* Author: Dominik Flierl, flierl@ikf.uni-frankfurt.de
// Revision 2004/09/10 skniege
// Add Ceres methods T49HbtFit_BP_LS_CHI2::TheoreticalValue()
using namespace std ;
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "T49HbtFitDivers.h"
void T49HbtFit_BP_LS_CHI2::mfcn(Int_t &nParameters, Double_t *gin, Double_t &finalChi2, Double_t *parameterSet, Int_t iflag)
// calculate chi2 of the given paramset 'parameterSet'
// loop over Internal Array and caluclate chi2
double chi2 = 0.0 ;
for (Int_t index = 0 ; index < mInternalArraySize ; index++)
// calculate the expected52 value at this point (variablePosition) for this set of paramters,
// attention the return value might be coulomb corrected !
Double_t theoreticalValue = TheoreticalValue( &mVariablePositionArray[index], parameterSet) ;
//cout << &mVariablePositionArray[index] << endl ;
// now we have to consider the normalization
theoreticalValue = theoreticalValue * parameterSet[0] ;
// get the difference between measured and predicted value
double delta = (mNumeratorInternalArray[index]/mDenominatorInternalArray[index]-theoreticalValue)/mErrorInternalArray[index];
// sum the chi2
chi2 += delta*delta;
// chi2 is calculated
finalChi2 = chi2 ;
Double_t T49HbtFit_BP_LS_CHI2::TheoreticalValue(TVector3* position, double* parameterSet )
//if(position->X()<0.0) { cout << "unmoeglich !" << endl ; }
// return C2 at 'position' with 'parameterSet' for Bertsch-Pratt parametrization, if set, with coulomb correction
// position->x = qside
// position->y = qout
// position->z = qlong
// parameterSet[0] = normalization
// parameterSet[1] = lambda // corresponds to the measured reduction of the correlationfunction for CERES fit procedure
// parameterSet[2] = Rside
// parameterSet[3] = Rout
// parameterSet[4] = Rlong
// parameterSet[5] = Routlong
Double_t valueFromCorrelationFunction = 1.0;
Double_t coulombWeight = 1.0;
switch (fCoulombFit)
case 0 : //Sinyukov coulomb weight (Na49 fit function)
valueFromCorrelationFunction = 1.0 + parameterSet[1] * exp(
(-1.0) * pow(position->x(),2) * pow(parameterSet[2],2)
- pow(position->y(),2) * pow(parameterSet[3],2)
- pow(position->z(),2) * pow(parameterSet[4],2)
- 2* position->y() * position->z() * pow(parameterSet[5],2)
/ mhc2 );
if(unCorrectedBackground == 1 && mCoulombCalculator)
coulombWeight =
mMeanQinv3dHisto->GetZaxis()->FindBin(position->Z()))) ;
// see equation 7 : C++ = p A Cqs + (1-p)
//valueFromCorrelationFunction = mPurity * coulombWeight * valueFromCorrelationFunction + (1.0-mPurity) ;
// added mom resolution to compare to ceres procedure
valueFromCorrelationFunction = mPurity * valueFromCorrelationFunction*(mMomentumRes*coulombWeight +(1-mMomentumRes)) + (1.0-mPurity) ;
case 1 : // PBM coulomb weight (Na49 fit function)
valueFromCorrelationFunction = 1.0 + parameterSet[1] * exp(
(-1.0) * pow(position->x(),2) * pow(parameterSet[2],2)
- pow(position->y(),2) * pow(parameterSet[3],2)
- pow(position->z(),2) * pow(parameterSet[4],2)
- 2* position->y() * position->z() * pow(parameterSet[5],2)
/ mhc2 );
if(unCorrectedBackground == 1 && mCoulombCalculator)
coulombWeight =
mMeanQinv3dHisto->GetZaxis()->FindBin(position->Z()))) ;
valueFromCorrelationFunction = mPurity * coulombWeight * valueFromCorrelationFunction + (1.0-mPurity) ;
case 2 : // PBM coulomb weight ( CERES fit function )
valueFromCorrelationFunction = 1.0 + exp(
(-1.0) * pow(position->x(),2) * pow(parameterSet[2],2)
- pow(position->y(),2) * pow(parameterSet[3],2)
- pow(position->z(),2) * pow(parameterSet[4],2)
- 2* position->y() * position->z() * pow(parameterSet[5],2)
/ mhc2 );
if(unCorrectedBackground == 1 && mCoulombCalculator)
coulombWeight =
mMeanQinv3dHisto->GetZaxis()->FindBin(position->Z()))) ;
valueFromCorrelationFunction = parameterSet[1]*(valueFromCorrelationFunction*(mMomentumRes*coulombWeight +(1-mMomentumRes))) + (1.0-parameterSet[1]) ;
{ cout << " coulombWeight " << coulombWeight << endl ;
cout << " valueFromCorrelationFunction " << valueFromCorrelationFunction << endl;
// return result
return valueFromCorrelationFunction ;
void T49HbtFit_BP_LS_CHI2::InitMinuit()
// initialization with default start values
// Errorflag
Int_t ierflg = 0 ;
mMinuit->mnparm(0, "Normalization", 0.1, 0.01, 0,0,ierflg);
mMinuit->mnparm(1, "lambda", 0.5, 0.1, 0,0,ierflg);
mMinuit->mnparm(2, "Rside", 5.0, 0.1, 0,0,ierflg);
mMinuit->mnparm(3, "Rout", 5.0, 0.1, 0,0,ierflg);
