// *************************
// * T49MiXeR CLASS V1.0 *
// *************************
// T49Mixer Class is a software tool designed for the Event mixing technique.
// It can generate various types of Object pairs e.g.:
// 1) Random Pair types
// 2) Unique Pair types
// T49Mixer has two Pools (P1 and P2) where objects can be stored.
// Therefore it can generate P1P1, P2P2 and P1P2 pairs.
// In the case of Unique pairs each object is used only once for pair generation.
// T49Mixer can generate also Random Unique Pairs - see e.g. GetRUniquePairP1P1()
// Method PutToP1 (the same for P2) stores your objects into the Mixer's Pool
// via Object->Clone() method. This creates a copy of the object in the Pool.
// If Pool is full, old objects are replacedi (one after another).
// While replacing old object X a simple "delete X" call is used to remove
// old object. Make sure X->Clone() and "delete X" works well for your X !
// (For TObjArray type "delete X" works well if X->SetOwner(1) is used.)
// If your objects are not Clonable you can still mix them in T49Mixer:
// Prepare TObjArray* W of pointers to your objects and use SetPool1(W) method.
// In this case you take responsibility for the storage of objects being mixed.
// Pools of T49Mixer do not have to be full to generate pairs. You can ask for
// the pair any time. For number of pairs in T49Mixer call e.g. NofPairsP1P2().
// T49Mixer remembers which pairs have been generated.
// Therefore you can ask for not used pairs of a given type e.g.:
// - GetNuPairP1P2 (first Not used P1P2 pair )
// - GetNuRPairP1P2 (random Not used P1P2 pair - requires more CPU time)
// T49Mixer has its own Graphical Interface Show() which shows current
// status of the Mixer graphically:
// - Number of objects in the pool ShowP1()
// - Number of generated pairs ShowP1P1()
// - Status of Unique pairs ShowUP1P1()
// Typical usage of T49Mixer can look as follows:
// 1) declaration e.g. T49Mixer* MX = new T49Mixer(100,1030);
// 2) filling of Pool(s) MX->PutToP1(Obj1) or MX->SetPool1(ObjArray)
// 3) generating pairs MX->GetRPairP1P1(&Obj1,&Obj2);
// 4) emptying the pools MX->PurgePool1() or MX->ClearPool1()
// 5) another filling - 2) and generating pairs - 3)
// 6) deleting mixer if created on Heap (as shown here)
// Do not forget: GetRPairP1P1(&Obj1,&Obj2) can repeat same pairs.
// Enjoy T49Mixer !
// Designed at
// Send comments to
#include "T49Mixer.h"
TObjArray *gT49Mixer = 0;
$Log: T49Mixer.C,v $
Revision 1.6 2005/02/08 12:45:26 flierl
Replaced uncorrect assignment of arrays
Revision 1.5 2001/06/13 08:16:20 cblume
Update from Peter Filip
Revision 1.4 2000/02/23 09:42:07 cblume
Update by P.Filip: Speed optimization and Documentation
Revision 1.3 1999/12/20 17:18:33 cblume
Upgrade by P. Filip
* Revision 1.2 1999/11/24 16:03:46 cblume
* Fixes in gteval_nt_root.h and T49Mixer. Addrd T49Dedx again in T49ANA. Some cosmetics.
* Revision 1.1 1999/11/23 13:54:39 cblume
* Add T49Mixer.C
T49Mixer::T49Mixer(Int_t n)
{ if (n<2) n = 2; Init101();
// Constructor to initialize the mixer with 1 Pool.
// n - number of objects to be stored (default 100)
// Declare as: T49Mixer TX(1700); or T49Mixer TX;
// Heap declaration: T49Mixer* TX = new T49Mixer();
if(gT49Mixer==0) { gT49Mixer = new TObjArray(14,1); }
fID = gT49Mixer->AddAtFree(this);
cout << ".T49MiXeR(" << n << ") ID:" << fID << endl;
fN1MAX=n; fIdx1MAX=n-1;
fPool1 = new TObjArray(n);
fUsed1 = new TArrayC(n);
fUniq11= new TArrayI(n); nUsedUniP1P1 = 0;
fMaskXX = new TArrayI(n*(1+n/32));
fMaxIdx1 = 0;
nMaxMXX = n;
fP1Rx = 0;
nPools = 1;
T49Mixer::T49Mixer(Int_t n1, Int_t n2)
{ if(n1<2)n1=2;if(n2<2)n2=2; Init101();
// Constructor to initialize the mixer with 2 Pools
// n1, n2 - number of objects to be stored in Pools
// Declare: T49Mixer DX(100,200); (on Data Segment)
// or: T49Mixer* HX = new T49Mixer(500,700); (Heap)
if(gT49Mixer==0) { gT49Mixer = new TObjArray(14,1); }
fID = gT49Mixer->AddAtFree(this);
cout << ".T49MiXeR(" << n1 << "," << n2 << ") ID:" << fID << endl;
fN1MAX=n1; fN2MAX=n2; fIdx1MAX=n1-1; fIdx2MAX=n2-1;
fPool1 = new TObjArray(n1); fPool2 = new TObjArray(n2);
fUsed1 = new TArrayC(n1); fUsed2 = new TArrayC(n2);
fUniq11= new TArrayI(n1); fUniq22= new TArrayI(n2);
nUsedUniP1P1 = 0; nUsedUniP2P2 = 0;
fUniq12= new TArrayI(n1); fUniq21= new TArrayI(n2);
nUsedUniP1P2 = 0; nUsedUniP2P1 = 0;
if (n1>=n2) { fMaskXX = new TArrayI(n1*(1+n1/32)); nMaxMXX = n1; }
else { fMaskXX = new TArrayI(n2*(1+n2/32)); nMaxMXX = n2; }
if (n1>=n2) { fMaskXY = new TArrayI(n1*(1+n1/32)); nMaxMXY = n1;}
else { fMaskXY = new TArrayI(n2*(1+n2/32)); nMaxMXY = n2;}
fMaxIdx1=0; fMaxIdx2=0;
nObjects1=0; nObjects2=0;
fP1Full=0; fP2Full=0;
fP1Rx = 0; fP2Rx = 0;
nPools = 2;
// T49Mixer Destructor
if(fVerbose) cout << "T49MiXeR destructor active:" << endl;
if (nPools == 1)
{ if(fVerbose) cout << "Deleting Pool1 ..." << endl;
delete fPool1;
delete fUsed1;
delete fUniq11;
delete fMaskXX;
if (nPools == 2)
{ if(fVerbose) cout << "Deleting Pool1 & Pool2 ..." << endl;
PurgePool1(); PurgePool2();
delete fPool1; delete fPool2;
delete fUsed1; delete fUsed2;
delete fUniq11; delete fUniq22;
delete fUniq12; delete fUniq21;
delete fMaskXX; delete fMaskXY;
(*gT49Mixer)[fID] = 0;
if (fVerbose) { cout << "T49MiXeR ID was:" << fID << endl; }
fID = gT49Mixer->GetEntries();
if (fVerbose) { cout << "T49MiXeR remain:" << fID << endl; }
if(fID == 0) { delete gT49Mixer; gT49Mixer = 0; }
gStyle = (TStyle*)gROOT->GetListOfStyles()->Last();
if(fVerbose) cout << "T49MiXeR destructor finished." << endl;
//////////////////////////////////////////////// MIXER Methods
Bool_t T49Mixer::IsFull()
{ return PoolsFull(); }
// Return "true" if Pools of mixer are full
// Identical to PoolsFull()
void T49Mixer::PutToMixer(TObject *Obj1, TObject *Obj2)
{ PutToP1P2(Obj1,Obj2); }
// Put Obj1 to Pool1 and Obj2 to Pool2
// Identical to PutToP1P2(Obj1,Obj2)
Int_t T49Mixer::PutOne(TObject *Obj)
{ return PutToP1(Obj); }
// Put object Obj into Pool1 of Mixer
// Identical to PutToP1(Obj)
Int_t T49Mixer::NofObjects()
{ return NofObjectsP1(); }
// Get number of objects in Pool1
// Identical to NofObjectsP1()
Int_t T49Mixer::NofUsed()
{ return NofUsedP1(); }
// Get number of used objects in Pool1
// Identical to NofUsedP1()
Int_t T49Mixer::NofFree()
{ return NofFreeP1(); }
// Get number of not used objects in Pool1
// Identical to NofFreeP1()
TObject* T49Mixer::GetOne()
{ return GetFromP1(); }
// Get pointer to random object in Pool1 of Mixer
// Identical to GetFromP1()
TObject* T49Mixer::GetOneAt(Int_t idx)
{ return GetFromP1At(idx); }
// Get pointer to Object in Pool1 of Mixer at position idx
// Identical to GetFromP1At(idx)
TObject* T49Mixer::GetNuOne()
{ return GetNuOneP1(); }
// Get pointer to Not Used object in Pool1 of Mixer
// Identical to GetNuOneP1()
TObject* T49Mixer::GetNuROne()
{ return GetNuROneP1(); }
// Get pointer to Not Used Random object in Pool1 of Mixer
// Identical to GetNuROneP1()
Int_t T49Mixer::NofPairs()
{ return NofPairsP1P1(); }
// Get number of P1P1 pairs of objects in Pool1
// Identical to NofPairsP1P1()
Int_t T49Mixer::NofUsedPairs()
{ return NofUsedPairsP1P1(); }
// Get number of Used P1P1 pairs of objects in Pool1
// Identical to NofUsedPairsP1P1()
Int_t T49Mixer::NofFreePairs()
{ return NofFreePairsP1P1(); }
// Get number of not used P1P1 pairs of objects in Pool1
// Identical to NofFreePairsP1P1()
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetPairAt(TObject** Obj1, TObject** Obj2, Int_t idx1, Int_t idx2)
{ return GetPairP1P1At(Obj1,Obj2,idx1,idx2); }
// Set pointers Obj1, Obj2 to pair of objects in Pool1 at positions idx1, idx2
// Identical to GetPairP1P1At(Obj1,Obj2,idx1,idx2)
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetRPair(TObject** Obj1,TObject** Obj2)
{ return GetRPairP1P1(Obj1,Obj2); }
// Set pointers Obj1, Obj2 to pair of objects in Pool1 at random and different positions idx1, idx2
// Identical to GetRPairP1P1(Obj1,Obj2)
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetNuPair(TObject** Obj1,TObject** Obj2)
{ return GetNuPairP1P1(Obj1,Obj2); }
// Set pointers Obj1, Obj2 to not used pair of objects in Pool1
// Identical to GetNuPairP1P1(Obj1,Obj2)
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetNuRPair(TObject** Obj1,TObject** Obj2)
{ return GetNuRPairP1P1(Obj1,Obj2); }
// Set pointers Obj1, Obj2 to random not used pair of objects in Pool1
// Identical to GetNuRPairP1P1(Obj1,Obj2)
Int_t T49Mixer::NofUniquePairs()
{ return NofUniquePairsP1P1(); }
// Get number of Unique P1P1 pairs of objects in Pool1
// Identical to NofUniquePairsP1P1()
Int_t T49Mixer::NofUsedUniquePairs()
{ return NofUsedUniquePairsP1P1(); }
// Get number of Used Unique P1P1 pairs of objects in Pool1
// Identical to NofUsedUniquePairsP1P1()
Int_t T49Mixer::NofFreeUniquePairs()
{ return NofFreeUniquePairsP1P1(); }
// Get number of not used Unique P1P1 pairs of objects in Pool1
// Identical to NofFreeUniquePairsP1P1()
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetUniquePair(TObject** Obj1,TObject** Obj2)
{ return GetUniquePairP1P1(Obj1,Obj2); }
// Set pointers Obj1, Obj2 to Unique pair of objects in Pool1
// Identical to GetUniquePairP1P1(Obj1,Obj2)
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetRUniquePair(TObject** Obj1,TObject** Obj2)
{ return GetRUniquePairP1P1(Obj1,Obj2); }
// Set pointers Obj1, Obj2 to Random Unique pair of objects in Pool1
// Identical to GetRUniquePairP1P1(Obj1,Obj2)
void T49Mixer::PurgeMixer()
{ PurgePools(); }
// Delete objects in Pools of Mixer
// Identical to PurgePools()
void T49Mixer::SetMixer(TObjArray *ObjA1, TObjArray *ObjA2)
{ SetPools(ObjA1,ObjA2); }
// Copy object pointers from TObjArrays into Pools
// Identical to SetPools(ObjA1,ObjA2)
void T49Mixer::ClearMixer()
{ ClearPools(); }
// Clear TObject pointers (=0) in Pools of Mixer
// Identical To ClearPools()
void T49Mixer::ResetMixer()
{ AllUsedReset(); }
// Reset all information about usage of pairs and objects
// Content of Pools remains untouched
// Identical to AllUsedReset()
void T49Mixer::ShowMixer()
{ Show(); }
// Show Graphic User Interface of Mixer
// Identical to Show()
void T49Mixer::DumpMixer()
{ DumpP1P1(); if (nPools==2) { DumpP2P2(); DumpP1P2(); } }
// Print ASCII information about pairs in mixer
// Identical to DumpP1P1() and DumpP2P2() + DumpP1P2()
Char_t* T49Mixer::GetLAname()
{ return GetLACName(fLAC); }
// Return string name of last recorded action performed in Mixer
// Identical to GetLACName( GetLACode() )
//////////////////////////////////////////////// STATUS
Bool_t T49Mixer::PoolsFull()
// Return "true" if Pools of mixer are full
if (nPools==1) {return fP1Full;}
else { return fP1Full*fP2Full;}
Bool_t T49Mixer::Pool1Full()
// Return "true" if Pool1 is full
return fP1Full;
Bool_t T49Mixer::Pool2Full()
// Return "true" if Pool2 is full
return fP2Full;
//////////////////////////////////////////////// PURGE Pool
void T49Mixer::PurgePools()
// Delete objects in Pool1 and also in Pool2 if exists
if (nPools==2) PurgePool2();
void T49Mixer::PurgePool1()
// Delete Objects in Pool1
fLAC = fLAC1 = 54;
if(fVerbose) cout << "Deleteing objects in Pool 1 ... " << endl;
Int_t fVerboseStat = fVerbose;
fVerbose = 0;
TObject* a;
for(int i=0;i<nObjects1;i++)
a = GetFromP1At(i);
delete a;
nObjects1 = 0; fMaxIdx1 = 0;
fP1Full = 0; fP1Rx = 0;
fVerbose = fVerboseStat;
void T49Mixer::PurgePool2()
// Delete Objects in Pool2
fLAC = fLAC2 = 64;
if(fVerbose) cout << "Deleteing objects in Pool 2 ... " << endl;
Int_t fVerboseStat = fVerbose;
fVerbose = 0;
TObject* a;
for(int i=0;i<nObjects2;i++)
a = GetFromP2At(i);
delete a;
nObjects2 = 0; fMaxIdx2 = 0;
fP2Full = 0; fP2Rx = 0;
fVerbose = fVerboseStat;
void T49Mixer::ClearPools()
// Set TObject pointers = 0 in Pool1 & Pool2
// Use after SetPools() otherwise heap leaks
// This does not reset Used/Notused info.
