The T49DST and T49ANA libraries are part of the local-branch of the NA49-library and can be used on the NA49-Linux-PCs (na49i01-10).
To do so, you should add the following to your .rootrc:
# Path used by dynamic loader to find shared libraries *.Root.DynamicPath: .:$ROOTSYS/lib:$NA49/local/lib
Make sure the that the NA49-environmentals are all set:
setenv NA49_LEVEL new source $NA49/etc/na49_env.csh
And define the T49-environment:
source $NA49/local/T49/macro/T49_env.csh
If you want to install the libraries on your own machines away from CERN, please follow this procedure:
setenv NA49_ARCH Linux setenv T49DST <your topdirectory>/T49DST setenv T49DST_LIB "$T49DST/lib" setenv T49ANA <your topdirectory>/T49ANA setenv T49ANA_LIB "$T49ANA/lib" setenv NEW_PATH "$T49DST_LIB":"$T49ANA_LIB" setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$NEW_PATH":"$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
tar -xvzf T49.tar.gzThis will create the directory tree and write out the source- and header-files.
<your topdirectory>/binand
<your topdirectory>/T49DST/lib <your topdirectory>/T49ANA/lib
make nods <your topdirectory>/bin make nods <your topdirectory>/T49DST/lib make nods <your topdirectory>/T49ANA/libIf everything went fine, you should find in T49DST/lib and in T49ANA/lib as well as root49 (without TRootDS).
# Path used by dynamic loader to find shared libraries *.Root.DynamicPath: .:$ROOTSYS/lib:$T49DST_LIB:$T49ANA_LIB
setenv ROOT49 <your directory containing .root49dsts>