* Author: Dominik Flierl, flierl@ikf.uni-frankfurt.de
// Revision 2004/09/10 skniege
// pass pointer to TheoreticalValue() instead of reference ( in get1dProjection(..) ( in get2dProjection(..)) )
// changed boarders for projections (errors) in get1dProjection(..) (for -loop)
// changed core to qube
// changed protection against fluctuation
using namespace std ;
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "T49HbtFitBase.h"
// this is the stupid way ROOT wants it: the fcn which is going to be minimzed must
// either be static or a global function. here it's global to make sur that we got
// the connection to this class we need the TMinuit->SetObjectFit(this) statment in doFit()
void gfcn(Int_t &nParamters, Double_t *gin, Double_t &finalChi2, Double_t *parameterSet, Int_t iflag)
T49HbtFitBase* dummy = dynamic_cast<T49HbtFitBase*>(gMinuit->GetObjectFit()) ;
dummy->mfcn(nParamters, gin, finalChi2 , parameterSet, iflag) ;
T49HbtFitBase::T49HbtFitBase(TMinuit* gMinuit,TH3D* numerator, TH3D* denominator)
// Get TMinuit in
mMinuit = gMinuit ;
// Get numerator and denominator in
mNumerator = numerator ;
mDenominator = denominator ;
// Create ratio which will be filled later
mRatio = (TH3D*) mNumerator->Clone("Correlationfunction") ;
mRatio->Reset() ;
// Set constants
mhc = 0.197326960277 ; // GeV * fm
mhc2 = 0.038937929230 ; // GeV^2 * fm^2 ;
// Set defaults for thresholds = 1 means accept every bin with at least one entry
mThresholdNumerator = 1.0 ;
mThresholdDenominator = 1.0 ;
// Per default the normalization is a free fit parameter
mfixNormalization = 0 ;
// Set defaults for fitting regions
mSphereLimit = 0.5 ;
mCore = 0.0 ;
// Set default for coulomb
unCorrectedBackground = 0 ;
mMeanQinv3dHisto = NULL ;
mPurity = 1.0 ;
// CERES like fitting needs these parameters
mMomentumRes = 1.0;
fCoulombFit = 0 ;
// Set arrays to null
mNumeratorInternalArray = NULL ;
mDenominatorInternalArray = NULL ;
mErrorInternalArray = NULL ;
mVariablePositionArray = NULL ;
mCenterOfGravityInQX = NULL ;
mCenterOfGravityInQY = NULL ;
mCenterOfGravityInQZ = NULL ;
// Delete arrays;
if(mNumeratorInternalArray) delete [] mNumeratorInternalArray ;
if(mDenominatorInternalArray) delete [] mDenominatorInternalArray ;
if(mErrorInternalArray) delete [] mErrorInternalArray ;
if(mVariablePositionArray) delete [] mVariablePositionArray ;
Int_t T49HbtFitBase::FillInternalArrays(Double_t previouslyUsedNormalization)
// Some output
cout << " Filling internal arrays with numerator threshold : " << mThresholdNumerator
<< " denominator threshold : " << mThresholdDenominator << endl ;
// Get the maximum number of bins
Int_t maximumInternalArraySize = (mNumerator->GetNbinsX()+2) * (mNumerator->GetNbinsY()+2) * (mNumerator->GetNbinsZ()+2) ;
if ( maximumInternalArraySize != (mDenominator->GetNbinsX()+2) * (mDenominator->GetNbinsY()+2) * (mDenominator->GetNbinsZ()+2) )
cerr << "Warning : different histogram sizes in numerator and denominatorn " ;
// Now create arrays
mNumeratorInternalArray = new Double_t[maximumInternalArraySize] ;
mDenominatorInternalArray = new Double_t[maximumInternalArraySize] ;
mErrorInternalArray = new Double_t[maximumInternalArraySize] ;
mVariablePositionArray = new TVector3[maximumInternalArraySize] ;
// Count number of actually used bins
mInternalArraySize = 0 ;
// Loop over histogram and fill values into vectors
for (Int_t index = 0 ; index < maximumInternalArraySize ; index++)
if ( mNumerator->GetBinContent(index) > mThresholdNumerator && mDenominator->GetBinContent(index) > mThresholdDenominator )
// Take center of the BIN ( as corresponding position in qlong,qside,qnull )
Int_t binX = 0 ;
Int_t binY = 0 ;
Int_t binZ = 0 ;
Bin1ToBin3(mNumerator, index, binX, binY, binZ) ;
Double_t qx = mNumerator->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(binX) ;
Double_t qy = mNumerator->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(binY) ;
