#include "T49VertexRoot.h"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class T49VertexRoot : public T49Vertex

Inheritance Chart:

Float_t CosTheta(Float_t* pV0, Float_t* pPD) T49ParticleRoot* GetNegativeMainTrack(TClonesArray* PrimaryTrackArray) T49ParticleRoot* GetPositiveMainTrack(TClonesArray* PrimaryTrackArray) Int_t Lorentz(Float_t* p4cm, Float_t* p4in, Float_t* p4out) Bool_t SetDaughters() public:
T49VertexRoot(Bool_t allocObjects = kFALSE) T49VertexRoot(T49VertexRoot& Vertex) virtual ~T49VertexRoot() static TClass* Class() Float_t GetArmenterosAlpha() Float_t GetArmenterosAlphaXi() Float_t GetArmenterosPt() Float_t GetArmenterosPtXi() Float_t GetBetaK0s() Float_t GetBetaLambda() Float_t GetBetaOmega() Float_t GetBetaXi() T49ParticleRoot* GetChargedXiTrack() Float_t GetCosThetaAntiLambda(Bool_t useInvMass = kFALSE) Float_t GetCosThetaK0s(Bool_t useInvMass = kFALSE) Float_t GetCosThetaLambda(Bool_t useInvMass = kFALSE) Float_t GetCosThetaOmega(Bool_t useInvMass = kFALSE) Float_t GetCosThetaXi(Bool_t useInvMass = kFALSE) Float_t GetCrossYZ(Float_t zmin) Float_t GetEnergy(Float_t mass) Float_t GetEnergyK0s() Float_t GetEnergyLambda() Float_t GetEnergyOmega() Float_t GetEnergyXi() T49ParticleRoot* GetFirstTrack() Bool_t GetFirstTrackIsPositive() T49ParticleRoot* GetFullChargedXiTrack() T49ParticleRoot* GetFullNegativeTrack() T49ParticleRoot* GetFullNeutralXiTrack() T49ParticleRoot* GetFullPositiveTrack() T49ParticleRoot* GetFullTrack(T49ParticleRoot* SecTrack, T49ParticleRoot* MainTrack) Float_t GetGammaK0s() Float_t GetGammaLambda() Float_t GetGammaOmega() Float_t GetGammaXi() virtual UChar_t GetIdDet() virtual UChar_t GetIdVtx() virtual Int_t GetIflag() Float_t GetInvariantMassAntiLambda() Float_t GetInvariantMassK0s() Float_t GetInvariantMassLambda() Float_t GetInvariantMassOmega() Float_t GetInvariantMassXi() Float_t GetLifetimeK0s() Float_t GetLifetimeLambda() Float_t GetLifetimeLambda(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z) Float_t GetLifetimeOmega() Float_t GetLifetimeXi() T49ParticleRoot* GetNegativeMainTrack() T49ParticleRoot* GetNegativeTrack() T49ParticleRoot* GetNeutralXiTrack() virtual Int_t GetNTrkFit() virtual Int_t GetNTrkOut() Float_t GetP() Float_t GetPathlengthXi() virtual Float_t GetPchi2() T49ParticleRoot* GetPositiveMainTrack() T49ParticleRoot* GetPositiveTrack() Int_t GetPrimaryIndex(Int_t track) Float_t GetPt() Float_t GetPtXi() Float_t GetPx() Float_t GetPXi() Float_t GetPxXi() Float_t GetPy() Float_t GetPyXi() Float_t GetPz() Float_t GetPzXi() Float_t GetRapidity(Float_t mass) Float_t GetRapidityK0s() Float_t GetRapidityLambda() Float_t GetRapidityOmega() Float_t GetRapidityXi() Int_t GetSameSide() Int_t GetSameSideXi() Int_t GetSecondaryIndex(Int_t track) T49ParticleRoot* GetSecondTrack() virtual Float_t GetSigX() virtual Float_t GetSigY() virtual Float_t GetSigZ() virtual Float_t GetX() Float_t GetX1minX2() Float_t GetXTarg() virtual Float_t GetY() Float_t GetY1minY2() Float_t GetY1minY2Xi() Float_t GetYTarg() virtual Float_t GetZ() virtual TClass* IsA() const T49VertexRoot& operator=(const T49VertexRoot&) virtual Bool_t SetDaughters(T49ParticleRoot* Pos, T49ParticleRoot* Neg) virtual void SetFirstTrackIsPositive(Bool_t b) virtual void SetIdDet(UChar_t detectorId) virtual void SetIdVtx(UChar_t vertexId) virtual void SetIflag(Int_t flag) virtual void SetNTrkFit(Int_t n) virtual void SetNTrkOut(Int_t n) virtual void SetPathlengthXi(Float_t plen) virtual void SetPchi2(Float_t fitProb) virtual void SetPrimaryIndex(Int_t track, Int_t index) virtual void SetPxXi(Float_t px) virtual void SetPyXi(Float_t py) virtual void SetPzXi(Float_t pz) virtual void SetSecondaryIndex(Int_t track, Int_t index) virtual void SetSigX(Float_t x) virtual void SetSigY(Float_t y) virtual void SetSigZ(Float_t z) virtual void SetX(Float_t x) virtual void SetX1minX2(Float_t x1minx2) virtual void SetXTarg(Float_t x) virtual void SetY(Float_t y) virtual void SetYTarg(Float_t y) virtual void SetZ(Float_t z) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Int_t fIflag Vertex flag UChar_t fIdDet Detector id (2^det-nr.) UChar_t fIdVtx Vertex type Int_t fNTrkFit No of fitted tracks Int_t fNTrkOut No of tracks Float_t fX x coordinate of vertex Float_t fY y coordinate of vertex Float_t fZ z coordinate of vertex Float_t fSigX Error of the x coordinate of the vertex Float_t fSigY Error of the y coordinate of the vertex Float_t fSigZ Error of the z coordinate of the vertex Float_t fPchi2 P(chi^2,ndf) of the vertex fit T49ParticleRoot* fFirstTrack !First daughter track of vertex T49ParticleRoot* fSecondTrack !Second daughter track of vertex Bool_t fFirstTrackIsPositive Flag to indicate charge of 1st track Int_t fFirstPriIndex Index to PrimaryParticleArray in event Int_t fSecondPriIndex Index to PrimaryParticleArray in event Int_t fFirstSecIndex Index to SecondaryParticleArray in event Int_t fSecondSecIndex Index to SecondaryParticleArray in event Float_t fXTarg V0 impact x-position at the target Float_t fYTarg V0 impact y-position at the target Float_t fX1minX2 Daughter position x1 minus x2 at target Float_t fPlen Xi pathlength

