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Using calculator

Calculator is installed as a built-in class in DSPACK. The following examples demonstrate how the calculator may be used interactively. If the object we want to calculate is undefined - the standard definition template is used. The expression is stored as an object resource and the object is assigned to calculator class. If the new object is defined, it's type is decided by the type of the result, otherwise the result is converted to the type needed.

Calculate mean of all entries

dsdb> calc mean_y = SUM(point_t.pos.y)/NENT(point_t)
dsdb> mean_y
 mean_y = SUM(point_t.pos.y)/NENT(point_t)
 Definition of data set: mean_y              (mean) ID:    23
 Type:                   Real
 Section:                    1
 Machine words:              1
 Items:                      1
   1  CALC

typedef struct mean_y { float CALC; }; dsdb> ls -l Name Type Id Sect Size Items Nent Bytes V3 R 18 0 3 3 0 0 track_t S 19 1 20 11 0 0 point_t S 20 1 9 4 10 360 vertex_t S 21 1 10 5 0 0 POINT_C_T R 22 2 4 4 2 32 mean_y R 23 1 1 1 1 4

dsdb> *mean_y Data set: mean_y Entry: 1 Type: Real (at: 5705336) 1 CALC : 2.04000

In this case the 10 entries of point_t result in a single number. Usually the result is a vector, like in the following example.

Example - Calculating distance from Z axis

dsdb> calc r_point = SQRT(point_t.pos.x^2+point_t.pos.y^2)
dsdb> *r_point.CALC
    1  r_point.CALC  =         1.11803
    2  r_point.CALC  =         3.90512
    3  r_point.CALC  =         1.13600
    4  r_point.CALC  =         3.94098
    5  r_point.CALC  =         1.15412
    6  r_point.CALC  =         3.97683
    7  r_point.CALC  =         1.17239
    8  r_point.CALC  =         4.01269
    9  r_point.CALC  =         1.19080
   10  r_point.CALC  =         4.04855

If we use 'logical' expression, we get 'logical' result:

Example - Logical expressions

dsdb> calc distant = r_point.CALC>2
dsdb> distant
 distant = r_point.CALC>2
 Definition of data set: distant             (dist) ID:    25
 Type:                   Logical
 Section:                    1
 Machine words:              1
 Items:                      1
   1  CALC

typedef struct distant { int CALC; }; dsdb> *distant.CALC 1 distant.CALC = F 2 distant.CALC = T 3 distant.CALC = F 4 distant.CALC = T 5 distant.CALC = F 6 distant.CALC = T 7 distant.CALC = F 8 distant.CALC = T 9 distant.CALC = F 10 distant.CALC = T dsdb>

Calculator objects are filled with data following the stored expressions. In all other respects they behave like all other objects.

In order to perform the calculations the calculator driver makes requests for all source objects needed. This means that - the FILL message will be sent to point driver (or REFILL if point_t has data. It is demonstrated in the following example, where point_t is filled with data following a message from calculator. Note Nent column for point_t.

Example - indirect filling of objects

dsdb> ls -l
Name             Type        Id     Sect    Size    Items   Nent    Bytes
V3                 R         18       0       3       3       0         0
track_t            S         19       1      20      11       0         0
point_t            S         20       1       9       4       0         0
vertex_t           S         21       1      10       5       0         0
POINT_C_T          R         22       2       4       4       2        32

dsdb> calc mean_y = SUM ( point_t.pos.y ) /NENT ( point_t ) dsdb> ls -l Name Type Id Sect Size Items Nent Bytes V3 R 18 0 3 3 0 0 track_t S 19 1 20 11 0 0 point_t S 20 1 9 4 0 0 vertex_t S 21 1 10 5 0 0 POINT_C_T R 22 2 4 4 2 32 mean_y R 23 1 1 1 0 0

dsdb> *mean_y Data set: mean_y Entry: 1 Type: Real (at: 5705320) 1 CALC : 2.04000 dsdb> ls -l Name Type Id Sect Size Items Nent Bytes V3 R 18 0 3 3 0 0 track_t S 19 1 20 11 0 0 point_t S 20 1 9 4 10 360 vertex_t S 21 1 10 5 0 0 POINT_C_T R 22 2 4 4 2 32 mean_y R 23 1 1 1 1 4


In the process of calculating mean_y point_t has been filled with data.

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Fri Nov 4 23:36:02 MET 1994