if ( nPools==2 ) ClearPool2();
fLAC = 77;
void T49Mixer::ClearPool1()
// Set all Pool1 TObject pointers = 0
// Use after SetPool1(), otherwise heap leak
// This does not reset Used/Notused info.
fLAC = fLAC1 = 55;
fP1Full = 0;
fMaxIdx1 = 0;
nObjects1 = 0;
void T49Mixer::ClearPool2()
// Set all Pool2 TObject pointers = 0
// Use after SetPool2(), otherwise heap leak
// This does not reset Used/Notused info.
fLAC = fLAC2 = 65;
fP2Full = 0;
fMaxIdx2 = 0;
nObjects2 = 0;
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GUI
void T49Mixer::Show()
// T49Mixer Graphic User Interface
// Shows status of Pools and generated pairs
TS.cd(); // set style
TText T1; // text variable
Int_t Cb, Ct; // color of button & text
//Char_t nCm[100] = ""; // hidden button command
Int_t hCb = 36; Int_t hCt = 34;// colors of hidden button & text
cGIF = new TDialogCanvas(fIDS,fIDS,200,300);
TButton *BUTTON = new TButton("T49MiXeR V1.0",fIDS,0.0,0.87,0.98,1.0);
BUTTON->SetTextColor(2); BUTTON->SetFillStyle(4000); BUTTON->Draw();
Cb=15; Ct=1;
TButton *but1 = new TButton("POOL 1",fIDS,.05,.75,.49,.85);
but1->SetTextColor(Ct); but1->SetFillColor(Cb); but1->Draw();
Cb=15; Ct=1;
if (nPools==1) { sprintf(fIDS,"This should be empty"); Cb=hCb; Ct=hCt; }
TButton *but2 = new TButton("POOL 2",fIDS,.51,.75,.95,.85);
but2->SetTextColor(Ct); but2->SetFillColor(Cb); but2->Draw();
T1.SetTextColor(1); T1.SetTextSize(0.077); T1.DrawText(0.39,0.55,"PAIRS");
Cb=11; Ct=1;
TButton *but11 = new TButton("P1P1",fIDS,0.09,.61,.49,.69);
but11->SetTextColor(Ct); but11->SetFillColor(Cb); but11->Draw();
Cb=11; Ct=1;
if (nPools==1) { sprintf(fIDS,"This should be empty"); Cb = hCb; Ct = hCt; }
TButton *but22 = new TButton("P2P2",fIDS,0.51,.61,.91,.69);
but22->SetTextColor(Ct); but22->SetFillColor(Cb); but22->Draw();
Cb=11; Ct=1;
if (nPools==1) { sprintf(fIDS,"This should be empty"); Cb = hCb; Ct = hCt; }
TButton *but12 = new TButton("P1P2",fIDS,.25,.45,.75,.53);
but12->SetTextColor(Ct); but12->SetFillColor(Cb); but12->Draw();
T1.SetTextColor(1); T1.SetTextSize(0.077); T1.DrawText(0.235,0.25,"UNIQUE PAIRS");
Cb=17; Ct=1;
TButton *butU11 = new TButton("UP1P1",fIDS,0.09,.31,.49,.39);
butU11->SetTextColor(Ct); butU11->SetFillColor(Cb); butU11->Draw();
Cb=17; Ct=1;
if (nPools==1) { sprintf(fIDS,"This should be empty"); Cb = hCb; Ct = hCt; }
TButton *butU22 = new TButton("UP2P2",fIDS,0.51,.31,.91,.39);
butU22->SetTextColor(Ct); butU22->SetFillColor(Cb); butU22->Draw();
Cb=17; Ct=1;
if (nPools==1) { sprintf(fIDS,"This should be empty"); Cb = hCb; Ct = hCt; }
TButton *butU12 = new TButton("UP1P2",fIDS,.25,.15,.75,.23);
butU12->SetTextColor(Ct); butU12->SetFillColor(Cb); butU12->Draw();
char TC[14]; ULong_t* W=(ULong_t*)&TC[0];
W[0]=1179656361; W[1]=1346980937; W[2]=548282451; W[3]=0;
TButton *button = new TButton(TC,fIDS,0.04,0.02,0.96,0.12);
button->SetTextColor(2); button->SetFillColor(15);
button->SetFillStyle(4000); button->Draw();
void T49Mixer::ShowP1()
// Show Pool1 status
if (cP1!=0) { delete cP1; cP1=0; } else {
TLine LP1, LP1R; TGaxis AxP1; TText T1; TArrow PA; TS.cd();
Char_t Inf[100];
sprintf(fIDS,"%s MX%d","POOL1",fID);
cP1=new TDialogCanvas(fIDS,fIDS,444,144);
cP1->cd(); cP1->Range(0,0,120,2);
T1.SetTextColor(1); T1.SetTextSize(0.14);
sprintf(Inf,"%s%d","Objects: ",nObjects1);
sprintf(Inf,"%s%d ","Max: ",fN1MAX);
T1.SetTextAlign(21); T1.DrawText(60,1.6,Inf);
sprintf(Inf,"%s%d ","Next Put: ",nObjects1+1);
Float_t ax = 10+nObjects1*100/fN1MAX;
LP1.SetLineColor(3); LP1.SetLineWidth(7);
ax = 10+(nObjects1+0.5)*100/fN1MAX;
if(nObjects1==fN1MAX) {
LP1R.SetLineColor(2); LP1R.SetLineWidth(3);
sprintf(Inf,"%s%d ","Next Put: ",fP1Rx+1);
PA.SetLineColor(1); PA.DrawArrow(ax,1.5,ax,1.08,0.07,"|>");
T1.SetTextColor(1); T1.SetTextAlign(31);
T1.DrawText(114,1.6,Inf); T1.SetTextAlign(11);
T1.SetTextSize(0.11); T1.DrawText(ax+1,1.34,"Put");
AxP1.SetLabelSize(0.14); AxP1.SetLineColor(1); AxP1.SetLineWidth(1);
sprintf(Inf,"%s%s","Last change: ",GetLACName(GetLastP1Call()));
T1.SetTextColor(1); T1.SetTextSize(0.14); T1.SetTextAlign(21);
T1.DrawText(60,0.2,Inf); cP1->Update();
void T49Mixer::ShowP2()
// Show Pool2 status
if (cP2!=0) { delete cP2; cP2=0; } else {
TLine LP2, LP2R; TGaxis AxP2; TText T2; TArrow PA; TS.cd();
Char_t Inf[100];
sprintf(fIDS,"%s MX%d","POOL2",fID);
cP2=new TDialogCanvas(fIDS,fIDS,444,144);
cP2->cd(); cP2->Range(0,0,120,2);
T2.SetTextColor(1); T2.SetTextSize(0.14);
sprintf(Inf,"%s%d","Objects: ",nObjects2);
sprintf(Inf,"%s%d ","Max: ",fN2MAX);
T2.SetTextAlign(21); T2.DrawText(60,1.6,Inf);
sprintf(Inf,"%s%d ","Next Put: ",nObjects2+1);
Float_t ax = 10+nObjects2*100/fN2MAX;
LP2.SetLineColor(3); LP2.SetLineWidth(7);
ax = 10+(nObjects2+0.5)*100/fN2MAX;
if(nObjects2==fN2MAX) {
LP2R.SetLineColor(2); LP2R.SetLineWidth(3);
sprintf(Inf,"%s%d ","Next Put: ",fP2Rx+1);
PA.SetLineColor(1); PA.DrawArrow(ax,1.5,ax,1.08,0.07,"|>");
T2.SetTextColor(1); T2.SetTextAlign(31);
T2.DrawText(114,1.6,Inf); T2.SetTextAlign(11);
T2.SetTextSize(0.11); T2.DrawText(ax+1,1.34,"Put");
AxP2.SetLabelSize(0.14); AxP2.SetLineColor(1); AxP2.SetLineWidth(1);
sprintf(Inf,"%s%s","Last change: ",GetLACName(GetLastP2Call()));
T2.SetTextColor(1); T2.SetTextSize(0.14); T2.SetTextAlign(21);
T2.DrawText(60,0.2,Inf); cP2->Update();
void T49Mixer::ShowP1P1()
// Show P1P1 pairs status
if (cXX!=0) { delete cXX; cXX=0; } else {
Char_t Inf[100]; TS.cd();
if(HistXX!=NULL) delete HistXX;
sprintf(fIDS,"%s MX%d","P1P1 Pairs",fID);
HistXX=new TH2C(fIDS,fIDS,
Int_t status, sx; if (fMaxIdx1) sx = 16; else sx=0;
for(int i=0;i<=fMaxIdx1;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<=fMaxIdx1;j++) {
status = (i!=j)? 100*(int)UsedPairP1P1(i,j) : sx;
} }
sprintf(fIDS,"%s MX%d","Used P1P1 Pairs",fID);
cXX=new TDialogCanvas(fIDS,fIDS,333,333);
TS.SetOptStat(0); TS.SetOptTitle(0);
Int_t NP=NofPairsP1P1();
Int_t UP=NofUsedPairsP1P1();
Int_t FP=NofFreePairsP1P1();
sprintf(Inf,"%s%d%s%d%s%d%s"," Total:",NP," Used:",UP," Free:",FP," ");
TButton *BUTTON = new TButton(Inf,"",0.01,0.91,0.99,0.99);
BUTTON->SetTextColor(3); BUTTON->SetFillStyle(4000);
BUTTON->Draw(); cXX->Update();
void T49Mixer::ShowP2P2()
// Show P2P2 pairs status
if (cYY!=0) { delete cYY; cYY=0; } else {
Char_t Inf[100]; TS.cd();
if(HistYY!=NULL) delete HistYY;
sprintf(fIDS,"%s MX%d","P2P2 Pairs",fID);
HistYY=new TH2C(fIDS,fIDS,
Int_t status,sx; if (fMaxIdx2) sx = 16; else sx = 0;
for(int i=0;i<=fMaxIdx2;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<=fMaxIdx2;j++) {
status = (i!=j)? 100*(int)UsedPairP2P2(i,j) : sx;
} }
sprintf(fIDS,"%s MX%d","Used P2P2 Pairs",fID);
cYY=new TDialogCanvas(fIDS,fIDS,333,333);
TS.SetOptStat(0); TS.SetOptTitle(0);
Int_t NP=NofPairsP2P2();
Int_t UP=NofUsedPairsP2P2();
Int_t FP=NofFreePairsP2P2();
sprintf(Inf,"%s%d%s%d%s%d%s"," Total:",NP," Used:",UP," Free:",FP," ");
TButton *BUTTON = new TButton(Inf,"",0.01,0.91,0.99,0.99);
BUTTON->SetTextColor(3); BUTTON->SetFillStyle(4000);
BUTTON->Draw(); cYY->Update();
void T49Mixer::ShowP1P2()
// Show P1P2 pairs status
if (cXY!=0) { delete cXY; cXY=0; } else {
Char_t Inf[100]; TS.cd();
if(HistXY!=NULL) delete HistXY;
sprintf(fIDS,"%s MX%d","P1P2 Pairs",fID);
HistXY=new TH2C(fIDS,fIDS,
Int_t status;
for(int i=0;i<=fMaxIdx1;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<=fMaxIdx2;j++) {
status = 100*(int)UsedPairP1P2(i,j);
if(i==j && GetP1P2Mode()) status = 16;
} }
sprintf(fIDS,"%s MX%d","Used P1P2 Pairs",fID);
cXY=new TDialogCanvas(fIDS,fIDS,333,333);
TS.SetOptStat(0); TS.SetOptTitle(0);
