class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)
This is an abstract class, constructors will not be documented.
Look at the header to check for available constructors.
virtual void QCalc(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2, Int_t MirrorFlag = 0)
virtual ~T49Proj2BASE()
void Book(char* nam, char* tit, Int_t nx, Float_t xmin, Float_t xmax, Int_t ny = 1, Float_t ymin = 0.0, Float_t ymax = 0.0, Int_t nz = 1, Float_t zmin = 0.0, Float_t zmax = 0.0)
void BookOne(char* nam, char* tit, Int_t nx, Float_t xmin, Float_t xmax, Int_t ny = 1, Float_t ymin = 0.0, Float_t ymax = 0.0, Int_t nz = 1, Float_t zmin = 0.0, Float_t zmax = 0.0)
Int_t CheckMirror(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
static TClass* Class()
void Fill(TObjArray* l1, TObjArray* l2, T49Cut2Track* T2Cut = NULL)
void Fill(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
Int_t GetArrayIndex(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2, Int_t MirrorThis)
Double_t GetBeta()
Int_t GetDim()
Int_t GetNumPairs()
Double_t GetPartMass(Int_t i)
Double_t GetQx()
Double_t GetQy()
Double_t GetQz()
virtual TClass* IsA() const
T49Proj2BASE& operator=(const T49Proj2BASE&)
void SetArrayKt(Int_t n, Float_t* mima)
void SetArrayKt(TAxis a)
void SetArrayKt(Int_t n, Float_t min, Float_t max)
void SetArrayPhi(Int_t n, Float_t* mima)
void SetArrayPhi(TAxis a)
void SetArrayPhi(Int_t n, Float_t min, Float_t max)
void SetArrayPt(Int_t n, Float_t* mima)
void SetArrayPt(TAxis a)
void SetArrayPt(Int_t n, Float_t min, Float_t max)
void SetArrayXF(Int_t n, Float_t* mima)
void SetArrayXF(TAxis a)
void SetArrayXF(Int_t n, Float_t min, Float_t max)
void SetArrayY(Int_t n, Float_t* mima)
void SetArrayY(TAxis a)
void SetArrayY(Int_t n, Float_t min, Float_t max)
void SetArrayYp(Int_t n, Float_t* mima)
void SetArrayYp(TAxis a)
void SetArrayYp(Int_t n, Float_t min, Float_t max)
void SetCMS(Double_t pLab)
void SetMirrorFlag(Int_t m)
void SetParticleMass(Int_t a, Int_t m)
void SetParticleMass(Int_t a, Float_t mass)
void SetQinvFlag(Int_t m)
void SetSystemLCMS()
void SetSystemPairCM()
void SetVerbose(Int_t m)
virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
void System(Double_t b)
void System()
void WriteHist()
Float_t fPart1Mass Mass of first particle
Float_t fPart2Mass Mass of second particle
Int_t fVerbose Verbose mode 0 1 2
Int_t fSysID ID of Lorentz frame 1 = CMS (or any other fixed frame), 2 = LCMS, 3 = pair CM
Double_t fBeta Beta (set for LCMS for ea. pair)
Int_t fQinvFlag Flag for booking Qinv spectra (eg for Coulomb corr in HBT study)
Int_t fMirrorFlag Flag to mirror from backward to forward rapidity (makes sense only for symmetric systems)
Double_t fYcms Mid Rapidity for mirroring
Double_t fBetaCMS
Double_t fPprojCMS
Int_t fDim Dimension for projection
Int_t fNPairs Number of pairs in projection
Int_t fDimArray Number of Array entries
Double_t fQx Quantities to be projected (calc. in derived classes for ea. pair)
Double_t fQy
Double_t fQz
Int_t fNXBin X Binning for histogram
Float_t fXMin
Float_t fXMax
char fXLabel[40]
Int_t fNYBin Y Binning for histogram
Float_t fYMin
Float_t fYMax
char fYLabel[40]
Int_t fNZBin Z Binning for histogram
Float_t fZMin
Float_t fZMax
char fZLabel[40]
char fHistTitle[120] Global histogram title
TObjArray* fHist Pointers to histogram arrays
TObjArray* fXHist
TObjArray* fYHist
TObjArray* fZHist
TObjArray* fAHist
TAxis* fKtAxis Axis for kt=1/2(pt(p1)+pt(p2))
TAxis* fYpAxis Axis for y=1/2(y(p1)+y(p2))
TAxis* fYAxis Axis for y(P=p1+p2)
TAxis* fPtAxis Axis for Pt(P)
TAxis* fPhiAxis Axis for Phi(P)
TAxis* fXFAxis Axis for XF(P) Feynman x for total momentum
TH1D* fBinStat Statistic in ea. array entry
TProfile* fAverKtHist Profile for average Kt value in all bins
TProfile* fAverYpHist Profile for average Yp value in all bins
TProfile* fAverYHist Profile for average Y value in all bins
TProfile* fAverPtHist Profile for average Pt value in all bins
TProfile* fAverPhiHist Profile for average Phi value in all bins
TProfile* fAverXFHist Profile for average XF value in all bins
File T49Proj2.C
Version 2.0 R.Ganz Jan.20 1999
The class T49Proj2BASE provides functionality to generate two particle
projections such as Inv mass spectra, HBT correlation ..
