class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)
T49Tool(const T49Tool&)
static Double_t ArmAlpha(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2, Float_t mPart1, Float_t mPart2)
static Double_t ArmPt(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2, Float_t mPart1, Float_t mPart2)
static TClass* Class()
virtual TClass* IsA() const
static Double_t Minv(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2, Float_t mPart1, Float_t mPart2)
T49Tool& operator=(const T49Tool&)
static Double_t P(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
static TLorentzVector pLorentz(T49ParticleRoot* t, Float_t mPart, TLorentzVector* pTrans)
static TLorentzVector pLorentz(TLorentzVector* t, TLorentzVector* pTrans)
static Double_t PsiLCMS(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2, Float_t mPart1, Float_t mPart2)
static Double_t Px(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
static Double_t Py(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
static Double_t Pz(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
static Double_t Q(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
static Double_t Qinv(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2, Float_t mPart1, Float_t mPart2)
static Double_t QL2(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2, Float_t mPart1, Float_t mPart2)
static Double_t QT2(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
static Double_t Qx(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
static Double_t Qy(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
static Double_t Qz(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
static Float_t TwoTrackDist(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
static Double_t XF(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2, Float_t mPart1, Float_t mPart2, Float_t SQRTs)
static TLorentzVector zLorentz(T49ParticleRoot* t, Float_t mPart, Double_t Beta)
static TLorentzVector zLorentz(TLorentzVector* t, Double_t Beta)
Double_t XF(T49ParticleRoot* t1,T49ParticleRoot* t2,
Float_t mPart1, Float_t mPart2,
Float_t SQRTs)
The Feynman-x of the particle pair
Double_t Qinv(T49ParticleRoot* t1,T49ParticleRoot* t2,
Float_t mPart1,Float_t mPart2)
Qinv of the particle pair. Generalized expression that also works
for non-identical particles.
Double_t Minv(T49ParticleRoot* t1,T49ParticleRoot* t2,
Float_t mPart1,Float_t mPart2)
The invariant mass of the particle pair
Double_t ArmAlpha(T49ParticleRoot* t1,T49ParticleRoot* t2,
Float_t mPart1,Float_t mPart2)
Armenteros alpha of the particle pair
Double_t ArmPt(T49ParticleRoot* t1,T49ParticleRoot* t2,
Float_t mPart1,Float_t mPart2)
Armeteros Pt of the particle pair
Double_t PsiLCMS(T49ParticleRoot *t1,T49ParticleRoot *t2,
Float_t fPart1Mass, Float_t fPart2Mass)
The angle between Q in pair rest frame and P in LCMS;
Double_t QT2(T49ParticleRoot* t1,T49ParticleRoot* t2)
Double_t QL2(T49ParticleRoot* t1,T49ParticleRoot* t2,
Float_t mPart1,Float_t mPart2)
TLorentzVector pLorentz(T49ParticleRoot* t, Float_t mPart,
TLorentzVector* pTrans)
Gives the Lorentz transformed 4-vector of particle momentum
in the rest frame of the 4-Vector pTrans
TLorentzVector pLorentz(TLorentzVector* pInit, TLorentzVector* pTrans)
Gives the Lorentz transformed 4-vector of pInit
in the rest frame of the 4-Vector pTrans
TLorentzVector zLorentz(T49ParticleRoot* t, Float_t mPart, Double_t Beta)
Gives the Lorentz transformed 4-vector of the particle momentum
boostet with beta along z Axis
TLorentzVector zLorentz(TLorentzVector *pInit, Double_t Beta)
Gives the Lorentz transformed 4-vector of the particle momentum
boostet with beta along z Axis
Float_t TwoTrackDist(T49ParticleRoot *t1,T49ParticleRoot *t2)
A simple two track distance algorithm using a linear extrapolation
Inline Functions
void ~T49Tool()
Double_t Px(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
Double_t Py(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
Double_t Pz(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
Double_t P(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
Double_t Qx(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
Double_t Qy(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
Double_t Qz(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
Double_t Q(T49ParticleRoot* t1, T49ParticleRoot* t2)
TClass* Class()
TClass* IsA() const
void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
T49Tool T49Tool()
T49Tool T49Tool(const T49Tool&)
T49Tool& operator=(const T49Tool&)
Last update: Thu Aug 17 15:33:52 2006
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