object of class exec and type 1 will trigger dsread if the object has no data. And the attampt to access an object of class exec and type 2 will run patrec_ds. The process is recursive - so, if patrec_ds requires objects which are of CLASS exec and type 1 - dsread will automatically be called (unless the object is already there).