Int_t NP=NofPairsP1P2();
Int_t UP=NofUsedPairsP1P2();
Int_t FP=NofFreePairsP1P2();
sprintf(Inf,"%s%d%s%d%s%d%s"," Total:",NP," Used:",UP," Free:",FP," ");
TButton *BUTTON = new TButton(Inf,"",0.01,0.91,0.99,0.99);
BUTTON->SetTextColor(3); BUTTON->SetFillStyle(4000);
sprintf(Inf,"%s%d"," P1P2 MODE: ",GetP1P2Mode());
TButton *BUTT = new TButton(Inf,"",0.91,0.1,0.99,0.9);
BUTT->SetTextColor(1); BUTT->SetFillStyle(4000); BUTT->SetTextAngle(270);
BUTT->Draw(); cXY->Update();
void T49Mixer::ShowUP1P1()
// Show UniqueP1P1 pairs status
if (cUP1P1!=0) { delete cUP1P1; cUP1P1=0; } else {
TLine LP1; TGaxis AxP1; TText T1; Char_t Inf[100]; TS.cd();
sprintf(fIDS,"%s MX%d","Unique P1P1 Pairs",fID);
cUP1P1=new TDialogCanvas(fIDS,fIDS,444,144);
cUP1P1->cd(); cUP1P1->Range(0,0,120,2);
T1.SetTextColor(1); T1.SetTextSize(0.14);
T1.DrawText(111,0.4,"P1"); T1.DrawText(111,1.0,"P1");
T1.SetTextColor(7); T1.SetTextSize(0.14);
Int_t NP=NofUniquePairsP1P1();
Int_t UP=NofUsedUniquePairsP1P1();
Int_t FP=NofFreeUniquePairsP1P1();
sprintf(Inf,"%s%d%s%d%s%d%s","Total:",NP," Used:",UP," Free:",FP," Dim: 1");
for(Int_t idx=0;idx<=fMaxIdx1;idx++) {
if (UsedUniqueP1(idx))
AxP1.SetLabelSize(0.14); AxP1.SetLineColor(1); AxP1.SetLineWidth(1);
void T49Mixer::ShowUP2P2()
// Show UniqueP2P2 pairs status
if (cUP2P2!=0) { delete cUP2P2; cUP2P2=0; } else {
TLine LP1; TGaxis AxP1; TText T1; Char_t Inf[100]; TS.cd();
sprintf(fIDS,"%s MX%d","Unique P2P2 Pairs",fID);
cUP2P2=new TDialogCanvas(fIDS,fIDS,444,144);
cUP2P2->cd(); cUP2P2->Range(0,0,120,2);
T1.SetTextColor(1); T1.SetTextSize(0.14);
T1.DrawText(111,1.0,"P2"); T1.DrawText(111,0.4,"P2");
T1.SetTextColor(7); T1.SetTextSize(0.14);
Int_t NP=NofUniquePairsP2P2();
Int_t UP=NofUsedUniquePairsP2P2();
Int_t FP=NofFreeUniquePairsP2P2();
sprintf(Inf,"%s%d%s%d%s%d%s","Total:",NP," Used:",UP," Free:",FP," Dim: 1");
for(Int_t idx=0;idx<=fMaxIdx2;idx++) {
if (UsedUniqueP2(idx))
AxP1.SetLabelSize(0.14); AxP1.SetLineColor(1); AxP1.SetLineWidth(1);
void T49Mixer::ShowUP1P2()
// Show UniqueP1P2 pairs status
if (cUP1P2!=0) { delete cUP1P2; cUP1P2=0; } else {
TLine LP1; TGaxis AxP1; TText T1; Char_t Inf[100]; TS.cd();
sprintf(fIDS,"%s MX%d","Unique P1P2 Pairs",fID);
cUP1P2=new TDialogCanvas(fIDS,fIDS,444,144);
cUP1P2->cd(); cUP1P2->Range(0,0,120,2);
T1.SetTextColor(1); T1.SetTextSize(0.14);
T1.DrawText(111,0.4,"P2"); T1.DrawText(111,1.0,"P1");
T1.SetTextColor(7); T1.SetTextSize(0.14);
Int_t NP=NofUniquePairsP1P2();
Int_t UP=NofUsedUniquePairsP1P2();
Int_t FP=NofFreeUniquePairsP1P2();
sprintf(Inf,"%s%d%s%d%s%d%s","Total:",NP," Used:",UP," Free:",FP," Dim: 1");
for(Int_t idx=0;idx<=fMaxIdx1;idx++) {
if (UsedUniqueP1x2(idx))
AxP1.SetLabelSize(0.14); AxP1.SetLineColor(1); AxP1.SetLineWidth(1);
void T49Mixer::Copyright(Int_t opt)
// Copyright window with Button option
// opt=0 for Rights ; opt=1 for Exit GUI
TLine LP1; TText T1; TButton *but1;
sprintf(fIDS,"%s MX%d","Copyright",fID);
cEx = new TDialogCanvas(fIDS,fIDS,444,222);
cEx->cd(); cEx->Range(0,0,100,100); cEx->SetBorderSize(7);
T1.SetTextAlign(22); T1.SetTextColor(2);
T1.SetTextSize(0.2); T1.DrawText(50,80,"T49MiXeR CLASS");
T1.SetTextSize(0.07);T1.DrawText(50,66,"Version 1.0 - CERN 1999 ");
T1.SetTextSize(0.07); T1.DrawText(50,14,"pfilips@mppmu.mpg.de ");
if (opt==0) {
but1 = new TButton("MPI DESIGN - RIGHTS RESERVED",fIDS,0.1,0.39,0.9,0.53);
} else {
but1 = new TButton("EXIT T49MiXeR GUI",fIDS,0.24,0.39,0.76,0.53);
but1->SetFillStyle(6); but1->Draw();
void T49Mixer::CopyClose()
// Close Copyright window
if(gRandom->Rndm()<0.7) {
if (cEx) {
} }
void T49Mixer::CloseWindows()
// Close all GUI objects
if(cP1) { delete cP1; cP1=0; }; // POOL1
if(cP2) { delete cP2; cP2=0; }; // POOL2
if(cXY) { delete cXY; cXY=0; }; // P1P2
if(cYY) { delete cYY; cYY=0; }; // P2P2
if(cXX) { delete cXX; cXX=0; }; // P1P1
if(HistXX) { delete HistXX; HistXX=0; } // hP1P1
if(HistYY) { delete HistYY; HistYY=0; } // hP2P2
if(HistXY) { delete HistXY; HistXY=0; } // hP1P2
if(cUP1P2) { delete cUP1P2; cUP1P2=0; } // UP1P2
if(cUP1P1) { delete cUP1P1; cUP1P1=0; } // UP1P1
if(cUP2P2) { delete cUP2P2; cUP2P2=0; } // UP2P2
if(cGIF) { delete cGIF; cGIF=0; } // MAIN WINDOW
if(cEx) { cEx->Close(); } // COPYR ! only close
void T49Mixer::ExitShow()
// T49Mixer GUI destructor
if(fVerbose) { cout << "Exiting T49MiXeR Show." << endl;}
CloseWindows(); // Del all +
if(cEx) { delete cEx; cEx=0; } // COPYRIGHT
//////////////////////////////////////////////// DUMP
void T49Mixer::DumpP1P1P2P2()
// Print status of P1P1 and P2P2 pairs in ASCII format
Bool_t status; int k=0;
cout << "Dump P1P1/P2P2:(" << fMaxIdx1 << "," <<fMaxIdx2 << ")n";
for(int i=0;i<fMaxIdx1;i++) { printf("XX%3d: ",i);
for(int j=0;j<fMaxIdx2;j++) {
k++; if(k>800) {k=0; cout << endl; }
status = i<j ? UsedPairP1P1(i,j) : UsedPairP2P2(i,j);
cout << (int)status << flush;
cout << endl; k=0;
void T49Mixer::DumpP1P2()
// Print status of P1P2 pairs in ASCII format
Bool_t status; int k=0;
cout << "Dump P1P2:(" << fMaxIdx1 << "," <<fMaxIdx2 << ")n";
for(int i=0;i<fMaxIdx1;i++) { printf("XY%3d: ",i);
for(int j=0;j<fMaxIdx2;j++) {
k++; if(k>800) {k=0; cout << endl; }
status = UsedPairP1P2(i,j);
cout << (int)status << flush;
cout << endl; k=0;
void T49Mixer::DumpP1P1()
// Print status of P1P1 pairs in ASCII format
Bool_t status; int k=0;
cout << "Dump P1P1:(" << fMaxIdx1 << "," <<fMaxIdx1 << ")n";
for(int i=0;i<fMaxIdx1;i++) { printf("XX%3d: ",i);
for(int j=0;j<fMaxIdx1;j++) {
k++; if(k>800) {k=0; cout << endl; }
status = UsedPairP1P1(i,j);
if (i>j) { cout << (int)status << flush; }
else { cout << " " << flush; }
cout << endl; k=0;
void T49Mixer::DumpP2P2()
// Print status of P2P2 pairs in ASCII format
Bool_t status; int k=0;
cout << "Dump P2P2:(" << fMaxIdx2 << "," <<fMaxIdx2 << ")n";
if (nPools==2) {
for(int i=0;i<fMaxIdx2;i++) { printf("XX%3d: ",i);
for(int j=0;j<fMaxIdx2;j++) {
k++; if(k>800) {k=0; cout << endl; }
status = UsedPairP2P2(i,j);
if (i<j) { cout << (int)status << flush; }
else { cout << " " << flush; }
cout << endl; k=0;
//////////////////////////////////////////////// RESET Used Info
void T49Mixer::AllUsedReset()
// Clear all Used/Nused information in Mixer (all pairs and objects)
if (nPools == 1)
ResetUP1(); // Used objects
ResetUniP1P1(); // Unique pairs
ResetP1P1_P2P2(); // Faster P1P1 Pair Reset
if (nPools == 2)
ResetUP1(); ResetUP2();
void T49Mixer::AllUsedResetP1()
// Clear all Used/Nused information in Pool1 (pairs and objects)
void T49Mixer::AllUsedResetP2()
// Clear all Used/Nused information in Pool2 (pairs and objects)
void T49Mixer::ResetUP1()
// Set all TObjects in Pool1 as NotUsed
fL1 = 0;
fLAC1 = 0;
void T49Mixer::ResetUP2()
// Set all TObjects in Pool2 as NotUsed
fL2 = 0;
fLAC2 = 0;
////////////////////////////////////////// Reset Pairs
void T49Mixer::ResetAllPxPx()
// Clear Used/Nused P1P1, P1P2, P2P2 pairs information
fLACp = 0;
void T49Mixer::ResetP1P1_P2P2()
// Clear Used/Nused P1P1 and P2P2 pairs information
// Call also for fast P1P1 case if only Pool1 used
for(int i=0; i<=nMaxMXX-1; i++)
{ SetUsedPairP1P1(i,i); } // exclude (i,i) pairs
nUsedP2P2=0; // P1P1(i,i)=P2P2(i,i)
fL11x1 = 0; fL11x2 = 0;
fL22x1 = 0; fL22x2 = 0;
void T49Mixer::ResetP1P1()
// Clear Used/Nused P1P1 pairs information
// note: ResetP1P1_P2P2() is faster
if (nPools==2)
for(int i=0; i<=fIdx1MAX; i++)
{ for(int j=0; j<=i; j++)
{ if (i==j) SetUsedPairP1P1(i,i); // set P1P1(i,i) Used
else SetNUsedPairP1P1(i,j); // set P1P1(i,j) Not Used
} }
fL11x1 = 0; fL11x2 = 0;
} else {