Class Description

    Contains the vertex information                                
    Author  : Christian Bormann (bormann@ikf.uni-frankfurt.de)     
    Created : 05/11/95                                             
    Version : 1.0                                                  
    Changed : 19/10/99 Contains now additional information and     
                       functions for V0-candidates (C.Blume)       
              08/06/01 Changes for Xi and Omega (C.Blume)          

T49VertexRoot(Bool_t allocObjects)
 T49VertexRoot default constructor

T49VertexRoot(T49VertexRoot& Vertex)
 T49VertexRoot copy constructor

 T49VertexRoot destructor

void SetPrimaryIndex(Int_t track, Int_t index)
 Set the index of the main vertex track in the primary particle array

void SetSecondaryIndex(Int_t track, Int_t index)
 Set the index of the V0 track in the secondary particle array

Float_t GetCosThetaLambda(Bool_t useInvMass)
 Calculate cos(theta*) between the lambda candidate and the decay proton.
 Uses the invariant mass instead of a constant lambda mass if
 <useInvMass> = kTRUE

Float_t GetCosThetaAntiLambda(Bool_t useInvMass)
 Calculate cos(theta*) between the anti-lambda candidate and the decay pion
 Uses the invariant mass instead of a constant lambda mass if
 <useInvMass> = kTRUE

