#include "T49Run.h"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class T49Run : public TObject

Inheritance Chart:

void MainVertexOnly() void SmallParticleOnly() void V0ParticleOnly() public:
T49Run() T49Run(const T49Run&) virtual ~T49Run() static TClass* Class() virtual Bool_t Close() virtual T49Event* GetCurrentEvent() virtual Int_t GetCurrentRunID() virtual T49Event* GetEvent() virtual TFile* GetFile() virtual Int_t GetIOstat() virtual Char_t* GetLocalHost() virtual Bool_t GetMainVertexOnly() virtual Int_t GetMaxEvents() virtual T49Event* GetNextEvent(Int_t skip = 0) virtual T49Event* GetNextEvent(Char_t* RunType, Bool_t UseLocalData = kFALSE) virtual T49Event* GetNextEvent(Char_t* RunType, Int_t MinNum, Int_t MaxNum, Bool_t UseLocalData = kFALSE) virtual T49Event* GetNextEventID(Char_t* RunType, Int_t MinID, Int_t MaxID, Bool_t UseLocalData = kFALSE) virtual Bool_t GetRFIO() virtual Int_t GetRunID() virtual Int_t GetRunNumber() virtual Char_t* GetRunType() virtual Bool_t GetSmallParticleOnly() virtual TTree* GetTree() virtual Bool_t GetV0ParticleOnly() virtual TClass* IsA() const static Bool_t ListRuns(Char_t* RunType = "NULL", Bool_t UseLocalData = kFALSE, Bool_t LongList = kFALSE) virtual Bool_t Open(Int_t RunNumber, Int_t MaxEvents = 10000000) virtual Bool_t Open(Char_t* FileName, Int_t MaxEvents = 10000000) virtual Bool_t OpenNextRun(Char_t* RunType, Bool_t UseLocalData = kFALSE) virtual Bool_t OpenNextRun(Char_t* RunType, Int_t MinNum, Int_t MaxNum, Bool_t UseLocalData = kFALSE) virtual Bool_t OpenNextRunID(Char_t* RunType, Int_t MinID, Int_t MaxID, Bool_t UseLocalData = kFALSE) T49Run& operator=(const T49Run&) virtual void Reset() virtual void ResetCurrentRunID() virtual void SetMainVertexOnly() virtual void SetMaxEvents(Int_t n) virtual void SetRFIO(Bool_t n) virtual void SetSmallParticleOnly() virtual void SetV0ParticleOnly() virtual void SetVerbose(Bool_t n) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Bool_t fVerbose Output control flag Char_t fFileName[256] File name on ROOT cluster Char_t fHostName[256] Host name of machine on which data file is stored Char_t* fLocalHost !Pointer to host name of machine on which program is running Char_t fRunType[256] Run type identifier Int_t fRunID Sequential run identifier in database Int_t fCurrentRunID Current run ID in database Int_t fRunNumber NA49 Run Number Int_t fNumEvent Event counter for event selection Int_t fMaxEvents User limit for event loop T49Event* fEventAddress Event data pointer TFile* fRootFile Run File with Example events TTree* fTree Tree containing events TBranch* fEventBranch Tree branch containing event data Bool_t fMainVertexOnly Switches off processing the secondary tracks Bool_t fSmallParticleOnly Switches off processing the full T49ParticleRoot Bool_t fV0ParticleOnly Switches off processing the full T49ParticleRoot (only V0 data) Bool_t fRFIO Switches on RFIO Int_t fIOstat I/O status flag

Class Description

  The top class of the NA49 mini-DST ROOT-tree.

 T49Run default constructor

Bool_t Open(Int_t RunNumber,Int_t MaxEvents)
 Opens a mini-DST file for run <RunNumber>.
 The filename is taken from the database file .root49dsts
 whose location has to be defined by the environment
 variable ROOT49. The files are opened via RFIO per default.

Bool_t Open(Char_t *FileName,Int_t MaxEvents)
 Opens the mini-DST file <FileName>.

Bool_t Close()
 Closes a mini-DST file.

T49Event* GetNextEvent(Int_t skip)
 Reads in the next event of a mini-DST file.