void T49Mixer::ResetP2P2()
// Clear Used/Nused P2P2 pairs information
for(int i=0; i<=fIdx2MAX; i++)
{ for(int j=0; j<=i; j++)
{ if (i==j) SetUsedPairP2P2(i,i); // set pairs P2P2(i,i) Used
else SetNUsedPairP2P2(i,j); // set pairs P2P2(i,j) Not Used
} }
fL22x1 = 0; fL22x2 = 0;
void T49Mixer::ResetP1P2()
// Clear Used/Nused P1P2 pairs information
// (i,i) pairs forbidden if SetP1P2Mode(1)
if(fP1P2Mode==1) {
for(int i=0; i<nMaxMXY; i++) SetUsedPairP1P2(i,i);
fL12x1 = 0; fL12x2 = 0;
void T49Mixer::SetP1P2Mode(Int_t m)
// Set P1P2Mode = 1 to exlude generation of P1P2(i,i) pairs
if (m<2 && m>-1) fP1P2Mode = m;
///////////////////////////////// Reset Unique
void T49Mixer::ResetAllUniPxPx()
// Clear Used/Nused Unique (P1P1, P1P2, P2P2) pairs information
fLACu = 0;
void T49Mixer::ResetUniP1P1()
// Clear Used/Nused P1P1 Unique pairs information
nUsedUniP1P1 = 0;
fU11x1 = 0; fU11x2 = 0;
void T49Mixer::ResetUniP2P2()
// Clear Used/Nused P2P2 Unique pairs information
nUsedUniP2P2 = 0;
fU22x1 = 0; fU22x2 = 0;
void T49Mixer::ResetUniP1P2()
// Clear Used/Nused P1P2 Unique pairs information
fUniq12->Reset(); fUniq21->Reset();
nUsedUniP1P2 = 0; nUsedUniP2P1 = 0;
fU12x1 = 0; fU12x2 = 0;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SetPool1, SetPool2
Bool_t T49Mixer::SetPools(TObjArray *ObjA1, TObjArray *ObjA2)
// Copy pointers of TObjects (from TObjArrays) into Pools
// + reset Used/NotUsed status of changed pairs & Objects
// Use only if Pools are empty e.g. after ClearPools()
// Note: This is FASTER then SetPool1() + SetPool2()
if (nObjects1!=0) { cout << "Pool1 not Empty !" << endl; return false; }
if (nObjects2!=0) { cout << "Pool2 not Empty !" << endl; return false; }
Int_t N1 = ObjA1->GetEntries();
Int_t N2 = ObjA2->GetEntries();
if ((N1>0 && N1<=fN1MAX) && (N2>0 && N2<=fN2MAX)) {
for(int i=0;i<N1;i++) fPool1->AddAt(ObjA1->At(i),i);
for(int i=0;i<N2;i++) fPool2->AddAt(ObjA2->At(i),i);
nObjects1 = N1; nObjects2 = N2;
fMaxIdx1 = N1 - 1; fMaxIdx2 = N2 - 1;
fP1Rx=0; fP2Rx=0;
fP1Full = 1; fP2Full = 1;
ResetUP1(); ResetUP2();
ResetAllPxPx(); // This is faster
fLAC2 = 61; fLAC1 = 51; fLAC=76;
return true;
else { return false; }
Bool_t T49Mixer::SetPool1(TObjArray *ObjA)
// Copy pointers of TObjects (from TObjArray) into Pool1
// +reset Used/NotUsed status of changed pairs & Objects
// Use only if Pool1 is empty e.g. after ClearPool1()
if (nObjects1!=0)
{ cout << "Can't SetPool1: It is not Empty !" << endl; return false; }
Int_t N = ObjA->GetEntries();
if (N>0 && N<=fN1MAX)
{ fLAC = fLAC1 = 51;
ResetUP1(); // used Obj. in P1
ResetUniP1P1(); // Unique P1P1
if(nPools==2) {
ResetP1P1(); // this slow
} else { ResetP1P1_P2P2(); }
for(int i=0;i<N;i++) { fPool1->AddAt(ObjA->At(i),i); }
nObjects1 = N;
fMaxIdx1 = nObjects1 - 1;
fP1Full = 1;
return true;
} else {
cout << "Didn't SetPool1: ObjArray size out of range !" << endl;
return false;
Bool_t T49Mixer::SetPool2(TObjArray *ObjA)
// Copy pointers of TObjects (from TObjArray) into Pool2
// +reset Used/NotUsed status of changed pairs & Objects
// Use only if Pool2 is empty e.g. after ClearPool2()
if (nObjects2!=0)
{ cout << "Can't SetPool2: It is not Empty !" << endl; return false; }
if (nPools==1)
{ cout << "Can't SetPool2: It does'n Exist !" << endl; return false; }
Int_t N = ObjA->GetEntries();
if (N>0 && N<=fN2MAX)
{ fLAC = fLAC2 = 61;
ResetUP2(); // used Obj. P2
ResetUniP2P2(); // Unique P2P2
ResetP2P2(); // this is slow compared tp ResetP1P1_P2P2()
for(int i=0;i<N;i++) { fPool2->AddAt(ObjA->At(i),i); }
nObjects2 = N;
fMaxIdx2 = nObjects2 - 1;
fP2Full = 1;
return true;
} else {
cout << "Didn't SetPool2: ObjArray size out of range !" << endl;
return false;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AddOne, AddToP1,2 AddToP1P2
Int_t T49Mixer::AddOne(TObject *Obj)
// Identical to AddToP1(Obj)
return AddToP1(Obj);
Int_t T49Mixer::AddToP1(TObject *Obj)
// Add TObject to Pool1 = create cloned copy of TObject in Pool1
// returns internal position of TObject in the Pool
if (nObjects1 < fN1MAX)
{ fLAC = fLAC1 = 52;
TObject* a = Obj->Clone();
if (fVerbose) cout << " <I> T49Mixer: Object Cloned !!!" << endl;
Int_t idx = fPool1->AddAtFree(a);
if (nObjects1 == fN1MAX) fP1Full = 1;
if (fVerbose) printf( " <I> T49Mixer: Object add P1:%d n",idx);
return idx;
else { return -1;}
Int_t T49Mixer::AddToP2(TObject *Obj)
// Add TObject to Pool2 = create cloned copy of TObject in Pool2
// returns internal position of TObject in the Pool
if (nObjects2 < fN2MAX)
{ fLAC = fLAC2 = 62;
TObject* a = Obj->Clone();
if (fVerbose) cout << " <I> T49Mixer: Object Cloned !!!" << endl;
Int_t idx = fPool2->AddAtFree(a);
fMaxIdx2 = nObjects2;
if (nObjects2 == fN2MAX) fP2Full = 1;
if (fVerbose) printf( " <I> T49Mixer: Object add P2:%d n",idx);
return idx;
else { return -1;}
Bool_t T49Mixer::AddToP1P2(TObject *Obj1, TObject *Obj2)
// Add Obj1 to Pool1 & Add Obj2 to Pool2
if (AddToP1(Obj1)>=0 && AddToP2(Obj2)>=0)
{ return true; }
{ return false; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// ReplaceAt in P1, P2, P1P2
Int_t T49Mixer::ReplaceOneAt(TObject *Obj, Int_t idx)
// Identical to ReplaceInP1At(Obj,idx)
return ReplaceInP1At(Obj,idx);
Int_t T49Mixer::ReplaceInP1At(TObject *Obj, Int_t idx)
// Replace = delete old TObject + Add new TObject in Pool1 at position idx
if (CheckBound1(idx))
TObject* a = GetFromP1At(idx);
delete a;
if (fVerbose) cout << " <I> T49Mixer: Object Delete P1:" << idx << endl;
a = Obj->Clone();
if (fVerbose) cout << " <I> T49Mixer: Object Cloned !!!" << endl;
if (fVerbose) printf(" <I> T49Mixer: Object Replace P1:%d n",idx);
return idx;
} else return -1;
Int_t T49Mixer::ReplaceInP2At(TObject *Obj, Int_t idx)
// Replace = delete old TObject + Add new TObject in Pool2 at position idx
if (CheckBound2(idx))
TObject* a = GetFromP2At(idx);
delete a;
if (fVerbose) cout << " <I> T49Mixer: Object Delete P2:" << idx << endl;
a = Obj->Clone();
if (fVerbose) cout << " <I> T49Mixer: Object Cloned !!!" << endl;
if (fVerbose) printf(" <I> T49Mixer: Object Replace P2:%d n",idx);
return idx;
} else return -1;
Bool_t T49Mixer::ReplaceInP1P2At(TObject *Obj1, TObject *Obj2, Int_t idx1, Int_t idx2)
// Replace (Obj1 in Pool1 , Obj2 in Pool2) at positions (idx1 , idx2)
if(CheckBound1(idx1) && CheckBound2(idx2))
return true;
} else return false;
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Replace in P1,P2,P1P1 at fP1Rx++, fP2Rx++
Int_t T49Mixer::ReplaceOne(TObject *Obj)
// Identical to ReplaceInP1(Obj)
return ReplaceInP1(Obj);
Int_t T49Mixer::ReplaceInP1(TObject *Obj)
// Replace = delete old and Add new TObject in Pool1
// at position idx internally increasing
fLAC = fLAC1 = 53;
Int_t idx = fP1Rx;
if (fP1Rx < fMaxIdx1) { fP1Rx++; } else { fP1Rx = 0; }
return idx;
Int_t T49Mixer::ReplaceInP2(TObject *Obj)
// Replace = delete old and Add new TObject in Pool1
// at position idx internally increasing
fLAC = fLAC2 = 63;
Int_t idx = fP2Rx;
if (fP2Rx < fMaxIdx2) { fP2Rx++; } else { fP2Rx = 0; }
return idx;
Bool_t T49Mixer::ReplaceInP1P2(TObject *Obj1, TObject *Obj2)
// Replace Obj1 in Pool1 and Obj2 in Pool2
// at positions idx1 & idx2 internally increasing
return true;
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PUT To P1, P2, P1P2
Bool_t T49Mixer::PutToP1P2(TObject *Obj1, TObject *Obj2)
// Put Obj1 to Pool1 and put Obj2 to Pool2
return true;
Int_t T49Mixer::PutToP1(TObject *Obj)
// AddToP1(Obj) or ReplaceInP1(Obj) if Pool1 is full
// returns position of Object in Pool
// Internal increasing counter is used for replacement.
