#include "T49Container.h"


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class T49Container : public TObject

Inheritance Chart:
Int_t Bin2ListNum(T49Index* Index) void C3Mom2Index(T49Index* Index) void Index2C3Mom(T49Index* Index) public:
T49Container() T49Container(const T49Container&) virtual ~T49Container() static TClass* Class() Bool_t FillContainer(T49ParticleRoot* Particle) void FindBin(T49Index* Index) void FindPhase(T49Index* Index) Int_t GetDeltaDedx(T49ParticleRoot* part, Int_t type, Float_t& delta) Int_t GetDeltaDedxOld(T49ParticleRoot* part, Int_t type, Float_t& delta) TH1F* GetHist(T49Index* Index) void GetIndex(T49ParticleRoot* Particle, T49Index* Index) void GetIndex(Double_t* X, T49Index* Index) T49DedxInfo* GetInfo(T49Index* Index) UInt_t GetNEvent() TH1F* GetNpHist(T49Index* Index) Float_t GetPowSigScale() Float_t GetProbability(T49ParticleRoot* part, Int_t type) Bool_t GetProbabilityOld(T49ParticleRoot* part, Float_t* prob) TAxis* GetPtotAxis() Int_t GetTPC() Bool_t IndexIn(T49Index* Index) Int_t Init(const Int_t NPBin, Float_t PMin, Float_t PMax, Int_t NPtBin, Float_t PtMin, Float_t PtMax, Int_t NPhiBin, Bool_t ypt_flag = 0, Float_t mass = 0.49367) virtual TClass* IsA() const Bool_t IsIn(T49ParticleRoot* particle) Bool_t IsIn(Double_t* X) Bool_t IsInBin(T49ParticleRoot* Particle, T49Index* Index) Bool_t IsInBin(Double_t* X, T49Index* Index) T49Container& operator=(const T49Container&) void SetNEvent(UInt_t n_event) void SetPowSigScale(Float_t power) void SetTPC(Int_t tpc) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void StoreNPoint(Bool_t flag = 1, Int_t nbins = 0, Float_t min = 0, Float_t max = 0) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

TFile* fRootFile TAxis* fChargeAxis Use TAxis to calculate indices TAxis* fPtotAxis Use TAxis to calculate indices TAxis* fPtAxis Use TAxis to calculate indices TAxis* fPhiAxis Use TAxis to calculate indices TObjArray* fInfoList List of infos on histogramm to store TObjArray* fHistList List of histogramms to store Int_t fBins[4] number of bins in different dimensions Int_t fNHistTot Total Number of histogramms in Container Int_t fHistBins Number of bins of histogramms in Container Float_t fHistHiBound Histogram Boundaries Float_t fHistLoBound Float_t fMinCharge Float_t fMaxCharge Float_t fMinPtot Float_t fMaxPtot Axis_t fMinPt Changed for root v2.25 Axis_t fMaxPt Axis_t fMinPhi Axis_t fMaxPhi Int_t fMinChargeBin Int_t fMaxChargeBin Int_t fMinPtotBin Int_t fMaxPtotBin Int_t fMinPtBin Int_t fMaxPtBin Int_t fMinPhiBin Int_t fMaxPhiBin Int_t fTPC T49Index* DummyIndex TObjArray* fNpHistList List of n_point histograms Bool_t fNPointFlag Flags the storage of number of points per track Bool_t fYPtBinning Flag to toggle binning in y-pt or log(p)-pt Float_t fRapMass Mass used for rapidity calculation UInt_t fNEvent Float_t fPowSigScale

Class Description

  Container class to hold dE/dx histograms in phasespace-bins. Use
  Init to set up phase space binning etc.  The class can also hold
  fit-results (T49DedxInfo). Use T49Index to help retrieving
  information per phase space bin.

cout << "begin T49Container::T49Container()" << endl;

cout << "begin T49Container::~T49Container()" << endl;

Int_t Init(const Int_t NPBin, Float_t PMin, Float_t PMax, Int_t NPtBin, Float_t PtMin, Float_t PtMax, Int_t NPhiBin, Bool_t ypt_flag, Float_t mass)
 Sets up data structures to hold dE/dx values in requested
 binning. Number of bins: 2, total number of bins
 2*NPBin*NPtBin*NPhiBin. The range in phi is 0 to 2*PI.