T49Event* GetNextEvent(Char_t *RunType,Bool_t UseLocalData)
 Read in the next event for the given run-type specifier <RunType>.
 The file are opend autimatically and the filename is taken from the
 database file .root49dsts whose location has to be defined by the
 environment variable ROOT49.
 If <UseLocalData> is switched on, only data from the local
 disk is used.

T49Event* GetNextEvent(Char_t *RunType,Int_t MinNum,Int_t MaxNum ,Bool_t UseLocalData)
 Read in the next event for the given run-type specifier <RunType> with
 the run number in the range <MinRun> - <MaxRun>.
 The file are opend automatically and the filename is taken from the
 database file .root49dsts whose location has to be defined by the
 environment variable ROOT49.
 If <UseLocalData> is switched on, only data from the local
 disk is used.

T49Event* GetNextEventID(Char_t *RunType,Int_t MinID,Int_t MaxID ,Bool_t UseLocalData)
 Read in the next event for the given run-type specifier <RunType> with
 the run ID number, corresponding to the physical file number
  in the range <MinID> - <MaxID>.
 The file are opend automatically and the filename is taken from the
 database file .root49dsts whose location has to be defined by the
 environment variable ROOT49.
 If <UseLocalData> is switched on, only data from the local
 disk is used.

void Reset()
 Resets the event counter.

void SetMaxEvents(Int_t n)
 Defines the maximum number of events.

Bool_t OpenNextRun(Char_t *RunType,Bool_t UseLocalData)
 Opens the next run for the given run-type specifier <RunType>.
 The filename is taken from the database file .root49dsts
 whose location has to be defined by the environment
 variable ROOT49.
 If <UseLocalData> is switched on, only data from the local
 disk is used.

Bool_t OpenNextRun(Char_t *RunType,Int_t MinRun, Int_t MaxRun , Bool_t UseLocalData)
 Opens the next run for the given run-type specifier <RunType> with
 the run number in the range <MinRun> - <MaxRun>.
 The filename is taken from the database file .root49dsts
 whose location has to be defined by the environment
 variable ROOT49.
 If <UseLocalData> is switched on, only data from the local
 disk is used.

Bool_t OpenNextRunID(Char_t *RunType,Int_t MinID, Int_t MaxID , Bool_t UseLocalData)
 Opens the next run for the given run-type specifier <RunType> with
 the run ID number, corresponding to the physical file number,
 in the range <MinID> - <MaxID>.
 The filename is taken from the database file .root49dsts
 whose location has to be defined by the environment
 variable ROOT49.
 If <UseLocalData> is switched on, only data from the local
 disk is used.

Bool_t ListRuns(Char_t *RunType,Bool_t UseLocalData,Bool_t LongList)
 Lists all runs for the given run-type specifier <RunType>
 The filenames are taken from the database file .root49dsts
 whose location has to be defined by the environment
 variable ROOT49.
 If <UseLocalData> is switched on, only data from the local
 disk is used.
 For <LongList> is TRUE also filename and data host are listed.

void SmallParticleOnly()

void V0ParticleOnly()

void MainVertexOnly()

void Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
 Stream an object of class T49Run.

Inline Functions

               void ~T49Run()
               void SetVerbose(Bool_t n)
               void SetMainVertexOnly()
               void SetSmallParticleOnly()
               void SetV0ParticleOnly()
               void SetRFIO(Bool_t n)
          T49Event* GetEvent()
              Int_t GetMaxEvents()
              Int_t GetRunID()
              Int_t GetCurrentRunID()
              Int_t GetRunNumber()
             TFile* GetFile()
            Char_t* GetRunType()
            Char_t* GetLocalHost()
             TTree* GetTree()
          T49Event* GetCurrentEvent()
             Bool_t GetMainVertexOnly()
             Bool_t GetSmallParticleOnly()
             Bool_t GetV0ParticleOnly()
             Bool_t GetRFIO()
              Int_t GetIOstat()
               void ResetCurrentRunID()
            TClass* Class()
            TClass* IsA() const
               void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
               void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
             T49Run T49Run(const T49Run&)
            T49Run& operator=(const T49Run&)

Last update: Thu Aug 17 15:29:04 2006

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