What type of projection is used, dependents on the derived class
which one uses:
(eg T49Proj2BP for Bertsch Pratt type HBT Qside,Qout,Qlong 3-dimensional)
(eg T49Proj2INVmass for invariant mass spectra 1-dimensional)
The T49Proj2BASE class allows for analyses eg in kt and y bins by
booking the arrording and managing the appropriate histogram arrays
void SetCMS(Double_t pLab)
Set the center of mass system
void SetParticleMass(Int_t a, Int_t m)
Set the particle masses of the lists (a = 1,2)
to m = 1 proton
2 kaon
3 pion
4 electron
void SetParticleMass(Int_t a, Float_t mass)
Set the particle masses of the lists (a = 1,2)
void Book(char* nam, char* tit,
Int_t nx,Float_t xmin,Float_t xmax,
Int_t ny,Float_t ymin,Float_t ymax,
Int_t nz,Float_t zmin,Float_t zmax)
Books one set of histogram or an array of sets of histogram
depending on whether SetKtArray(...) or/and SetYpArray(...)
was activated BEFORE booking
It calls BookOne(..) for each set
void BookOne(char* nam, char* tit,
Int_t nx,Float_t xmin,Float_t xmax,
Int_t ny,Float_t ymin,Float_t ymax,
Int_t nz,Float_t zmin,Float_t zmax)
Books one set of histograms
Each set contains dependent of the dimension of the projection:
H Histogram for the projected quantiti
X Histogram accumulating the X component of the projected quantity (eg Qside for BP HBT)
Y Histogram accumulating the Y component (only for 2-D and 3-D projections)
Z Histogram accumulating the Z component (only 3-D projections)
If fQinvFlag was set to 1 it also contains a histogram accumulating Qinv
Dividing eg. X by H results in the average X component in each histgram bin
of the projection
The input parameter <nam> and <tit> will be part of the title and the ROOT name
Int_t CheckMirror(T49ParticleRoot* t1,T49ParticleRoot* t2)
Checks whether the pair is below or above cms-rapidity
void Fill(TObjArray* ListA, TObjArray* ListB, T49Cut2Track* T2Cut)
Filling the projection by combining each particle I
from list A with each particle J of list B
If the lists are identical only I<J pairs are combined
Careful ! If the lists are not identical
but contain the same particle double counting will appear !!
void Fill(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
Fill are single pair into projection
(at the proper index of the projection)
Int_t GetArrayIndex(T49ParticleRoot *t1,T49ParticleRoot *t2
,Int_t MirrorThis)
Calculates the histogram index depending on kt or/and y of the pair
(also y(P), Pt(P), Phi(P) with P=p1+p2 are supported)
depending on which have been activated (eg. via SetKtArray(...)
returns -1 if axis was defined but pairs gives value out of range
void WriteHist()
Write histgrams to file
(which has to be open before using this function)
Inline Functions
void SetArrayKt(Int_t n, Float_t* mima)
void SetArrayKt(TAxis a)
void SetArrayKt(Int_t n, Float_t min, Float_t max)
void SetArrayYp(Int_t n, Float_t* mima)
void SetArrayYp(TAxis a)
void SetArrayYp(Int_t n, Float_t min, Float_t max)
void SetArrayY(Int_t n, Float_t* mima)
void SetArrayY(TAxis a)
void SetArrayY(Int_t n, Float_t min, Float_t max)
void SetArrayPt(Int_t n, Float_t* mima)
void SetArrayPt(TAxis a)
void SetArrayPt(Int_t n, Float_t min, Float_t max)
void SetArrayPhi(Int_t n, Float_t* mima)
void SetArrayPhi(TAxis a)
void SetArrayPhi(Int_t n, Float_t min, Float_t max)
void SetArrayXF(Int_t n, Float_t* mima)
void SetArrayXF(TAxis a)
void SetArrayXF(Int_t n, Float_t min, Float_t max)
void SetQinvFlag(Int_t m)
void SetMirrorFlag(Int_t m)
void System(Double_t b)
void System()
void SetSystemLCMS()
void SetSystemPairCM()
void SetVerbose(Int_t m)
Int_t GetDim()
Int_t GetNumPairs()
Double_t GetPartMass(Int_t i)
Double_t GetQx()
Double_t GetQy()
Double_t GetQz()
Double_t GetBeta()
void QCalc(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2, Int_t MirrorFlag = 0)
TClass* Class()
TClass* IsA() const
void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
T49Proj2BASE& operator=(const T49Proj2BASE&)
Last update: Thu Aug 17 15:32:59 2006
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