if (Pool1Full()) { return ReplaceInP1(Obj); } else { return AddToP1(Obj); }
Int_t T49Mixer::PutToP2(TObject *Obj)
// AddToP2(Obj) or ReplaceInP2(Obj) if Pool2 is full
// returns position of Object in Pool
// Internal increasing counter is used for replacement.
if (Pool2Full()) { return ReplaceInP2(Obj); } else { return AddToP2(Obj); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// GetOne, GetFromP1,P2
TObject* T49Mixer::GetFromP1()
// Get pointer to Randomly chosen TObject in Pool1
// TObject is marked as Used
fLAC = 7;
Int_t idx = (int)(gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nObjects1));
if (fVerbose) printf(" <I> T49Mixer: Object out P1:%d n",idx);
return fPool1->At(idx);
TObject* T49Mixer::GetFromP2()
// Get pointer to Randomly chosen TObject in Pool2
// TObject is marked as Used
fLAC = 8;
Int_t idx = (int)(gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nObjects2));
if (fVerbose) printf(" <I> T49Mixer: Object out P2:%d n",idx);
return fPool2->At(idx);
TObject* T49Mixer::GetFromPool1(Int_t &idx)
// Internal routine
idx = (int)(gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nObjects1));
return fPool1->At(idx);
TObject* T49Mixer::GetFromPool2(Int_t &idx)
// Internal routine
idx = (int)(gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nObjects2));
return fPool2->At(idx);
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GetNuOne
TObject* T49Mixer::GetNuOneP1()
// Get pointer to first NotUsed TObject in Pool1
// TObject is marked as Used
TObject* a = NULL;
int nF = NofFreeP1();
{ fLAC = 17;
int idx = fL1;
while(UsedOneP1(idx)) { idx++; }
a = fPool1->At(idx);
if (fVerbose) printf(" <I> T49Mixer: Object out P1:%d n",idx);
return a;
TObject* T49Mixer::GetNuOneP2()
// Get pointer to first NotUsed TObject in Pool2
// TObject is marked as Used
TObject* a = NULL;
int nF = NofFreeP2();
{ fLAC = 18;
int idx = fL2;
while(UsedOneP2(idx)) { idx++; }
a = fPool2->At(idx);
if (fVerbose) printf(" <I> T49Mixer: Object out P2:%d n",idx);
return a;
//////////////////////////////////////////////// GetNuROne
TObject* T49Mixer::GetNuROneP1()
// Get pointer to random NotUsed TObject in Pool1
// TObject is marked as Used
TObject* a = NULL;
int nF = NofFreeP1();
if(nF) { fLAC = 27;
int idx = 0;
if(nF>10) { // Use Guessing strategy
Int_t ix = nObjects1; // Max Number of Attempts
Bool_t fHit = false; // Hit Flag
while((fHit==false) && (--ix != 0)) {
idx = (int)(gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nObjects1));
if(!UsedOneP1(idx)) fHit = true;
} // loop
if (fHit) { // Success !!!
a = fPool1->At(idx);
if (fVerbose) printf(" <I> T49Mixer: Object out P1:%d n",idx);
return a; // Exit proc !
}; // End of Guessing, If no success use RndOffset
idx = 0;
int id = (int) (gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nF));
while(id >= 0) { if (!UsedOneP1(idx)) id--; idx++; }
a = fPool1->At(idx);
if (fVerbose) printf(" <I> T49Mixer: Object out P1:%d n",idx);
return a;
} // Done. If nF=0 return NULL
return a;
TObject* T49Mixer::GetNuROneP2()
// Get pointer to random NotUsed TObject in Pool2
// TObject is marked as Used
TObject* a = NULL;
int nF = NofFreeP2();
if(nF) { fLAC = 28;
int idx = 0;
if(nF>10) { // Use Guessing strategy
Int_t ix = nObjects2; // Max Number of Attempts
Bool_t fHit = false; // Hit Flag
while((fHit==false) && (--ix != 0)) {
idx = (int)(gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nObjects2));
if(!UsedOneP2(idx)) fHit = true;
} // loop
if (fHit) { // Success !!!
a = fPool2->At(idx);
if (fVerbose) printf(" <I> T49Mixer: Object out P2:%d n",idx);
return a; // Exit proc !
}; // End of Guessing, If no success use RndOffset
idx = 0;
int id = (int) (gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nF));
while(id >= 0) { if (!UsedOneP2(idx)) id--; idx++; }
a = fPool2->At(idx);
if (fVerbose) printf(" <I> T49Mixer: Object out P2:%d n",idx);
return a;
} // Done. If nF=0 return NULL
return a;
/////////////////////////////////////// GetOneAt, GetFromP1At, GetFromP2At
TObject* T49Mixer::GetFromP1At(Int_t idx)
// Get pointer to TObject in Pool1 at position idx
// TObject is marked as Used
if (!CheckBound1(idx)) {
printf("<W> T49Mixer::GetFromP1At(%d) index out of range.n",idx);
idx = (int) (gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nObjects1));
printf(" Replacing by random index: %d n",idx);
if (fVerbose)
printf(" <I> T49Mixer: Object out P1:%d n",idx);
TObject* a = fPool1->At(idx);
return a;
TObject* T49Mixer::GetFromP2At(Int_t idx)
// Get pointer to TObject in Pool2 at position idx
// TObject is marked as Used
if (!CheckBound2(idx)) {
printf("<W> T49Mixer::GetFromP1At(%d) index out of range.n",idx);
idx = (int) (gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nObjects2));
printf(" Replacing by random index: %d n",idx);
if (fVerbose)
printf(" <I> T49Mixer: Object out P2:%d n",idx);
TObject* a = fPool2->At(idx);
return a;
//////////////////////////////////////// GET PAIRS AT P1P1,P2P2,P1P2
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetPairP1P1At(TObject** Obj1, TObject** Obj2, Int_t idx1, Int_t idx2)
// Get pair of two Objects from Pool1 at (idx1,idx2)
// pair is marked as Used
// Call by: GetPairP1P1At(&Obj1, &Obj2,i,j)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
if (CheckBound1(idx1) && CheckBound1(idx2))
fSeeFlag = 0;
*Obj1 = GetFromP1At(idx1);
*Obj2 = GetFromP1At(idx2);
fSeeFlag = 1;
return true;
} else
return false;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetPairP2P2At(TObject** Obj1, TObject** Obj2, Int_t idx1, Int_t idx2)
// Get pair of two Objects from Pool2 at (idx1,idx2)
// pair is marked as Used
// Call by: GetPairP2P2At(&Obj1, &Obj2,i,j)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
if (CheckBound2(idx1) && CheckBound2(idx2))
fSeeFlag = 0;
*Obj1 = GetFromP2At(idx1);
*Obj2 = GetFromP2At(idx2);
fSeeFlag = 1;
return true;
} else
return false;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetPairP1P2At(TObject** Obj1, TObject** Obj2, Int_t idx1, Int_t idx2)
// Get pair of Objects from Pool1 and Pool2 at (idx1,idx2)
// pair is marked as Used
// Call by: GetPairP1P2At(&Obj1, &Obj2,i,j)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
if (CheckBound1(idx1) && CheckBound2(idx2))
fSeeFlag = 0;
*Obj1 = GetFromP1At(idx1);
*Obj2 = GetFromP2At(idx2);
fSeeFlag = 1;
return true;
} else
return false;
/////////////////////////////////////// GET RANDOM PAIRS P1P1, P2P2, P1P2
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetRPairP1P1(TObject** Obj1, TObject** Obj2)
// Get random pair of ANY two Objects from Pool1
// pair is marked as Used
// Call by: GetRPairP1P1(&Obj1, &Obj2)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
Int_t idx1, idx2;
*Obj1 = GetFromPool1(idx1); // internal routine, random idx1
do{*Obj2 = GetFromPool1(idx2);} while(idx1==idx2); // random idx2
SetUsedPairP1P1(I1=idx1,I2=idx2); // I1, I2 for B.C.M.
return true;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetRPairP1P1x(TObject** Obj1, TObject** Obj2)
// Get random pair of ANY two Objects from Pool1
// pair is NOT marked as Used
// Call by: GetRPairP1P1x(&Obj1, &Obj2)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
Int_t idx1, idx2;
*Obj1 = GetFromPool1(idx1); // internal routine, random idx1
do{*Obj2 = GetFromPool1(idx2);} while(idx1==idx2); // random idx2
I1=idx1; I2=idx2; // I1, I2 for B.C.M.
return true;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetRPairP2P2(TObject** Obj1, TObject** Obj2)
// Get random pair of ANY two Objects from Pool2
// pair is marked as Used
// Call by: GetRPairP2P2(&Obj1, &Obj2)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
Int_t idx1, idx2;
*Obj1 = GetFromPool2(idx1); // internal routine, random idx1
do{*Obj2 = GetFromPool2(idx2);} while(idx1==idx2); // random idx2
SetUsedPairP2P2(I1=idx1,I2=idx2); // I1, I2 for B.C.M.
return true;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetRPairP2P2x(TObject** Obj1, TObject** Obj2)
// Get random pair of ANY two Objects from Pool2
// pair is NOT marked as Used
// Call by: GetRPairP2P2x(&Obj1, &Obj2)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
Int_t idx1, idx2;
*Obj1 = GetFromPool2(idx1); // internal routine, random idx1
do{*Obj2 = GetFromPool2(idx2);} while(idx1==idx2); // random idx2
I1=idx1; I2=idx2; // I1, I2 for B.C.M.
return true;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetRPairP1P2(TObject** Obj1, TObject** Obj2)
// Get random pair of ANY Objects from Pool1 and Pool2
// pair is marked as Used
// Call by: GetRPairP1P2(&Obj1, &Obj2)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
Int_t idx1, idx2;
*Obj1 = GetFromPool1(idx1); // internal routine, random idx1
*Obj2 = GetFromPool2(idx2); // internal routine, random idx2
SetUsedPairP1P2(I1=idx1,I2=idx2); // I1, I2 for B.C.M.
return true;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetRPairP1P2x(TObject** Obj1, TObject** Obj2)
// Get random pair of ANY Objects from Pool1 and Pool2
// pair is NOT marked as Used
// Call by: GetRPairP1P2x(&Obj1, &Obj2)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
Int_t idx1, idx2;
*Obj1 = GetFromPool1(idx1); // internal routine, random idx1
*Obj2 = GetFromPool2(idx2); // internal routine, random idx2
I1=idx1; I2=idx2; // I1, I2 for B.C.M.