Double_t qz = mNumerator->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(binZ) ;
// Check if bin is in fitting range
if ( TMath::Abs(qx) < mSphereLimit && TMath::Abs(qy)< mSphereLimit && TMath::Abs(qz)< mSphereLimit &&
(TMath::Abs(qx) > mCore || TMath::Abs(qy)> mCore || TMath::Abs(qz) > mCore) )
// Fill the 3d histograms into vectors
Double_t num = mNumerator->GetBinContent(index) ;
Double_t denom = mDenominator->GetBinContent(index) ;
// Fill numerator
mNumeratorInternalArray[mInternalArraySize] = num ;
// Normalize and fill background
mDenominatorInternalArray[mInternalArraySize] = denom ;
// The error is cacluated using Gauss' error propagation : e = num/denom * sqrt(1/num + 1/(denom))
Double_t error = num/(denom) * sqrt( (1.0/num) + (1.0/denom) ) ;
// In case we did the normalization before
if(previouslyUsedNormalization>1.0) cerr << "I need the normalziation, you gave me 1.0/normalziation" << endl ;
mfixNormalization = 1 ;
// error = num/(denom*(1.0/previouslyUsedNormalization)) * sqrt( (1.0/num) + 1.0/(denom*(1.0/previouslyUsedNormalization)) ) ; // flierl
// first calculate the error of the unscaled ratio
error = num/(denom*(1.0/previouslyUsedNormalization)) * sqrt( (1.0/num) + 1.0/(denom*(1.0/previouslyUsedNormalization)) ) ;
// the rescale the errors with the normalization constant
error *= 1.0/previouslyUsedNormalization;
mErrorInternalArray[mInternalArraySize] = error ;
if(mCenterOfGravityInQX == NULL || mCenterOfGravityInQY == NULL || mCenterOfGravityInQZ == NULL )
// The most simple case : take center of the BIN ( as according position in qlong,qside,qnull )
mVariablePositionArray[mInternalArraySize].SetX(qx) ;
mVariablePositionArray[mInternalArraySize].SetY(qy) ;
mVariablePositionArray[mInternalArraySize].SetZ(qz) ;
// More realisic: take center of gravity in qside,qlong,qout cell
mVariablePositionArray[mInternalArraySize].SetX(mCenterOfGravityInQX->GetBinContent(index)) ;
mVariablePositionArray[mInternalArraySize].SetY(mCenterOfGravityInQY->GetBinContent(index)) ;
mVariablePositionArray[mInternalArraySize].SetZ(mCenterOfGravityInQZ->GetBinContent(index)) ;
// Some output for debugging only
if (num/(denom) <0.8 && num/(denom)>0.0 && 0)
cout << (Double_t) num << "t" << (Double_t) (denom) ;
cout << "t" << (Double_t) (num/(denom)) ;
Double_t xx = mNumerator->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(binX) ;
Double_t yy = mNumerator->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(binY) ;
Double_t zz = mNumerator->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(binZ) ;
cout << "xa " << xx << "t" << binX << "t" ;
cout << "ya " << yy << "t" << binY << "t" ;
cout << "za " << zz << "t" << binZ << endl ;
// Fill 3d ratio for projection purposes
mRatio->SetBinContent(index,num/(denom)) ;
mRatio->SetBinError(index, error) ;
// Count entries
mInternalArraySize++ ;
// Done
cout << "Internal array size :" << mInternalArraySize << endl ;
return mInternalArraySize; // for chi^2/NDF
void T49HbtFitBase::SetHistos(TH3D* numerator, TH3D* denominator)
// Set the numerator and denominator
mNumerator = numerator ;
mDenominator = denominator ;
// Calculate the ratio
mRatio = (TH3D*) numerator->Clone() ;
mRatio->Reset() ;
mRatio->Divide(numerator,denominator) ;
void T49HbtFitBase::SetCentersOfGravity(TH3D* CenterOfGravityInQX, TH3D* CenterOfGravityInQY, TH3D* CenterOfGravityInQZ)
mCenterOfGravityInQX = CenterOfGravityInQX ;
mCenterOfGravityInQY = CenterOfGravityInQY ;
mCenterOfGravityInQZ = CenterOfGravityInQZ ;
void T49HbtFitBase::Bin1ToBin3(TH3D* histo, Int_t bin, Int_t& binx, Int_t& biny, Int_t& binz)
// Actually this should be provided by ROOT ... grrrr
// return bin number of every axis (binx,biny,binz) if the general bin number (bin) is known
// general bin = binX + binY * (nbinX+2) + binZ * ((nbinx+2) * (nbiny+2) ) (+2 acounts for over and underflow!)
