#ifndef _xifind_str_included #define _xifind_str_included__ /* $Log: xi_find_root.h,v $ * Revision 1.1 2000/04/25 09:34:36 cblume * Add xi_find_root.h * */ typedef struct xi_cuts_t { Int_t nhits; /* min no. points on -ve rtrack */ Int_t npots; /* min no. potential points on charged track */ Int_t n_xi_steps; /* number of steps used to track xiom */ Int_t sside; /* 1 : xi and v0 x same side of TPC, -1 : diff, 0 : any */ Float_t ptarm_v_max; /* maximum ptarm for v0 */ Float_t step_size; /* step size along z for v0 */ Float_t mala_min; /* minimum mass of la / lb from v0 */ Float_t mala_max; /* maximum mass of la / lb from v0 */ Float_t zmin; /* min z for which xi search done */ Float_t dcax; /* max distance of closest appraoch in x */ Float_t dcay; /* max distance of closest approach in y */ Float_t dcar; /* max radial distance of closest approach */ Float_t ztarg; /* z of target */ Float_t ptarm_max; /* maximum allowed ptarm */ Float_t xtv0_min; /* min and max x of v0 at target plane.... */ Float_t xtv0_max; /* .... v0 must point back within these */ Float_t ytv0; /* maximum allowed abs y of v0 at target plane */ Float_t xtxi; /* maximum abs x tolerance at target for xi */ Float_t ytxi; /* maximum abs y tolerance at target for xi */ Float_t xtarg_pi_lo; /* CAREFUL!! xtarg_pi must be OUTSIDE range.... */ Float_t xtarg_pi_hi; /* .... defined by xtpi_lo and xtpi_hi values */ Float_t ytarg_pi; /* target y of daughter pi / ka must be outside |ytpi| */ Float_t zmin_v; /* min z of v0 vertex */ Float_t pt_max; /* maximum pt allowed */ Float_t ptot_max; /* maximum ptot allowed */ } xi_cuts_t; typedef struct avertex_xi_t /* first draft design of avertex_xi */ { Int_t charge; /* particle charge */ Float_t px; /* x momentum at vertex */ Float_t py; /* y */ Float_t pz; /* z */ Float_t sig_px; /* error on x momentum */ Float_t sig_py; /* y */ Float_t sig_pz; /* z */ Float_t pt; /* transverse momentum */ Float_t yxi; /* cascade rapidity */ Float_t yom; /* omega rapidity */ Float_t alpha; /* Armenteros alpha */ Float_t ptarm; /* Armenteros pt */ Float_t maxi; /* mass cascade hypothesis */ Float_t maom; /* mass omega hypothesis */ Float_t xtarg; /* x impact position at the target */ Float_t ytarg; /* y */ Float_t ztarg; /* z */ Float_t xtarg_pi; /* x of charged daughter at target */ Float_t ytarg_pi; /* y */ Float_t plen; /* path length of cascade */ Float_t x1minx2; /* x of daughter 1 - x of 2 at target */ } avertex_xi_t; typedef struct la_in_t /* structure for storing data on lambda's */ { Float_t x; /* x position of decay vertex */ Float_t y; /* y " " " " */ Float_t z; /* z " " " " */ Float_t px; /* x component of momentum */ Float_t py; /* y " " " */ Float_t pz; /* z " " " */ Float_t dcar_l; /* previous radial la / pi track separation */ Float_t dcar_2; /* 2nd last " " " " */ struct rtrack_t *la_pi_rtrk_p; /* pointer to la daughter pi- rtrack */ struct rtrack_t *lb_pi_rtrk_p; /* pointer to lb daughter pi+ rtrack */ struct avertex_v0_t *avtx_v0_p; /* pointer to avertex_v0 structure */ struct vertex_t *vertex_p; /* pointer to vertex structure */ Int_t flag; /* flag = 1 after xi / om found */ Int_t part; /* particle : 1 lambda, -1 antilambda */ } la_in_t; #endif