Float_t GetCosThetaK0s(Bool_t useInvMass)
 Calculate cos(theta*) between the K0short candidate and the decay-pi+
 Uses the invariant mass instead of a constant K0short mass if
 <useInvMass> = kTRUE

Float_t GetCosThetaXi(Bool_t useInvMass)
 Calculate cos(theta*) between the the Xi candidate and the most
 positive daughter.
 Uses the invariant mass instead of a constant Xi mass if
 <useInvMass> = kTRUE

Float_t GetCosThetaOmega(Bool_t useInvMass)
 Calculate cos(theta*) between the Omega candidate and the most
 positive daughter.
 Uses the invariant mass instead of a constant Omega mass if
 <useInvMass> = kTRUE

Float_t GetLifetimeLambda(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z)
 Calculate the lifetime of a (anti-)lambda-candidate with
 production vertex <x>,<y>,<z>

Float_t GetLifetimeLambda()
 Calculate the lifetime of a (anti-)lambda-candidate

Float_t GetLifetimeK0s()
 Calculate the lifetime of a K0short

Float_t GetLifetimeXi()
 Calculate the lifetime of a Xi

Float_t GetLifetimeOmega()
 Calculate the lifetime of a Omega

Float_t GetInvariantMassLambda()
 The invariant mass assuming the V0 is a lambda.

Float_t GetInvariantMassAntiLambda()
 The invariant mass assuming the V0 is an anti-lambda.

Float_t GetInvariantMassK0s()
 The invariant mass assuming the V0 is a K0s.

Float_t GetInvariantMassXi()
 The invariant mass assuming the Xi hypothesis.

Float_t GetInvariantMassOmega()
 The invariant mass assuming the Omega hypothesis.

Float_t GetArmenterosPt()
 The Armenteros transverse momentum

Float_t GetArmenterosPtXi()
 The Armenteros transverse momentum for Xi / Omega candidates

Float_t GetArmenterosAlpha()
 The Armenteros alpha-parameter

Float_t GetArmenterosAlphaXi()
 The Armenteros alpha-parameter for Xi / Omega candidates

Int_t GetSameSide()
 Returns 1 if both daughters are on the same side

Int_t GetSameSideXi()
 Returns 1 if both daughters are on the same side

Float_t GetY1minY2()
 The by-difference of the daughter tracks in the target plane

Float_t GetY1minY2Xi()
 The by-difference of the daughter tracks in the target plane
 for Xi and Omega candidates

Float_t GetCrossYZ(Float_t zmin)
 The crossYZ parameter (Crossing of the daughter tracks in the YZ-plane)
 CrossYZ = (slopePos - slopeNeg) * (byPos - byNeg)

Float_t CosTheta(Float_t *pV0, Float_t *pPD)
 Calculate the cos(theta) between V0 and decay-proton

Int_t Lorentz(Float_t *p4cm, Float_t *p4in, Float_t *p4out)
 Lorenz transformation
 input: reference system(P,M,E), input vector p,e
        (momentum in sys, observed from refer.sys)
 output: vector p',e'
 all 4-vectors, with 0,1,2 -- p-components, 3 -- energy

Bool_t SetDaughters(T49ParticleRoot *Pos, T49ParticleRoot *Neg)
 Set the pointer to the daughter tracks

Bool_t SetDaughters()
 Set the pointer to the daughter tracks

T49ParticleRoot* GetFirstTrack()

T49ParticleRoot* GetSecondTrack()

Int_t GetPrimaryIndex(Int_t Track)
 Get the index of the main vertex track in the primary particle array

Int_t GetSecondaryIndex(Int_t Track)
 Get the index of the V0 track in the secondary particle array

T49ParticleRoot* GetFullPositiveTrack()
 Get the positive daughter track including the rtrack information

T49ParticleRoot* GetFullNegativeTrack()
 Get the negative daughter track including the rtrack information

