#include "T49CutEvent.h"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class T49CutEvent : public T49Cut

Inheritance Chart:

T49CutEvent() T49CutEvent(const Text_t* name, const Text_t* title) T49CutEvent(const T49CutEvent&) virtual ~T49CutEvent() Int_t CheckEvent(T49EventRoot* Event) static TClass* Class() TPaveText* GetCutList() virtual TClass* IsA() const T49CutEvent& operator=(const T49CutEvent&) virtual void PrintCutList() virtual void Reset() void SetEVeto(Double_t x, Double_t y) void SetEVetoCutOff() void SetMult(Int_t x, Int_t y) void SetMultCutOff() void SetStandardCutsPbPb() void SetStandardCutsPbPbMB() void SetStandardCutsPP() void SetStandardCutsPPb() void SetVertexIflag(Int_t n1, Int_t n2 = 99, Int_t n3 = 99) void SetVertexIflagCutOff() void SetVertexX(Double_t x, Double_t y) void SetVertexXCutOff() void SetVertexY(Double_t x, Double_t y) void SetVertexYCutOff() void SetVertexZ(Double_t x, Double_t y) void SetVertexZCutOff() virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Int_t fnumevent number of events Int_t fnumgoodevent number of accepted events Int_t fFlagVertexIflag flag of cut Int_t fnVertexIflag number of not accepted events due to this cut Int_t fMinVertexIflag vertex iflag to cut Pb (usually fVertexIflag == 0) Int_t fMaxVertexIflag in pp (usually fVertexIflag == 0,1) Int_t fN1VertexIflag accepted vertex flag Int_t fN2VertexIflag accepted vertex flag Int_t fN3VertexIflag accepted vertex flag Int_t fFlagVertexX flag of cut Int_t fnVertexX number of not accepted events due to this cut Double_t fMinVertexX Minimum X vertex position Double_t fMaxVertexX Maximum X vertex position Int_t fFlagVertexY flag of cut Int_t fnVertexY number of not accepted events due to this cut Double_t fMinVertexY Minimum Y vertex position Double_t fMaxVertexY Maximum Y vertex position Int_t fFlagVertexZ flag of cut Int_t fnVertexZ number of not accepted events due to this cut Double_t fMinVertexZ Minimum Z vertex position Double_t fMaxVertexZ Maximum Z vertex position Int_t fFlagEVeto flag of cut Int_t fnEVeto number of not accepted events due to this cut Double_t fMinEVeto Minimum veto calorimeter energy Double_t fMaxEVeto Maximum veto calorimeter energy Int_t fFlagMult flag of cut Int_t fnMult number of not accepted events due to this cut Int_t fMinMult Minimum multiplicity Int_t fMaxMult Maximum multiplicity

Class Description

              T49CutEvent Class                       
  Cut on events in T49EventRoot format                
  UpDate: 04.02.2000                                  

 Default constructor

T49CutEvent(const Text_t *name, const Text_t *title) :T49Cut(name,title)
 Default constructor with name and title

void Reset()
 Resets the cut definition and the counters

void SetStandardCutsPP()
 Sets the standard cuts for p+p events:
          Iflag = 0 or 4
           -1 < vertex-x <    1
           -1 < vertex-y <    1
         -585 < vertex-z < -574

void SetStandardCutsPPb()
 Sets the standard cuts for p+Pb events:
          Iflag = 0, 1 or 4
           -1 < vertex-x <    1
           -1 < vertex-y <    1
         -583 < vertex-z < -577

void SetStandardCutsPbPb()
 Sets the standard cuts for central Pb+Pb events:
          Iflag = 0
           -1 < vertex-x <    1
           -1 < vertex-y <    1
         -580 < vertex-z < -578   04.02.2000 (mvl) changed from -581 < vertex-z < -579

void SetStandardCutsPbPbMB()
 Sets the standard cuts for minimum bias Pb+Pb events:
          Iflag = 0
           -1 < vertex-x <    1
           -1 < vertex-y <    1
         -585 < vertex-z < -575

Int_t CheckEvent(T49EventRoot *Event)
 Checks whether a given event passes the defined cuts

TPaveText* GetCutList()
 Creates a TPaveText with the defined cuts and the cut-statistics

void PrintCutList()
 Prints the defined cuts and the cut-statistic

Inline Functions

                void ~T49CutEvent()
                void SetVertexIflag(Int_t n1, Int_t n2 = 99, Int_t n3 = 99)
                void SetVertexX(Double_t x, Double_t y)
                void SetVertexY(Double_t x, Double_t y)
                void SetVertexZ(Double_t x, Double_t y)
                void SetEVeto(Double_t x, Double_t y)
                void SetMult(Int_t x, Int_t y)
                void SetVertexIflagCutOff()
                void SetVertexXCutOff()
                void SetVertexYCutOff()
                void SetVertexZCutOff()
                void SetEVetoCutOff()
                void SetMultCutOff()
             TClass* Class()
             TClass* IsA() const
                void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
         T49CutEvent T49CutEvent(const T49CutEvent&)
        T49CutEvent& operator=(const T49CutEvent&)

Last update: Thu Aug 17 15:30:23 2006

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