Int_t nbbinX = (histo->GetNbinsX()) + 2 ;
Int_t nbbinY = (histo->GetNbinsY()) + 2 ;
binx = bin%nbbinX ;
biny = (bin/nbbinX) % nbbinY ;
binz = (bin/nbbinX) / nbbinY ;
TH3D* T49HbtFitBase::Ratio()
// If normalization was part of the fit we have to scale the ratio histogram for projection etc. ...
Double_t currentValue ;
Double_t currentError ;
mMinuit->GetParameter(0, currentValue, currentError) ;
mRatio->Scale(1.0/currentValue) ;
return mRatio ;
void T49HbtFitBase::SetCoulombCalculator(TH3D* MeanQinv3dHisto, T49HbtCoulomb* CoulombCalculator, Double_t purity , Double_t momentumres)
// Switch coulomb correction on
unCorrectedBackground = 1 ;
mMeanQinv3dHisto = MeanQinv3dHisto ;
mCoulombCalculator = CoulombCalculator ;
if(!mMeanQinv3dHisto || !mCoulombCalculator) cerr << "Error: Didn't get histos correctly ! " << endl ;
mPurity = purity ;
mMomentumRes = momentumres;
Double_t T49HbtFitBase::Lnfactorial(Double_t arg)
// Return the factorial of arg
Double_t fac = 1.0 ;
Int_t iarg = (Int_t) arg ;
for (int index = 1; index < iarg+1 ; index++)
{ fac *=(Double_t)index; } ;
fac = log(fac) ;
// If the argument is too large : use Stirlings formula
fac = 0.91 + (iarg+0.5) * log((float)iarg) - iarg ;
return fac;
T49FitProjector::T49FitProjector(T49HbtFitBase* dFitter)
// Init my fitter
mFitter = dFitter ;
// Get the 3d hist
mRatio = mFitter->Ratio() ;
// If the ratio histogram does not exist
if (!mRatio)
cerr << " Attention no ratio histogram ! " << endl ;
// Get minuit to extract the fit result
TMinuit* tMinuit = dFitter->getMinuit() ;
// Fill fit result into array
mFitParameters = new Double_t[6] ;
mFitParameterErrors = new Double_t[6] ;
cout << "Found fit parameters : " << "t" ;
for( Int_t index = 0 ; index < 6 ; index++ )
Double_t value = 0 ;
Double_t error = 0 ;
tMinuit->GetParameter(index, value, error) ;
mFitParameters[index] = value ;
mFitParameterErrors[index]= error;
cout << value << "t" ;
cout << endl ;
} ;
delete [] mFitParameters ;
delete [] mFitParameterErrors ;
} ;
void T49FitProjector::Clear()
if(m1dpro) delete m1dpro ;
if(m1dfit) delete m1dfit ;
if(m1dweight) delete m1dweight ;
if(m1dcounter) delete m1dcounter ;
if(m1derror) delete m1derror ;
TH1D* T49FitProjector::get1dProjection(TString axis, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Double_t ymin, Double_t ymax, Double_t zmin, Double_t zmax)
// The 1d projection is done by summing over the two axis not equal to "axis" in the function call.