return true;
//////////////////////////////////////// GET Not Used Pairs
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetNuPairP1P1(TObject** Obj1,TObject** Obj2)
// Get first Not used pair of two Objects from Pool1
// and mark pair as Used
// Call by: GetNuPairP1P1(&Obj1, &Obj2)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
Int_t idx1 = fL11x1;
Int_t idx2 = fL11x2;
Int_t nF = NofFreePairsP1P1();
if (nF)
{ fLAC = fLACp = 11;
if (idx1<fMaxIdx1) { idx1++; } else { idx1 = 0; idx2++; }
fSeeFlag = 0;
*Obj1 = GetFromP1At(fL11x1 = idx1);
*Obj2 = GetFromP1At(fL11x2 = idx2);
fSeeFlag = 1;
return true;
else return false;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetNuPairP2P2(TObject** Obj1,TObject** Obj2)
// Get first Not used pair of two Objects from Pool2
// and mark pair as Used
// Call by: GetNuPairP2P2(&Obj1, &Obj2)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
Int_t nF = NofFreePairsP2P2();
if (nF)
{ fLAC = fLACp = 12;
Int_t idx1 = fL22x1;
Int_t idx2 = fL22x2;
if (idx1<fMaxIdx2) { idx1++; } else { idx1 = 0; idx2++; }
fSeeFlag = 0;
*Obj1 = GetFromP2At(fL22x1 = idx1);
*Obj2 = GetFromP2At(fL22x2 = idx2);
fSeeFlag = 1;
return true;
else return false;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetNuPairP1P2(TObject** Obj1,TObject** Obj2)
// Get first Not used pair of Objects from Pool1 and Pool2
// and mark pair as Used
// Call by: GetNuPairP1P2(&Obj1, &Obj2)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
Int_t nF = NofFreePairsP1P2();
if (nF)
{ fLAC = fLACp = 13;
Int_t idx1 = fL12x1;
Int_t idx2 = fL12x2;
if (idx1<fMaxIdx1) { idx1++; } else { idx1 = 0; idx2++; }
fSeeFlag = 0;
*Obj1 = GetFromP1At(fL12x1 = idx1);
*Obj2 = GetFromP2At(fL12x2 = idx2);
fSeeFlag = 1;
return true;
else return false;
/////////////////////////////////////// Get Not Used Random Pairs
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetNuRPairP1P1(TObject** Obj1,TObject** Obj2)
// Get random Not used pair of two Objects from Pool1
// and mark pair as Used
// Call by: GetNuRPairP1P1(&Obj1, &Obj2)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
Int_t nF = NofFreePairsP1P1();
if (nF) { fLAC = fLACp = 21;
Int_t idx1 = 0;
Int_t idx2 = 0;
if (nF>10) { // Use Guessing strategy
Long_t ix = nObjects1*nObjects1; // Max Number of Attempts
Bool_t fHit = false; // Hit Flag
while((fHit==false) && (--ix != 0)) {
idx1 = (int)(gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nObjects1));
idx2 = (int)(gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nObjects1));
if( (idx1 != idx2) && !UsedPairP1P1(idx1,idx2) ) fHit = true;
if (fHit) { SetUsedPairP1P1(idx1,idx2);
fSeeFlag = 0;
*Obj1 = GetFromP1At(fR11x1 = idx1);
*Obj2 = GetFromP1At(fR11x2 = idx2);
fSeeFlag = 1;
return true; }
}; // End of Guessing. If no Hit continue below:
idx1 = 0; // Use RndOffset strategy
idx2 = 0;
int id = (int) (gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nF)); // Offset
while(id >= 0) {
if (!UsedPairP1P1(idx1,idx2)) id--;
if (idx1<fMaxIdx1) {idx1++;} else {idx1=0; idx2++;}
if (idx1==0) {idx1=fMaxIdx1; idx2--;} else {idx1--;}
fSeeFlag = 0;
*Obj1 = GetFromP1At(fR11x1 = idx1);
*Obj2 = GetFromP1At(fR11x2 = idx2);
fSeeFlag = 1;
return true;
else return false;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetNuRPairP2P2(TObject** Obj1,TObject** Obj2)
// Get random Not used pair of two Objects from Pool2
// and mark pair as Used
// Call by: GetNuRPairP2P2(&Obj1, &Obj2)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
Int_t nF = NofFreePairsP2P2();
if (nF) { fLAC = fLACp = 22;
Int_t idx1 = 0;
Int_t idx2 = 0;
if (nF>10) { // Use Guessing strategy
Long_t ix = nObjects2*nObjects2; // Max Number of Attempts
Bool_t fHit = false; // Hit Flag
while((fHit==false) && (--ix != 0)) {
idx1 = (int)(gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nObjects2));
idx2 = (int)(gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nObjects2));
if( (idx1 != idx2) && !UsedPairP2P2(idx1,idx2) ) fHit = true;
if (fHit) { SetUsedPairP2P2(idx1,idx2);
fSeeFlag = 0;
*Obj1 = GetFromP2At(fR22x1 = idx1);
*Obj2 = GetFromP2At(fR22x2 = idx2);
fSeeFlag = 1;
return true; };
}; // End of Guessing. If no Hit continue below:
idx1 = 0; // Use RndOffset strategy
idx2 = 0;
int id = (int) (gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nF)); // Offset
while(id >= 0) {
if (!UsedPairP2P2(idx1,idx2)) id--;
if (idx1<fMaxIdx2) {idx1++;} else {idx1=0; idx2++;}
if (idx1==0) {idx1=fMaxIdx2; idx2--;} else {idx1--;}
fSeeFlag = 0;
*Obj1 = GetFromP2At(fR22x1 = idx1);
*Obj2 = GetFromP2At(fR22x2 = idx2);
fSeeFlag = 1;
return true;
else return false;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetNuRPairP1P2(TObject** Obj1,TObject** Obj2)
// Get random Not used pair of Objects from Pool1 and Pool2
// and mark pair as Used
// Call by: GetNuRPairP1P2(&Obj1, &Obj2)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
Int_t nF = NofFreePairsP1P2();
if (nF) { fLAC = fLACp = 23;
Int_t idx1 = 0;
Int_t idx2 = 0;
if (nF>10) { // Use Guessing strategy
Long_t ix = nObjects1*nObjects2; // Max Number of Attempts
Bool_t fHit = false; // Hit Flag
while((fHit==false) && (--ix != 0)) {
idx1 = (int)(gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nObjects1));
idx2 = (int)(gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nObjects2));
if( !UsedPairP1P2(idx1,idx2) ) fHit = true;
if (fHit) { SetUsedPairP1P2(idx1,idx2);
fSeeFlag = 0;
*Obj1 = GetFromP1At(fR12x1 = idx1);
*Obj2 = GetFromP2At(fR12x2 = idx2);
fSeeFlag = 1;
return true; };
} // End of Guessing
idx1 = 0; // If no success use RndOffset
idx2 = 0;
int id = (int) (gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nF));
while(id >= 0) {
if (!UsedPairP1P2(idx1,idx2)) id--;
if (idx1<fMaxIdx1) {idx1++;} else {idx1=0; idx2++;}
if (idx1==0) {idx1=fMaxIdx1; idx2--;} else {idx1--;}
fSeeFlag = 0;
*Obj1 = GetFromP1At(fR12x1 = idx1);
*Obj2 = GetFromP2At(fR12x2 = idx2);
fSeeFlag = 1;
return true;
else return false;
//////////////////////////////////////// Get Unique Pairs
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetUniquePairP1P1(TObject** Obj1,TObject** Obj2)
// Get Unique pair of two Objects from Pool1
// and mark Unique pair as Used
// Call by: GetUniquePairP1P1(&Obj1, &Obj2)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
Int_t nF = NofFreeUniquePairsP1P1();
if (nF)
{ fLAC = fLACu = 31;
Int_t idx1 = 0;
Int_t idx2 = 0;
while(UsedUniqueP1(idx1)) { idx1++; }
while(UsedUniqueP1(idx2)) { idx2++; }
SetUsedUniqueIDXP1(idx1,idx2); // Memory of idx1 <---> idx2
fSeeFlag = 0;
*Obj1 = GetFromP1At(fU11x1 = idx1);
*Obj2 = GetFromP1At(fU11x2 = idx2);
fSeeFlag = 1;
return true;
else return false;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetUniquePairP2P2(TObject** Obj1,TObject** Obj2)
// Get Unique pair of two Objects from Pool2
// and mark Unique pair as Used
// Call by: GetUniquePairP2P2(&Obj1, &Obj2)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
Int_t nF = NofFreeUniquePairsP2P2();
if (nF)
{ fLAC = fLACu = 32;
Int_t idx1 = 0;
Int_t idx2 = 0;
while(UsedUniqueP2(idx1)) { idx1++; }
while(UsedUniqueP2(idx2)) { idx2++; }
SetUsedUniqueIDXP2(idx1,idx2); // Memory of idx1 <---> idx2
fSeeFlag = 0;
*Obj1 = GetFromP2At(fU22x1 = idx1);
*Obj2 = GetFromP2At(fU22x2 = idx2);
fSeeFlag = 1;
return true;
else return false;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetUniquePairP1P2(TObject** Obj1,TObject** Obj2)
// Get Unique pair of Objects from Pool1 and Pool2
// and mark Unique pair as Used
// Call by: GetUniquePairP1P2(&Obj1, &Obj2)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
Int_t nF = NofFreeUniquePairsP1P2();
if (nF)
{ fLAC = fLACu = 33;
Int_t idx1 = 0;
Int_t idx2 = 0;
while(UsedUniqueP1x2(idx1)) { idx1++; }
while(UsedUniqueP2x1(idx2)) { idx2++; }
SetUsedUniqueIDXP1x2(idx1,idx2); // Memory of idx1 ---> idx2
SetUsedUniqueIDXP2x1(idx2,idx1); // Memory of idx1 <--- idx2
fSeeFlag = 0;
*Obj1 = GetFromP1At(fU12x1 = idx1);
*Obj2 = GetFromP2At(fU12x2 = idx2);
fSeeFlag = 1;
return true;
else return false;
/////////////////////////////////////////// Get Random Unique Pair
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetRUniquePairP1P1(TObject** Obj1,TObject** Obj2)
// Get random Unique pair of two Objects from Pool1
// and mark Unique pair as Used
// Call by: GetRUniquePairP1P1(&Obj1, &Obj2)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
Int_t nF = NofFreeUniquePairsP1P1();
if (nF)
{ fLAC = fLACu = 41;
Int_t idx1 = 0;
Int_t idx2 = 0;
int id1 = (int) (gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nF*2.0));
int id2 = (int) (gRandom->Rndm()*((float)(nF*2.0-1)));
while(id1 >= 0) { if(!UsedUniqueP1(idx1)) id1--; idx1++; }
while(id2 >= 0) { if(!UsedUniqueP1(idx2)) id2--; idx2++; }
SetUsedUniqueIDXP1(idx1,idx2); // Memory of idx1 <---> idx2
fSeeFlag = 0;
*Obj1 = GetFromP1At(fU11x1 = idx1);
*Obj2 = GetFromP1At(fU11x2 = idx2);
fSeeFlag = 1;
return true;
else return false;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetRUniquePairP2P2(TObject** Obj1,TObject** Obj2)
// Get random Unique pair of two Objects from Pool2