 If ypt_flag!=0 the binning will be in rapidity and pt, instead of
 total momentum and pt. The specified mass will be used to calculate
 rapidity (default is the kaon mass).

void StoreNPoint(Bool_t flag, Int_t nbins, Float_t min, Float_t max)
 Sets flags to also store number of points while filling container.
 Number of point-histograms kan be retrieved using GetNpHist().

Int_t Bin2ListNum(T49Index *Index)

void C3Mom2Index(T49Index *Index)

void Index2C3Mom(T49Index *Index)

void GetIndex(T49ParticleRoot *Particle, T49Index *Index)
 Sets values in index-class corresponding to Particle.

void GetIndex(Double_t *X, T49Index *Index)
 Get index for phase space parameters specified by X.
 X[0]: charge, X[1]: momentum, X[2]: Pt, X[3]: Phi

Bool_t IsInBin(T49ParticleRoot *Particle, T49Index *Index)

Bool_t IsInBin(Double_t *X, T49Index *Index)

Float_t GetProbability(T49ParticleRoot* part,Int_t type)
 Get array of probablities for a specific particle type for
 particle 'part'. The function returns 0 if there is no phase space bin,
 corresponding to the particle.

Bool_t GetProbabilityOld(T49ParticleRoot* part, Float_t* prob)
 Get array of probablities for different particle types for
 particle 'part'. The function returns 0 if there is no phase space bin,
 corresponding to the particle, or 1 for success.

 Uses old definition of sigma (four Gaus fit)

Int_t GetDeltaDedx(T49ParticleRoot* part, Int_t type, Float_t& delta)
 Calculates distance of dE/dx of part from dE/dx expected for type,
 in units of standard deviations (resolution).
 If no calibration is found for this kinematical region, 0 is returned.
 If the calibration has shown that type is not present in this
 phase space bin, a value < 0 (i.e. -1) is returned.

 This uses the new definition of sigma, i.e. resulting from a fit with

Int_t GetDeltaDedxOld(T49ParticleRoot* part, Int_t type, Float_t& delta)
 Calculates distance of dE/dx of part from dE/dx expected for type,
 in units of standard deviations (resolution).
 If no calibration is found for this kinematical region, 0 is returned.
 If the calibration has shown that type is not present in this
 phase space bin, a value < 0 (i.e. -1) is returned.

 This uses the old definition of sigma, i.e. four a four-Gaussian fit to
 the dE/dx histograms

TH1F* GetHist(T49Index *Index)
 Returns pointer to dE/dx histogram.

TH1F* GetNpHist(T49Index *Index)
 Returns pointer to number of point histogram.

T49DedxInfo* GetInfo(T49Index *Index)
 Returns pointer to fit result.

Bool_t FillContainer(T49ParticleRoot *Particle)
 Fill histogram with dE/dx value for particle. Use SetTPC to specify
 which dE/dx value should be used. Use SetNPointFlag to also store
 number of points per track.

Bool_t IsIn(T49ParticleRoot *Particle)

Bool_t IsIn(Double_t *X)

Bool_t IndexIn(T49Index *Index)

void Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
 Stream an object of class T49Container.

Inline Functions

                Int_t GetTPC()
                 void SetTPC(Int_t tpc)
                 void SetNEvent(UInt_t n_event)
               UInt_t GetNEvent()
                 void SetPowSigScale(Float_t power)
              Float_t GetPowSigScale()
               TAxis* GetPtotAxis()
                 void FindBin(T49Index* Index)
                 void FindPhase(T49Index* Index)
              TClass* Class()
              TClass* IsA() const
                 void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                 void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
         T49Container T49Container(const T49Container&)
        T49Container& operator=(const T49Container&)

Last update: Thu Aug 17 15:30:16 2006

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