mMinuit->mnparm(4, "Rlong", 5.0, 0.1, 0,0,ierflg);
mMinuit->mnparm(5, "Routlong", 5.0, 0.1, 0,0,ierflg);
void T49HbtFit_BP_LS_MML::mfcn(Int_t &nParameters, Double_t *gin, Double_t &finalMLH, Double_t *parameterSet, Int_t iflag)
// calculate maximum likelihood asuming an underlying poisson distribution, for details see for example
// http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/Leo/Stats_contents.html
poison distribution : p(r) = y^r * exp(-y) / r! y = mean
likelihood distribution to be maximized L, n number of measurements (x1....xn) :
L = -n*y + Sum(xi * ln(y)) - Sum(ln(xi!)) = Sum( -y + xi * ln(y) - ln(xi!) )
// some definitions
Double_t MLH = 0.0 ;
// loop over Internal Array and caluclate chi2
for (Int_t index = 0 ; index < mInternalArraySize ; index++)
// calculate the expected value at this point (variablePosition) for this set of paramters
Double_t expectedValue = TheoreticalValue( &mVariablePositionArray[index] , parameterSet) * mDenominatorInternalArray[index] ;
// now we have to consider the normalization
expectedValue = expectedValue * parameterSet[0] ;
// measured value
Double_t measueredValue = mNumeratorInternalArray[index] ;
// sum up
MLH += -expectedValue + measueredValue * log(expectedValue) - Lnfactorial(measueredValue) ;
// likelihood for this set of paramters
finalMLH = - MLH ;
Double_t T49HbtFit_BP_LS_MML::TheoreticalValue(TVector3* position, double* parameterSet )
// return C2 at 'position' with 'parameterSet' for Bertsch-Pratt parametrization, if set, with coulomb correction
// position.x = qside
// position.y = qout
// position.z = qlong
// parameterSet[0] = normalization
// parameterSet[1] = lambda
// parameterSet[2] = Rside
// parameterSet[3] = Rout
// parameterSet[4] = Rlong
// parameterSet[5] = Routlong
Double_t valueFromCorrelationFunction = 1.0 + parameterSet[1] * exp(
(-1.0) * pow(position->x(),2) * pow(parameterSet[2],2)
- pow(position->y(),2) * pow(parameterSet[3],2)
- pow(position->z(),2) * pow(parameterSet[4],2)
- 2* position->y() * position->z() * pow(parameterSet[5],2)
/ mhc2 );
// now check coulomb must be included
if(unCorrectedBackground == 1 && mCoulombCalculator)
Double_t coulombWeight =
mMeanQinv3dHisto->GetZaxis()->FindBin(position->Z()))) ;
// see equation 7 : C++ = p A Cqs + (1-p)
valueFromCorrelationFunction = mPurity * coulombWeight * valueFromCorrelationFunction + (1.0-mPurity) ;
// return result
return valueFromCorrelationFunction ;
void T49HbtFit_BP_LS_MML::InitMinuit()
// initialization with default start values
// Errorflag
Int_t ierflg = 0 ;
mMinuit->mnparm(0, "Normalization", 0.05, 0.01, 0,0,ierflg);
mMinuit->mnparm(1, "lambda", 0.5, 0.1, 0,0,ierflg);
mMinuit->mnparm(2, "Rside", 5.0, 0.1, 0,0,ierflg);
mMinuit->mnparm(3, "Rout", 5.0, 0.1, 0,0,ierflg);
mMinuit->mnparm(4, "Rlong", 5.0, 0.1, 0,0,ierflg);
mMinuit->mnparm(5, "Routlong", 5.0, 0.1, 0,0,ierflg);
void T49HbtFit_BP_ULS_CHI2::mfcn(Int_t &nParameters, Double_t *gin, Double_t &finalChi2, Double_t *parameterSet, Int_t iflag)
// calculate chi2 of the given paramset 'parameterSet'
Double_t chi2 = 0.0 ;
// set coulomb radius, according to parameterSet (the second parameter (normalization) is varied below)
mCoulombCalculator->SetMeanSeparation(parameterSet[1]) ;
// loop over Internal Array and caluclate chi2
for (Int_t index = 0 ; index < mInternalArraySize ; index++)
// get the coulomb weight for the mean qinv in this (qout,qside,qlong)-bin for a given coulomb radius and vary normalization
Double_t theoreticalValue = parameterSet[0] * TheoreticalValue(&mVariablePositionArray[index], parameterSet) ;
// get the difference between measured and predicted value
double delta = (mNumeratorInternalArray[index]/mDenominatorInternalArray[index]-theoreticalValue)/mErrorInternalArray[index];
// sum the chi2
chi2 += delta*delta;
// chi2 has been calculated:
finalChi2 = chi2 ;
Double_t T49HbtFit_BP_ULS_CHI2::TheoreticalValue(TVector3* position, double* parameterSet )
// calculate the expected value in this (qout,qside,qlong) cell
// in the coulomb case (unlikesign pairs) the expected value only depends on qinv, so first we go and get the mean qinv
Double_t qinv = mMeanQinv3dHisto->GetBinContent(mMeanQinv3dHisto->GetXaxis()->FindBin(position->X()),
mMeanQinv3dHisto->GetZaxis()->FindBin(position->Z())) ;
// get the coulomb weight for this qinv, where the coulomb radius has been set before !