// and mark Unique pair as Used
// Call by: GetRUniquePairP2P2(&Obj1, &Obj2)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
Int_t nF = NofFreeUniquePairsP2P2();
if (nF)
{ fLAC = fLACu = 42;
Int_t idx1 = 0;
Int_t idx2 = 0;
int id1 = (int) (gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nF*2.0));
int id2 = (int) (gRandom->Rndm()*((float)(nF*2.0-1)));
while(id1 >= 0) { if(!UsedUniqueP2(idx1)) id1--; idx1++; }
while(id2 >= 0) { if(!UsedUniqueP2(idx2)) id2--; idx2++; }
SetUsedUniqueIDXP2(idx1,idx2); // Memory of idx1 <---> idx2
fSeeFlag = 0;
*Obj1 = GetFromP2At(fU22x1 = idx1);
*Obj2 = GetFromP2At(fU22x2 = idx2);
fSeeFlag = 1;
return true;
else return false;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetRUniquePairP1P2(TObject** Obj1,TObject** Obj2)
// Get random Unique pair of Objects from Pool1 and Pool2
// and mark Unique pair as Used
// Call by: GetRUniquePairP1P2(&Obj1, &Obj2)
// since Obj1, Obj2 are set inside
// Declare Obj1,Obj2 as TObject *Obj1,*Obj2
Int_t nF = NofFreeUniquePairsP1P2();
if (nF)
{ fLAC = fLACu = 43;
Int_t idx1 = 0;
Int_t idx2 = 0;
Int_t nF1 = NofFreeP1x2();
Int_t nF2 = NofFreeP2x1();
int id1 = (int) (gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nF1));
int id2 = (int) (gRandom->Rndm()*((float)nF2));
while(id1 >= 0) { if(!UsedUniqueP1x2(idx1)) id1--; idx1++; }
while(id2 >= 0) { if(!UsedUniqueP2x1(idx2)) id2--; idx2++; }
fSeeFlag = 0;
SetUsedUniqueIDXP1x2(idx1,idx2); // Memory of idx1 <---> idx2
SetUsedUniqueIDXP2x1(idx2,idx1); // Memory of idx1 <---> idx2
*Obj1 = GetFromP1At(fU12x1 = idx1);
*Obj2 = GetFromP2At(fU12x2 = idx2);
fSeeFlag = 1;
return true;
else return false;
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NofObjects
Int_t T49Mixer::NofObjectsP1() { return nObjects1; }
// Get number of Objects in Pool1
Int_t T49Mixer::NofObjectsP2() { return nObjects2; }
// Get number of Objects in Pool2
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NofUsed
Int_t T49Mixer::NofUsedP1() { return (int) fUsed1->GetSum(); }
// Get number of Used Objects in Pool1
Int_t T49Mixer::NofUsedP2() { return (nPools>1)?(int)fUsed2->GetSum():0;}
// Get number of Used Objects in Pool2
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NofFree
Int_t T49Mixer::NofFreeP1() { return (nObjects1-NofUsedP1()); }
// Get number of Free = Not Used Objects in Pool1
Int_t T49Mixer::NofFreeP2() { return (nObjects2-NofUsedP2()); }
// Get number of Free = Not Used Objects in Pool2
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NofPairs
Int_t T49Mixer::NofPairsP1P1() { return nObjects1*(nObjects1-1) / 2; }
// Get number of P1P1 pairs
Int_t T49Mixer::NofPairsP2P2() { return nObjects2*(nObjects2-1) / 2; }
// Get number of P2P2 pairs
Int_t T49Mixer::NofPairsP1P2() { return (nObjects1*nObjects2-fP1P2Mode*NofUniquePairsP1P2());}
// Get number of P1P2 pairs
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NofUsedPairs
Int_t T49Mixer::NofUsedPairsP1P1() { return nUsedP1P1; }
// Get number of Used P1P1 pairs
Int_t T49Mixer::NofUsedPairsP2P2() { return nUsedP2P2; }
// Get number of Used P2P2 pairs
Int_t T49Mixer::NofUsedPairsP1P2() { return nUsedP1P2; }
// Get number of Used P1P2 pairs
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NofFreePairs
Int_t T49Mixer::NofFreePairsP1P1() { return NofPairsP1P1()-NofUsedPairsP1P1(); }
// Get number of Free = NotUsed P1P1 pairs
Int_t T49Mixer::NofFreePairsP2P2() { return NofPairsP2P2()-NofUsedPairsP2P2(); }
// Get number of Free = NotUsed P2P2 pairs
Int_t T49Mixer::NofFreePairsP1P2() { return NofPairsP1P2()-NofUsedPairsP1P2(); }
// Get number of Free = NotUsed P1P2 pairs
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NofUniquePairs
Int_t T49Mixer::NofUniquePairsP1P1() { return nObjects1 / 2; }
// Get number of Unique P1P1 pairs
Int_t T49Mixer::NofUniquePairsP2P2() { return nObjects2 / 2; }
// Get number of Unique P2P2 pairs
Int_t T49Mixer::NofUniquePairsP1P2() { return ((nObjects1<nObjects2)? nObjects1 : nObjects2); }
// Get number of Unique P1P2 pairs
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NofUsedUniquePairs
Int_t T49Mixer::NofUsedUniquePairsP1P1() { return nUsedUniP1P1 / 2; }
// Get number of Used Unique P1P1 pairs
Int_t T49Mixer::NofUsedUniquePairsP2P2() { return nUsedUniP2P2 / 2; }
// Get number of Used Unique P2P2 pairs
Int_t T49Mixer::NofUsedUniquePairsP1P2() { return (nUsedUniP1P2+nUsedUniP2P1) / 2 ; }
// Get number of Used Unique P1P2 pairs
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NofFreeUniquePairs
Int_t T49Mixer::NofFreeUniquePairsP1P1() { return NofUniquePairsP1P1()-NofUsedUniquePairsP1P1(); }
// Get number of Free Unique P1P1 pairs
Int_t T49Mixer::NofFreeUniquePairsP2P2() { return NofUniquePairsP2P2()-NofUsedUniquePairsP2P2(); }
// Get number of Free Unique P2P2 pairs
Int_t T49Mixer::NofFreeUniquePairsP1P2() { return NofUniquePairsP1P2()-NofUsedUniquePairsP1P2(); }
// Get number of Free Unique P1P2 pairs
Int_t T49Mixer::NofFreeP1x2() { return nObjects1-nUsedUniP1P2;}
// Internal routine
Int_t T49Mixer::NofFreeP2x1() { return nObjects2-nUsedUniP2P1;}
// Internal routine
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Obj: Used, SetUsed, SetNUsed
Bool_t T49Mixer::UsedOneP1(Int_t idx) { return fUsed1[0][idx];}
// Return Used/Nused status of Object in Pool1 at position idx
void T49Mixer::SetUsedOneP1(Int_t idx) { (*fUsed1)[idx] = fSeeFlag; }
// Mark Object in Pool1 at position idx as Used
void T49Mixer::SetNUsedOneP1(Int_t idx) { (*fUsed1)[idx] = 0; }
// Mark Object in Pool1 at position idx as NotUsed
Bool_t T49Mixer::UsedOneP2(Int_t idx) { return (*fUsed2)[idx];}
// Return Used/Nused status of Object in Pool1 at position idx
void T49Mixer::SetUsedOneP2(Int_t idx) { (*fUsed2)[idx] = fSeeFlag; }
// Mark Object in Pool1 at position idx as Used
void T49Mixer::SetNUsedOneP2(Int_t idx) { (*fUsed2)[idx] = 0; }
// Mark Object in Pool1 at position idx as NotUsed
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Pair: Used, SetUsed, SetNUsed
Bool_t T49Mixer::UsedPairP1P1(Int_t idx1, Int_t idx2)
// Return Used/Nused status of P1P1 pair (idx1,idx2)
Int_t idx;
if (idx1<=idx2) { idx = idx1*(nMaxMXX)+idx2; }
else { idx = idx2*(nMaxMXX)+idx1; }
return ( ((*fMaskXX)[idx/32] & fx010[idx%32]) == 0 ) ? false : true ;
Bool_t T49Mixer::UsedPairP1P1(Int_t idx)
// Internal routine
return ( ((*fMaskXX)[idx/32] & fx010[idx%32]) == 0 ) ? false : true ;
void T49Mixer::SetUsedPairP1P1(Int_t idx1, Int_t idx2)
// Mark P1P1 pair (idx1,idx2) as Used
if (fSeeFlag)
{ Int_t idx;
if (idx1<=idx2) { idx = idx1*(nMaxMXX)+idx2; }
else { idx = idx2*(nMaxMXX)+idx1; }
if (!UsedPairP1P1(idx)) {
(*fMaskXX)[idx/32] |= fx010[idx%32];
} }
void T49Mixer::SetNUsedPairP1P1(Int_t idx1, Int_t idx2)
// Mark P1P1 pair (idx1,idx2) as NotUsed
Int_t idx;
if (idx1<=idx2) { idx = idx1*(nMaxMXX)+idx2; }
else { idx = idx2*(nMaxMXX)+idx1; }
if (UsedPairP1P1(idx)) {
(*fMaskXX)[idx/32] &= fx101[idx%32];
Bool_t T49Mixer::UsedPairP2P2(Int_t idx1, Int_t idx2)
// Return Used/Nused status of P2P2 pair (idx1,idx2)
Int_t idx;
if (idx1<=idx2) { idx = idx2*(nMaxMXX)+idx1; }
else { idx = idx1*(nMaxMXX)+idx2; }
return ( ((*fMaskXX)[idx/32] & fx010[idx%32]) == 0 ) ? false : true ;
Bool_t T49Mixer::UsedPairP2P2(Int_t idx)
// Internal routine
return ( ((*fMaskXX)[idx/32] & fx010[idx%32]) == 0 ) ? false : true ;
void T49Mixer::SetUsedPairP2P2(Int_t idx1, Int_t idx2)
// Mark P2P2 pair (idx1,idx2) as Used
if (fSeeFlag)
{ Int_t idx;
if (idx1<=idx2) { idx = idx2*(nMaxMXX)+idx1; }
else { idx = idx1*(nMaxMXX)+idx2; }
if (!UsedPairP2P2(idx)) {
(*fMaskXX)[idx/32] |= fx010[idx%32];
} }
void T49Mixer::SetNUsedPairP2P2(Int_t idx1, Int_t idx2)
// Mark P2P2 pair (idx1,idx2) as NotUsed
Int_t idx;
if (idx1<=idx2) { idx = idx2*(nMaxMXX)+idx1; }
else { idx = idx1*(nMaxMXX)+idx2; }
if (UsedPairP2P2(idx)) {
(*fMaskXX)[idx/32] &= fx101[idx%32];
Bool_t T49Mixer::UsedPairP1P2(Int_t idx1, Int_t idx2)
// Return Used/Nused status of P1P2 pair (idx1,idx2)
Int_t idx;
idx = idx2*(nMaxMXY)+idx1;
return ( ((*fMaskXY)[idx/32] & fx010[idx%32]) == 0) ? false : true ;
Bool_t T49Mixer::UsedPairP1P2(Int_t idx)
// Internal routine
return ( ((*fMaskXY)[idx/32] & fx010[idx%32]) == 0) ? false : true ;
void T49Mixer::SetUsedPairP1P2(Int_t idx1, Int_t idx2)
// Mark P1P2 pair (idx1,idx2) as Used
if (fSeeFlag)
{ Int_t idx;
idx = idx2*(nMaxMXY)+idx1;
if (!UsedPairP1P2(idx)) {
(*fMaskXY)[idx/32] |= fx010[idx%32];
} }
void T49Mixer::SetNUsedPairP1P2(Int_t idx1, Int_t idx2)
// Mark P1P2 pair (idx1,idx2) as NotUsed
Int_t idx;
idx = idx2*(nMaxMXY)+idx1;
if (UsedPairP1P2(idx)) {
(*fMaskXY)[idx/32] &= fx101[idx%32];
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Unique Pair: Used, SetUsed, SetNUsed
Bool_t T49Mixer::UsedUniqueP1(Int_t idx1)
// Return UniqueP1P1 Used/Nused status of TObject in Pool1 at (idx1)
return (*fUniq11)[idx1];
void T49Mixer::SetUsedUniqueP1(Int_t idx1)
// Mark TObject in Pool1 at (idx1) as Used for UniqueP1P1 pairs
if (!UsedUniqueP1(idx1)) nUsedUniP1P1++;
(*fUniq11)[idx1] = 1;
