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The dsdef call above could be written in C like that:
if( !dsdef(".CHAR24","C*24",0,1,"C Character*24",&iv,&ierr)) { printf("Error defining .CHAR24: %i\n",ierr); exit(-1); }
All character strings used as arguments in C calls must be NULL terminated, even if they are used to return data.
DSPACK makes no attempt to align data. The mininum data 'chunk' is a 4 byte word. The proper alignment should be ensured when defining objects. DSPACK will always assumme that objects are exacly as they are defined and once the number of 4 byte words per objects entry is calculated it is used when moving data. In particular if an element of a structure is of type character it must have the correct number of bytes independently of NULL termination.
Many routines have the list of arguments starting from
Unless explicitly stated that 'name' may refer to an 'item' - the name must be a full name of a data set.
IVDSN is a data set handle. DSPACK treats it as follows:
Consequently - a separate variable should be used for ivdsn for each call. It should be preset to 0 before the first call and never touched again. Once found the handle is always valid and allows DSPACK to find the data quickly. It should be included in a SAVE statement in fortran and declared static in C.
As a convention here all returned arguments are marked with an asterisk (Êarg*Ê) and all arguments which are both input and output are marked with preceeding and following asterisk (Ê*arg*Ê)
Fortran and C calls are shown for each routine. Unless explicitly shown otherwise fortran calls are implemented as subroutines. For C calls the return value is usually the same as ierr except if the function returns a pointer.
For succesful return ierr=0.
All arguments containing names are of type character, all others are integer.