Double_t theoreticalValue = mCoulombCalculator->WeightUnlikeSignPairs(qinv) ;
// if you want it the classical way, use this one !
// Double_t theoreticalValue = mCoulombCalculator->ClassicalWeightUnlikeSignPairs(qinv) ;
// take the purity into account
theoreticalValue = mPurity * theoreticalValue + (1.0-mPurity) ;
return theoreticalValue ;
void T49HbtFit_BP_ULS_CHI2::InitMinuit()
// initialization with default start values
// Errorflag
Int_t ierflg = 0 ;
mMinuit->mnparm(0, "Normalization", 0.11, 0.01, 0,0,ierflg) ;
mMinuit->mnparm(1, "MeanSeparation", 9.0, 1.0, 0,0,ierflg) ;
void T49HbtFit_YKP_LS_CHI2::mfcn(Int_t &nParameters, Double_t *gin, Double_t &finalChi2, Double_t *parameterSet, Int_t iflag)
// calculate chi2 of the given paramset 'parameterSet'
// loop over Internal Array and caluclate chi2
double chi2 = 0.0 ;
for (Int_t index = 0 ; index < mInternalArraySize ; index++)
// calculate the expected value at this point (variablePosition) for this set of paramters,
// attention the return value might be coulomb corrected !
Double_t theoreticalValue = TheoreticalValue( &mVariablePositionArray[index], parameterSet) ;
// now we have to consider the normalization
theoreticalValue = theoreticalValue * parameterSet[0] ;
// get the difference between measured and predicted value
double delta = (mNumeratorInternalArray[index]/mDenominatorInternalArray[index]-theoreticalValue)/mErrorInternalArray[index];
// sum the chi2
chi2 += delta*delta;
// chi2 is calculated
finalChi2 = chi2 ;
Double_t T49HbtFit_YKP_LS_CHI2::TheoreticalValue(TVector3* position, double* parameterSet )
// return C2 at 'position' with Parameterset 'parameterSet' for YKP parametrization
// position.x = qlong
// position.y = qperp
// position.z = qnull
// parameterSet[0] = constant
// parameterSet[1] = lambda
// parameterSet[2] = Rlong
// parameterSet[3] = Rperp
// parameterSet[4] = Rnull
// parameterSet[5] = beta
Double_t gamma2 = 1.0/fabs(1.0-pow(parameterSet[5],2)) ;
Double_t valueFromCorrelationFunction = parameterSet[0] + parameterSet[1] * exp(
(-1.0) * pow(position->y(),2) * pow(parameterSet[3],2)
- gamma2 * pow((position->x() - parameterSet[5]*position->z()),2) * pow(parameterSet[2],2)
- gamma2 * pow((position->z() - parameterSet[5]*position->x()),2) * pow(parameterSet[4],2)
/ double(mhc2) );
// now check coulomb must be included
if(unCorrectedBackground == 1 && mCoulombCalculator)
Double_t coulombWeight =
mMeanQinv3dHisto->GetZaxis()->FindBin(position->Z()))) ;
// see equation 7 : C++ = p A Cqs + (1-p)
valueFromCorrelationFunction = mPurity * coulombWeight * valueFromCorrelationFunction + (1.0-mPurity) ;
// return result
return valueFromCorrelationFunction ;
void T49HbtFit_YKP_LS_CHI2::InitMinuit()
// initialization with default start values
// Errorflag
Int_t ierflg = 0 ;
mMinuit->mnparm(0, "Normalization", 0.1, 0.01, 0,0,ierflg);
mMinuit->mnparm(1, "lambda", 0.05, 0.1, 0,0,ierflg);
mMinuit->mnparm(2, "Rlong", 5.0, 0.1, 0,0,ierflg);
mMinuit->mnparm(3, "Rperp", 5.0, 0.1, 0,0,ierflg);
mMinuit->mnparm(4, "Rnull", 5.0, 0.1, 0,0,ierflg);
mMinuit->mnparm(5, "beta", 5.0, 0.1, 0,0,ierflg);
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