void T49Mixer::SetNUsedUniqueP1(Int_t idx1)
// Mark TObject in Pool1 at (idx1) as NotUsed for UniqueP1P1 pairs
if (UsedUniqueP1(idx1)) nUsedUniP1P1--;
(*fUniq11)[idx1] = 0;
Bool_t T49Mixer::UsedUniqueP2(Int_t idx1)
// Return UniqueP2P2 Used/Nused status of TObject in Pool2 at (idx1)
return (*fUniq22)[idx1];
void T49Mixer::SetUsedUniqueP2(Int_t idx1)
// Mark TObject in Pool2 at (idx1) as Used for Unique P2P2 pairs
if (!UsedUniqueP2(idx1)) nUsedUniP2P2++;
(*fUniq22)[idx1] = 1;
void T49Mixer::SetNUsedUniqueP2(Int_t idx1)
// Mark TObject in Pool2 at (idx1) as NotUsed for UniqueP2P2 pairs
if (UsedUniqueP2(idx1)) nUsedUniP2P2--;
(*fUniq22)[idx1] = 0;
Bool_t T49Mixer::UsedUniqueP1x2(Int_t idx1)
// Return UniqueP1P2 Used/Nused status of TObject in Pool1 at (idx1)
return (*fUniq12)[idx1];
void T49Mixer::SetUsedUniqueP1x2(Int_t idx1)
// Mark TObject in Pool1 at (idx1) as Used for Unique P1P2 pairs
if (!UsedUniqueP1x2(idx1)) nUsedUniP1P2++;
(*fUniq12)[idx1] = 1;
void T49Mixer::SetNUsedUniqueP1x2(Int_t idx1)
// Mark TObject in Pool1 at (idx1) as NotUsed for Unique P1P2 pairs
if (UsedUniqueP1x2(idx1)) nUsedUniP1P2--;
(*fUniq12)[idx1] = 0;
Bool_t T49Mixer::UsedUniqueP2x1(Int_t idx2)
// Return UniqueP1P2 Used/Nused status of TObject in Pool2 at (idx2)
return (*fUniq21)[idx2];
void T49Mixer::SetUsedUniqueP2x1(Int_t idx2)
// Mark TObject in Pool2 at (idx2) as Used for Unique P1P2 pairs
if (!UsedUniqueP2x1(idx2)) nUsedUniP2P1++;
(*fUniq21)[idx2] = 1;
void T49Mixer::SetNUsedUniqueP2x1(Int_t idx2)
// Mark TObject in Pool2 at (idx2) as NotUsed for Unique P1P2 pairs
if (UsedUniqueP2x1(idx2)) nUsedUniP2P1--;
(*fUniq21)[idx2] = 0;
void T49Mixer::SetUsedUniqueIDXP1(Int_t Idx1, Int_t Idx2)
// Internal routine
(*fUniq11)[Idx2] = Idx1+1;
(*fUniq11)[Idx1] = Idx2+1;
Int_t T49Mixer::GetUsedUniqueIDXP1(Int_t idx)
// Internal routine
return (*fUniq11)[idx]-1;
void T49Mixer::SetUsedUniqueIDXP2(Int_t Idx1, Int_t Idx2)
// Internal routine
(*fUniq22)[Idx2] = Idx1+1;
(*fUniq22)[Idx1] = Idx2+1;
Int_t T49Mixer::GetUsedUniqueIDXP2(Int_t idx)
// Internal routine
return (*fUniq22)[idx]-1;
void T49Mixer::SetUsedUniqueIDXP1x2(Int_t Idx1, Int_t Idx2)
// Internal routine
(*fUniq12)[Idx1] = Idx2+1;
Int_t T49Mixer::GetUsedUniqueIDXP1x2(Int_t idx)
// Internal routine
return (*fUniq12)[idx]-1; }
void T49Mixer::SetUsedUniqueIDXP2x1(Int_t Idx1, Int_t Idx2)
// Internal routine
(*fUniq21)[Idx1] = Idx2+1;
Int_t T49Mixer::GetUsedUniqueIDXP2x1(Int_t idx)
// Internal routine
return (*fUniq21)[idx]-1;
////////////////////////////////////////////////// SetNUsedAfterReplaceP1 (P2)
void T49Mixer::SetNUsedAfterReplaceP1(Int_t idx)
// Internal routine
if(nPools==2 && idx<nMaxMXY) {
for(int i=0; i<nMaxMXY; i++){ if(i!=idx) SetNUsedPairP1P2(idx,i); }
if (fP1P2Mode==0) SetNUsedPairP1P2(idx,idx);
if(UsedUniqueP1(idx)) {SetNUsedUniqueP1(GetUsedUniqueIDXP1(idx)); SetNUsedUniqueP1(idx);}
if(UsedUniqueP1x2(idx)) {SetNUsedUniqueP2x1(GetUsedUniqueIDXP1x2(idx)); SetNUsedUniqueP1x2(idx);}
for(int i=0; i<nObjects1; i++) { if (idx != i) SetNUsedPairP1P1(idx,i); }
fL11x1 = 0; fL11x2 = 0;
fL12x1 = 0; fL12x2 = 0;
void T49Mixer::SetNUsedAfterReplaceP2(Int_t idx)
// Internal routine
if(nPools==2 && idx<nMaxMXY) {
for(int i=0; i<nMaxMXY; i++) { if(i!=idx) SetNUsedPairP1P2(i,idx); }
if (fP1P2Mode==0) SetNUsedPairP1P2(idx,idx);
if(UsedUniqueP2(idx)) {SetNUsedUniqueP2(GetUsedUniqueIDXP2(idx)); SetNUsedUniqueP2(idx);}
if(UsedUniqueP2x1(idx)) {SetNUsedUniqueP1x2(GetUsedUniqueIDXP2x1(idx)); SetNUsedUniqueP2x1(idx);}
for(int i=0; i<nObjects2; i++) { if (idx != i) SetNUsedPairP2P2(i,idx); }
fL22x1 = 0; fL22x2 = 0;
fL12x1 = 0; fL12x2 = 0;
////////////////////////////////////////////////// Initialization called from constructors
void T49Mixer::InitRnd()
// Initialize and randomize generator
UInt_t Seed=0;
void T49Mixer::InitStyle()
// Set TStyle for GUI
Int_t NC; NC = TS.GetNumberOfColors();
Int_t Cols[256];
for(int i=0;i<NC;i++) Cols[i]=TS.GetColorPalette(i);
Cols[NC-1]=3; TS.SetPalette(NC,Cols);
void T49Mixer::Init101()
// Set internal bit masks for AND/OR 32bit operations
fx010[0] = 0x80000000; fx010[1] = 0x40000000; fx010[2] = 0x20000000; fx010[3] = 0x10000000;
fx010[4] = 0x8000000; fx010[5] = 0x4000000; fx010[6] = 0x2000000; fx010[7] = 0x1000000;
fx010[8] = 0x800000; fx010[9] = 0x400000; fx010[10]= 0x200000; fx010[11]= 0x100000;
fx010[12]= 0x80000; fx010[13]= 0x40000; fx010[14]= 0x20000; fx010[15]= 0x10000;
fx010[16]= 0x8000; fx010[17]= 0x4000; fx010[18]= 0x2000; fx010[19]= 0x1000;
fx010[20]= 0x800; fx010[21]= 0x400; fx010[22]= 0x200; fx010[23]= 0x100;
fx010[24]= 0x80; fx010[25]= 0x40; fx010[26]= 0x20; fx010[27]= 0x10;
fx010[28]= 0x8; fx010[29]= 0x4; fx010[30]= 0x2; fx010[31]= 0x1;
fx101[0] = 0x7FFFFFFF; fx101[1] = 0xBFFFFFFF; fx101[2] = 0xDFFFFFFF; fx101[3] = 0xEFFFFFFF;
fx101[4] = 0xF7FFFFFF; fx101[5] = 0xFBFFFFFF; fx101[6] = 0xFDFFFFFF; fx101[7] = 0xFEFFFFFF;
fx101[8] = 0xFF7FFFFF; fx101[9] = 0xFFBFFFFF; fx101[10]= 0xFFDFFFFF; fx101[11]= 0xFFEFFFFF;
fx101[12]= 0xFFF7FFFF; fx101[13]= 0xFFFBFFFF; fx101[14]= 0xFFFDFFFF; fx101[15]= 0xFFFEFFFF;
fx101[16]= 0xFFFF7FFF; fx101[17]= 0xFFFFBFFF; fx101[18]= 0xFFFFDFFF; fx101[19]= 0xFFFFEFFF;
fx101[20]= 0xFFFFF7FF; fx101[21]= 0xFFFFFBFF; fx101[22]= 0xFFFFFDFF; fx101[23]= 0xFFFFFEFF;
fx101[24]= 0xFFFFFF7F; fx101[25]= 0xFFFFFFBF; fx101[26]= 0xFFFFFFDF; fx101[27]= 0xFFFFFFEF;
fx101[28]= 0xFFFFFFF7; fx101[29]= 0xFFFFFFFB; fx101[30]= 0xFFFFFFFD; fx101[31]= 0xFFFFFFFE;
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LAC module
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetLastUniP1P1(Int_t &Idx1,Int_t &Idx2)
// Get (idx1,idx2) of Last generated Unique P1P1 pair
// Call: GetLastUniP1P1(Idx1,Idx2); // Int_t Idx1,Idx2;
if(fLACu==0) { return false;
} else {
Idx1 = fU11x1;
Idx2 = fU11x2;
return true;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetLastUniP1P2(Int_t &Idx1,Int_t &Idx2)
// Get (idx1,idx2) of Last generated Unique P1P2 pair
// Call: GetLastUniP1P2(Idx1,Idx2); // Int_t Idx1,Idx2;
if(fLACu==0) { return false;
} else {
Idx1 = fU12x1;
Idx2 = fU12x2;
return true;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetLastUniP2P2(Int_t &Idx1,Int_t &Idx2)
// Get (idx1,idx2) of Last generated Unique P2P2 pair
// Call: GetLastUniP2P2(Idx1,Idx2); // Int_t Idx1,Idx2;
if(fLACu==0) { return false;
} else {
Idx1 = fU22x1;
Idx2 = fU22x2;
return true;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetLastP1P1(Int_t &Idx1,Int_t &Idx2)
// Get (idx1,idx2) of Last generated NotUsed P1P1 pair
// Call: GetLastP1P1(Idx1,Idx2); // Int_t Idx1,Idx2;
case 11: Idx1 = fL11x1; Idx2 = fL11x2; break;
case 21: Idx1 = fR11x1; Idx2 = fR11x2; break;
default: return false;
return true;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetLastP2P2(Int_t &Idx1,Int_t &Idx2)
// Get (idx1,idx2) of Last generated NotUsed P2P2 pair
// Call: GetLastP2P2(Idx1,Idx2); // Int_t Idx1,Idx2;
case 12: Idx1 = fL22x1; Idx2 = fL22x2; break;
case 22: Idx1 = fR22x1; Idx2 = fR22x2; break;
default: return false;
return true;
Bool_t T49Mixer::GetLastP1P2(Int_t &Idx1,Int_t &Idx2)
// Get (idx1,idx2) of Last generated NotUsed P1P2 pair
// Call: GetLastP1P2(Idx1,Idx2); // Int_t Idx1,Idx2;
case 13: Idx1 = fL12x1; Idx2 = fL12x2; break;
case 23: Idx1 = fR12x1; Idx2 = fR12x2; break;
default: return false;
return true;
Char_t* T49Mixer::GetLACName(Int_t LA)
// Return string name of last operation with code LA
case 0: sprintf(fLACName," "); break;
case 7: sprintf(fLACName,"GetFromP1"); break;
case 8: sprintf(fLACName,"GetFromP2"); break;
case 11: sprintf(fLACName,"GetNuPairP1P1"); break;
case 12: sprintf(fLACName,"GetNuPairP2P2"); break;
case 13: sprintf(fLACName,"GetNuPairP1P2"); break;
case 17: sprintf(fLACName,"GetNuOneP1"); break;
case 18: sprintf(fLACName,"GetNuOneP2"); break;
case 21: sprintf(fLACName,"GetNuRPairP1P1"); break;
case 22: sprintf(fLACName,"GetNuRPairP2P2"); break;
case 23: sprintf(fLACName,"GetNuRPairP1P2"); break;
case 27: sprintf(fLACName,"GetNuROneP1"); break;
case 28: sprintf(fLACName,"GetNuROneP2"); break;
case 31: sprintf(fLACName,"GetUniquePairP1P1"); break;
case 32: sprintf(fLACName,"GetUniquePairP2P2"); break;
case 33: sprintf(fLACName,"GetUniquePairP1P2"); break;
case 41: sprintf(fLACName,"GetRUniquePairP1P1"); break;
case 42: sprintf(fLACName,"GetRUniquePairP2P2"); break;
case 43: sprintf(fLACName,"GetRUniquePairP1P2"); break;
case 51: sprintf(fLACName,"SetPool1"); break;
case 52: sprintf(fLACName,"Put/AddToP1"); break;
case 53: sprintf(fLACName,"Put/ReplaceInP1"); break;
case 54: sprintf(fLACName,"PurgePool1"); break;
case 55: sprintf(fLACName,"ClearPool1"); break;
case 61: sprintf(fLACName,"SetPool2"); break;
case 62: sprintf(fLACName,"Put/AddToP2"); break;
case 63: sprintf(fLACName,"Put/ReplaceInP2"); break;
case 64: sprintf(fLACName,"PurgePool2"); break;
case 65: sprintf(fLACName,"ClearPool2"); break;
case 76: sprintf(fLACName,"SetPools"); break;
case 77: sprintf(fLACName,"ClearPools"); break;
default: sprintf(fLACName,"Unknown");
return fLACName;
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