class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)
T49XiFinder(const T49XiFinder&)
virtual ~T49XiFinder()
static TClass* Class()
virtual void CreateChargedInput(TObjArray* inputArray, Bool_t primary = kFALSE)
virtual void CreateNeutralInput(TObjArray* inputArray, Bool_t primary = kFALSE)
virtual void DeleteChargedInput()
virtual void DeleteNeutralInput()
virtual Bool_t FindXis()
virtual TObjArray* GetChargedDaughters()
virtual TObjArray* GetChargedInputArray()
virtual TObjArray* GetNeutralDaughters()
virtual TObjArray* GetNeutralInputArray()
virtual TObjArray* GetXis()
virtual void InitGlobalParameter()
virtual TClass* IsA() const
T49XiFinder& operator=(const T49XiFinder&)
virtual void SetChargedInput(TObjArray* inputArray)
virtual void SetNeutralInput(TObjArray* inputArray)
virtual void SetTrkstepCharged(T49Trkstep* trkstep)
virtual void SetTrkstepXi(T49Trkstep* trkstep)
void SetV0Zmin(Float_t z)
void SetVerbose(Int_t v = 1)
virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
TObjArray* fNeutralInputArray ! Array of neutral input particles
TObjArray* fChargedInputArray ! Array of charged input particles
TObjArray* fXiArray ! Array of found Xi/Omega candidates
TObjArray* fNeutralDaughterArray ! Array of neutral Xi/Omega daughters
TObjArray* fChargedDaughterArray ! Array of charged Xi/Omega daughters
T49Trkstep* fTrkstepCharged ! Trkstep for the charged daughters
T49Trkstep* fTrkstepXi ! Trkstep for the Xi/Omega candidates
Float_t fZtarget Target z position
Float_t fZmin Minimal z position for which the Xi search is done
Float_t fZstepsize Step size along z
Float_t fDcaXcut Cut in dca x
Float_t fDcaYcut Cut in dca y
Float_t fDcaRcut Cut in dca r
Float_t fSideCut Same / opposite side cut
Float_t fPtarmCut Cut in Xi/Omega Armenteros Pt
Float_t fPtMaxCut Cut in Xi/Omega Pt
Float_t fPtotMaxCut Cut in Xi/Omega Ptot
Float_t fXtargCut Cut in Xi/Omega xtarget
Float_t fYtargCut Cut in Xi/Omega ytarget
Float_t fV0MassMin Defines the (anti)lambda mass window
Float_t fV0MassMax Defines the (anti)lambda mass window
Float_t fV0Zmin Minimal z position for (anti)lambda decay vertex
Float_t fV0ArmPtMax Maximal Armenteros Pt for the (anti)lambda
Float_t fChargedXtargMin Lower cut in the x target impact parameter for the charged track
Float_t fChargedYtargMin Lower cut in the y target impact parameter for the charged track
Int_t fChargedNPointMin Lower cut in the number of points for the charged track
Int_t fVerbose Verbose flag
T49XiFinder applies the xifinder algorithm to mini-DST data.
T49XiFinder default constructor
T49XiFinder destructor
void InitGlobalParameter()
Initializes the T49XiFinder with the standard parameter for the global
reconstruction and 256tb data.
Bool_t FindXis()
Looks for Xi/Omega candidates employing the same procedure than the
xifinder of the reconstruction chain.
void CreateChargedInput(TObjArray *inputArray, Bool_t primary)
Defines the charge input array by applying the xifinder cuts to the
pion/kaon candidate.
void CreateNeutralInput(TObjArray *inputArray, Bool_t primary)
Defines the neutral input array by applying the xifinder cuts to the
V0 candidate.
void SetTrkstepCharged(T49Trkstep *trkstep)
Define T49Trkstep for the charged tracks.
void SetTrkstepXi(T49Trkstep *trkstep)
Define T49Trkstep for the Xi/Omega.
void DeleteChargedInput()
Deletes the charged input list
void DeleteNeutralInput()
Deletes the neutral input list
Inline Functions
void SetNeutralInput(TObjArray* inputArray)
void SetChargedInput(TObjArray* inputArray)
TObjArray* GetXis()
TObjArray* GetNeutralDaughters()
TObjArray* GetChargedDaughters()
TObjArray* GetNeutralInputArray()
TObjArray* GetChargedInputArray()
void SetV0Zmin(Float_t z)
void SetVerbose(Int_t v = 1)
TClass* Class()
TClass* IsA() const
void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
T49XiFinder T49XiFinder(const T49XiFinder&)
T49XiFinder& operator=(const T49XiFinder&)
Last update: Thu Aug 17 15:34:09 2006
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