// The summing is done by weighting each addend with its inverse error S = sigma(a_i * (1.0/e_i) / E) with E = sigma(1.0/e_i)
// The error is calculated based on regular error propagation : totalerror = sqrt(n) / E with n = number of addends
// Get ranges of the ratio 3d histogram
Int_t xminBin = mRatio->GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(xmin) ;
Int_t xmaxBin = mRatio->GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(xmax) ; Int_t yminBin = mRatio->GetYaxis()->FindFixBin(ymin) ;
Int_t ymaxBin = mRatio->GetYaxis()->FindFixBin(ymax) ;
Int_t zminBin = mRatio->GetZaxis()->FindFixBin(zmin) ;
Int_t zmaxBin = mRatio->GetZaxis()->FindFixBin(zmax) ;
// Calculate size of the projection histo
Int_t proNbins = 0 ;
Double_t proMin = 0.0 ;
Double_t proMax = 0.0 ;
char* axistitle = new char[60] ;
if (axis == "x")
proNbins = abs(xmaxBin-xminBin)+1 ;
proMin = mRatio->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(xminBin) ;
proMax = mRatio->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(xmaxBin) ;
strcpy(axistitle,mRatio->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()) ;
else if (axis == "y")
proNbins = abs(ymaxBin-yminBin)+1 ;
proMin = mRatio->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(yminBin) ;
proMax = mRatio->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(ymaxBin) ;
strcpy(axistitle,mRatio->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()) ;
else if (axis == "z")
proNbins = abs(zmaxBin-zminBin)+1 ;
proMin = mRatio->GetZaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(zminBin) ;
proMax = mRatio->GetZaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(zmaxBin) ;
strcpy(axistitle,mRatio->GetZaxis()->GetTitle()) ; }
cerr << "Wrong axis in projector, this should not happen ! "<< endl ;
return 0;
} ;
// Create 1d histos
Int_t ran = rand() ; // to distinguish between objects give them a random id ...
// Result histo
m1dpro = new TH1D("my1dpro","my1dpro",proNbins,proMin,proMax) ;
m1dpro->SetXTitle(axistitle) ;
m1dpro->SetTitle(axistitle) ;
Char_t restitle[100] ;
sprintf(restitle,"fit%s%dn",axis.Data(),ran) ;
m1dpro->SetName(restitle) ;
// Fit histo
m1dfit = new TH1D("my1dfit","my1dfit",proNbins,proMin,proMax) ;
Char_t fittitle[100] ;
sprintf(fittitle,"fit%s%dn",axis.Data(),ran) ;
m1dfit->SetLineColor(2) ;
m1dfit->SetLineStyle(1) ;
m1dfit->SetLineWidth(1) ;
// Weight histo
m1dweight = new TH1D("my1dweight","my1dweight",proNbins,proMin,proMax) ;
Char_t weightmtitle[100] ;
sprintf(weightmtitle,"weightm%s%dn",axis.Data(),ran) ;
// Counter histo
m1dcounter = new TH1D("my1dcounter","my1dcounter",proNbins,proMin,proMax) ;
Char_t countermtitle[100] ;
sprintf(countermtitle,"counterm%s%dn",axis.Data(),ran) ;
// Fill histo
for(Int_t indexX = xminBin ; indexX <= xmaxBin ; indexX++)
for(Int_t indexY = yminBin ; indexY <= ymaxBin ; indexY++)
for(Int_t indexZ = zminBin ; indexZ <= zmaxBin ; indexZ++)
// Get content of the 3d cell in ratio histo
Double_t cellContent = mRatio->GetBinContent(indexX,indexY,indexZ) ;
// Get error of this cell
Double_t cellContentError = mRatio->GetBinError(indexX,indexY,indexZ) ;
// Get the content of this 3d cell using the fit function
TVector3 position(mRatio->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(indexX),
Double_t cellContentFromFit = mFitter->TheoreticalValue(&position,mFitParameters) ;
// Fill the 1d histos
Int_t proBin = -100 ;
if (axis == "x") { proBin = m1dpro->GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(mRatio->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(indexX)); }
else if (axis == "y") { proBin = m1dpro->GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(mRatio->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(indexY)); }
else if (axis == "z") { proBin = m1dpro->GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(mRatio->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(indexZ)); }
// Accept only meaningfull cells
if( cellContent > 0.0 && cellContentError > 0.0 )
// Fill projection 1d histo, weighted with 1/error
m1dpro->AddBinContent(proBin,cellContent/cellContentError ) ;
// Fill fit 1d histo equally weighted with 1/error
m1dfit->AddBinContent(proBin,cellContentFromFit/cellContentError ) ;
// Fill 1/error histogram to normalize