T49ParticleRoot* GetFullChargedXiTrack()
 Get the charged Xi daughter track including the rtrack information

T49ParticleRoot* GetFullTrack(T49ParticleRoot *SecTrack ,T49ParticleRoot *MainTrack)
 Copy the full rtrack information

T49ParticleRoot* GetPositiveMainTrack()
 Get the pointer to the main-vertex fit of the positive daughter track

T49ParticleRoot* GetPositiveMainTrack(TClonesArray *PrimaryTrackArray)
 Get the pointer to the main-vertex fit of the positive daughter track

T49ParticleRoot* GetNegativeMainTrack()
 Get the pointer to the main-vertex fit of the negative daughter track

T49ParticleRoot* GetNegativeMainTrack(TClonesArray *PrimaryTrackArray)
 Get the pointer to the main-vertex fit of the negative daughter track

void Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
 Stream an object of class T49VertexRoot.

Inline Functions

                    void SetIflag(Int_t flag)
                    void SetIdDet(UChar_t detectorId)
                    void SetIdVtx(UChar_t vertexId)
                    void SetNTrkFit(Int_t n)
                    void SetNTrkOut(Int_t n)
                    void SetX(Float_t x)
                    void SetY(Float_t y)
                    void SetZ(Float_t z)
                    void SetSigX(Float_t x)
                    void SetSigY(Float_t y)
                    void SetSigZ(Float_t z)
                    void SetPchi2(Float_t fitProb)
                    void SetFirstTrackIsPositive(Bool_t b)
                    void SetXTarg(Float_t x)
                    void SetYTarg(Float_t y)
                    void SetX1minX2(Float_t x1minx2)
                    void SetPathlengthXi(Float_t plen)
                    void SetPxXi(Float_t px)
                    void SetPyXi(Float_t py)
                    void SetPzXi(Float_t pz)
                   Int_t GetIflag()
                 UChar_t GetIdDet()
                 UChar_t GetIdVtx()
                   Int_t GetNTrkFit()
                   Int_t GetNTrkOut()
                 Float_t GetX()
                 Float_t GetY()
                 Float_t GetZ()
                 Float_t GetSigX()
                 Float_t GetSigY()
                 Float_t GetSigZ()
                 Float_t GetPchi2()
                  Bool_t GetFirstTrackIsPositive()
        T49ParticleRoot* GetPositiveTrack()
        T49ParticleRoot* GetNegativeTrack()
        T49ParticleRoot* GetChargedXiTrack()
        T49ParticleRoot* GetNeutralXiTrack()
        T49ParticleRoot* GetFullNeutralXiTrack()
                 Float_t GetRapidity(Float_t mass)
                 Float_t GetRapidityLambda()
                 Float_t GetRapidityK0s()
                 Float_t GetRapidityXi()
                 Float_t GetRapidityOmega()
                 Float_t GetEnergy(Float_t mass)
                 Float_t GetEnergyLambda()
                 Float_t GetEnergyK0s()
                 Float_t GetEnergyXi()
                 Float_t GetEnergyOmega()
                 Float_t GetPt()
                 Float_t GetP()
                 Float_t GetPx()
                 Float_t GetPy()
                 Float_t GetPz()
                 Float_t GetXTarg()
                 Float_t GetYTarg()
                 Float_t GetX1minX2()
                 Float_t GetBetaLambda()
                 Float_t GetBetaK0s()
                 Float_t GetBetaXi()
                 Float_t GetBetaOmega()
                 Float_t GetGammaLambda()
                 Float_t GetGammaK0s()
                 Float_t GetGammaXi()
                 Float_t GetGammaOmega()
                 Float_t GetPathlengthXi()
                 Float_t GetPxXi()
                 Float_t GetPyXi()
                 Float_t GetPzXi()
                 Float_t GetPXi()
                 Float_t GetPtXi()
                 TClass* Class()
                 TClass* IsA() const
                    void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                    void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
          T49VertexRoot& operator=(const T49VertexRoot&)

Last update: Thu Aug 17 15:29:14 2006

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