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Defining objects

Structures are used widely in C. Most modern Fortran compilers also provide structures, records and pointers, although there are some (platform dependent) limitations. Throughout this manual we use examples tested with f77 compiler on SunOS and HPUX, although they should also work on other platforms.

Example of user's structure in Fortran

               real x_start
               real y_start
               real z_start
               real px
               real py
               real pz
               real dx
               real dy
               real dz
               real dpx
               real dpy
               real dpz
               real charge
               real chisq
               integer n_hits
               integer flag1
               integer flag2
               integer point_p                ! pointer to first hit
               integer vertex                 ! pointer to vertex structure
               integer nextvt_p               ! pointer to next vertex track
      end structure

Similarly one can define a track in C:

Example of user's structure in c

typedef struct track_t {
               float x_start;
               float y_start;
               float z_start;
               float px;
               float py;
               float pz;
               float dx;
               float dy;
               float dz;
               float dpx;
               float dpy;
               float dpz;
               float charge;
               float chisq;
               int n_hits;
               int flag1;
               int flag2;
               point_t *point_p;                 /* pointer to first hit */
               vertex_t *vertex_p;               /* pointer to vertex structure */
               track_t *nextvt_p;                /* pointer to next vertex track */

The definitions above describe the same object and it is easy to map between them by passing a pointer between programs. The problem arises when we need to write data into a disk file or tape or when we want to access the data interactively.

In DSPACK the track structure may be defined in a similar way:

Structure definition in DSPACK

DEFINE track_t S 1                  ! define structure track_t, section 1
               .REAL4 x_start
               .REAL4 y_start
               .REAL4 z_start
               .REAL4 px
               .REAL4 py
               .REAL4 pz
               .REAL4 dx
               .REAL4 dy
               .REAL4 dz
               .REAL4 dpx
               .REAL4 dpy
               .REAL4 dpz
               .REAL4 charge
               .REAL4 chisq
               .INT4  n_hits
               .INT4 flag1
               .INT4 flag2
                point_t *point_p                 ! pointer to first hit
                vertex_t *vertex_p               ! pointer to vertex structure
                track_t *nextvt_p                ! pointer to next vertex track

Some items in this example require explanation.

Just like in C or Fortran we can simplify the definition by grouping elements:

Structure definition in DSPACK

DEFINE V3 R 0                       ! A template for three real numbers
    "X component" x
    "Y component" y
    "Z component" z

DEFINE track_t S 1 ! define structure track_t, section 1 V3 start ! start position V3 p ! momentum V3 d ! position errors V3 dp ! momentum errors .REAL4 charge .REAL4 chisq .INT4 n_hits .INT4 flags(2) point_t *point_p ! pointer to first hit vertex_t *vertex_p ! pointer to vertex structure track_t *nextvt_p ! pointer to next vertex track END DEFINE

To see how this works you need a little program which will read the definitions and interpret them.

example_1.f - test program for example_1

program example_1
*   ********************************************************************
*   *                                                                  *
*$$ *   program example_1  DSPACK tutorial example_1                   *
*   *                                                                  *
*   *   Ryszard Zybert    Jul  1 12:58:10 1994                         *
*   ********************************************************************

* Initialise DSPACK, local mode, 2MB memory

call dsinit(0,'example_1',6,500000,50000,ierr)

* Call ds_examine and do the rest interactively

call ds_examine(' ')


This program and the definition file are kept in $DSPACK_HOME/doc/tutorial.

The example session below demonstrates how it may be used.

Example session with example_1

tmp> mkdir dspack_test
tmp> setenv DSPACK_HOME /na49/dspack/new

tmp> cd $DSPACK_HOME/doc /na49/dspack/new/doc

doc> tar cf - tutorial | (cd /data/na49/tmp/dspack_test; tar xf - )

doc> cd /data/na49/tmp/dspack_test/tutorial/examples /data/na49/tmp/dspack_test/tutorial/examples

examples> make example_1 f77 -c -xl -g -DSUN -I/na49/dspack/new/inc -o example_1.o example_1.f example_1.f: MAIN example_1: f77 -o example_1 -xl -g -DSUN -I/na49/dspack/new/inc example_1.o /na49/dspack/new/lib/libdspack.a /na49/dspack/new/lib/zemu.a /na49/dspack/new/lib/libdspack.a `cernlib genlib packlib kernlib`

examples> example_1 DSPACK 1.129, 30 Jun 1994 dsdb> errors ! enable all error messages and warnings Errors enabled dsdb> echo ! enable echoing of *.d files to the screen Echo on dsdb> read dspack_tut_1.d * * ******************************************************************** * * * *$$ * dspack_tut_1.d DSPACK tutorial - example 1 * * * * * ******************************************************************** * DEFINE V3 R 0 ! A template for three real numbers "X component" x "Y component" y "Z component" z END DEFINE

DEFINE track_t S 1 ! define structure track_t, section 1 V3 start ! start position V3 p ! momentum V3 d ! position errors V3 dp ! momentum errors .REAL4 charge .REAL4 chisq .INT4 n_hits .INT4 flags(2) point_t *point_p ! pointer to first hit vertex_t *vertex_p ! pointer to vertex structure track_t *nextvt_p ! pointer to next vertex track END DEFINE DS_FIXPNT Warning: Void pointer: point_t DS_FIXPNT Warning: From: track_t DS_FIXPNT Warning: Void pointer: vertex_t DS_FIXPNT Warning: From: track_t

dsdb> ls -l Name Type Id Sect Size Items Nent Bytes V3 R 17 0 3 3 0 0 track_t S 18 1 20 11 0 0

dsdb> c ! use C mode to display definitions dsdb> track_t Definition of data set: track_t (trac) ID: 18 Type: Structure Section: 1 Machine words: 20 Items: 11 1 start V3 2 p V3 3 d V3 4 dp V3 5 charge .REAL4 6 chisq .REAL4 7 n_hits .INT4 8 flags(2) .INT4 9 *point_p point_t 10 *vertex_p vertex_t 11 *nextvt_p track_t

typedef struct V3 { float x; float y; float z; }; typedef struct track_t { struct V3 start; struct V3 p; struct V3 d; struct V3 dp; float charge; float chisq; int n_hits; int flags[2]; struct point_t *point_p; struct vertex_t *vertex_p; struct track_t *nextvt_p; }; dsdb> quit


Reading the file produced warnings because two of the pointers defined in the structure refer to unknown objects. We can define the needed objects later, otherwise the pointers will always be set to 0.

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Fri Nov 4 23:36:02 MET 1994