m1dweight->AddBinContent(proBin,1.0/cellContentError) ;
// Count number of addends (German: Summanden :))
m1dcounter->AddBinContent(proBin,1.0) ;
// Some ouput for debugging only
if ( proBin == 10 && 0)
cout << proBin << " " ;
cout << "posx " << mRatio->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(indexX) << " ";
cout << "posy " << mRatio->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(indexY) << " ";
cout << "posz " << mRatio->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(indexZ) << " ";
cout << "content " << cellContent << " " ;
cout << "fit " << cellContentFromFit << " " ;
cout << "error " << cellContentError << " " ;
cout << endl ;
// Normalize fit and projection histos
m1dpro->Divide(m1dweight) ;
m1dfit->Divide(m1dweight) ;
// Now attach an error bar to each data point, with error = number of addens / (sum over 1 over error) ;
for(Int_t binIndex=1 ; binIndex <= m1dpro->GetNbinsX() ; binIndex++)
if( m1dcounter->GetBinContent(binIndex) > 0.0 && m1dweight->GetBinContent(binIndex) != 0.0 )
// Use sqrt since the errors are squard
m1dpro->SetBinError(binIndex,sqrt(m1dcounter->GetBinContent(binIndex))/m1dweight->GetBinContent(binIndex)) ;
// Return projection
return m1dpro ;
TH2D* T49FitProjector::get2dProjection(TString axis, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Double_t ymin, Double_t ymax, Double_t zmin, Double_t zmax)
// The projection is done by summing over entries in direction "axis" specified when the function is called
// The entries are weighted by 1 over the statistical error
// Get ranges of the ratio 3d histogram
Int_t xminBin = mRatio->GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(xmin) ;
Int_t xmaxBin = mRatio->GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(xmax) ;
Int_t yminBin = mRatio->GetYaxis()->FindFixBin(ymin) ;
Int_t ymaxBin = mRatio->GetYaxis()->FindFixBin(ymax) ;
Int_t zminBin = mRatio->GetZaxis()->FindFixBin(zmin) ;
Int_t zmaxBin = mRatio->GetZaxis()->FindFixBin(zmax) ;
// Get dimensions of the projection histos
Int_t proNbinsX = 0 ;
Double_t proMinX = 0.0 ;
Double_t proMaxX = 0.0 ;
Char_t* axistitleX = new char[100] ;
Int_t proNbinsY = 0 ;
Double_t proMinY = 0.0 ;
Double_t proMaxY = 0.0 ;
Char_t* axistitleY = new char[100] ;
// Determine the dimension of the 2d projection histogram
if (axis == "x")
proNbinsX = abs(ymaxBin-yminBin)+1 ;
proMinX = mRatio->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(yminBin) ;
proMaxX = mRatio->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(ymaxBin) ;
strcpy(axistitleX,mRatio->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()) ;
proNbinsY = abs(zmaxBin-zminBin)+1 ;
proMinY = mRatio->GetZaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(zminBin) ;
proMaxY = mRatio->GetZaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(zmaxBin) ;
strcpy(axistitleY,mRatio->GetZaxis()->GetTitle()) ;
else if (axis == "y")
proNbinsX = abs(zmaxBin-zminBin)+1 ;
proMinX = mRatio->GetZaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(zminBin) ;
proMaxX = mRatio->GetZaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(zmaxBin) ;
strcpy(axistitleX,mRatio->GetZaxis()->GetTitle()) ;
proNbinsY = abs(xmaxBin-xminBin)+1 ;
proMinY = mRatio->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(xminBin) ;
proMaxY = mRatio->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(xmaxBin) ;
strcpy(axistitleY,mRatio->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()) ;
else if (axis == "z")
proNbinsX = abs(xmaxBin-xminBin)+1 ;
proMinX = mRatio->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(xminBin) ;
proMaxX = mRatio->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(xmaxBin) ;
strcpy(axistitleX,mRatio->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()) ;
proNbinsY = abs(ymaxBin-yminBin)+1 ;
proMinY = mRatio->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(yminBin) ;
proMaxY = mRatio->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(ymaxBin) ;
strcpy(axistitleY,mRatio->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()) ;
cerr << "Wrong axis in projector, this should not happen ! "<< endl ;
return 0;
} ;
// Create 2d histos
Int_t ran = (Int_t) rand() ; // to distinguish between objects give them a special random id ...
// Projection
m2dpro = new TH2D("my2dpro","my2dpro",proNbinsX,proMinX,proMaxX,proNbinsY,proMinY,proMaxY) ;
Char_t resName[100] ; sprintf(resName,"res%s%dn",axis.Data(),ran) ; m2dpro->SetName(resName) ;
m2dpro->SetXTitle(axistitleX) ;
m2dpro->SetYTitle(axistitleY) ;
Char_t restitle[100] ; sprintf(restitle,"%sn",axis.Data()) ;m2dpro->SetTitle(restitle) ;
// Fit
m2dfit = new TH2D("my2dfit","my2dfit",proNbinsX,proMinX,proMaxX,proNbinsY,proMinY,proMaxY) ;
Char_t fittitle[100] ; sprintf(fittitle,"fit%s%dn",axis.Data(),ran) ; m2dfit->SetName(fittitle) ;
// Norm
m2dweight = new TH2D("my2dweight","my2dweight",proNbinsX,proMinX,proMaxX,proNbinsY,proMinY,proMaxY) ;
char weightmtitle[100] ; sprintf(weightmtitle,"weightm%s%dn",axis.Data(),ran) ; m2dweight->SetName(weightmtitle) ;
// Fill histo
for(Int_t indexX = xminBin ; indexX <= xmaxBin ; indexX++)
for(Int_t indexY = yminBin ; indexY <= ymaxBin ; indexY++)
for(Int_t indexZ = zminBin ; indexZ <= zmaxBin ; indexZ++)
// Get the content of the 3d cell
Double_t cellcontent = mRatio->GetBinContent(indexX,indexY,indexZ) ;
// Get error of this cell
Double_t cellContentError = mRatio->GetBinError(indexX,indexY,indexZ) ;
// Get the content of the 3d cell using the fit function
TVector3 position(mRatio->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(indexX),
Double_t cellContentFromFit = mFitter->TheoreticalValue(&position,mFitParameters) ;
// Fill the 2d histos
Int_t proBin = -100 ;
if (axis == "x")
proBin = m2dpro->FindBin(mRatio->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(indexY),mRatio->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(indexZ)) ;
else if (axis == "y")
proBin = m2dpro->FindBin(mRatio->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(indexZ),mRatio->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(indexX)) ;
else if (axis == "z")
proBin = m2dpro->FindBin(mRatio->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(indexX),mRatio->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(indexY)) ;
if( cellcontent>0.5 && cellcontent <1.5 && cellContentError > 0.0 )
// Fill projection 2d histo
m2dpro->AddBinContent(proBin,cellcontent/cellContentError) ;
// Fill fit 2d histo
m2dfit->AddBinContent(proBin,cellContentFromFit/cellContentError) ;
// Fill 1/error histogram to normalize
m2dweight->AddBinContent(proBin,1.0/cellContentError) ;
// normalize fit and projection histos
m2dpro->Divide(m2dweight) ;
m2dfit->Divide(m2dweight) ;
// return projection
return m2dpro ;
void T49HbtFitBase::doFit()
// everything is set up: start minimization !
// Errorflag
Int_t ierflg = 0 ;
// check whether the TMinuit-object was initialized or not
if (mMinuit->GetNumPars() == 0)
cout << "TMinuit not intitialized => calling standard initialization." << endl;
// if normalization is derived elsewhere we simply fix it here
mMinuit->mnparm(0, "Normalization", 1.0, 0.01, 0,0,ierflg) ;
mMinuit->FixParameter(0) ;
// set function to call
mMinuit->SetObjectFit(this) ;
mMinuit->SetFCN(gfcn) ;
mMinuit->Migrad() ;
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