Process two runs at the same time
// //
// Example macro to demonstrate how to process two different runs at the same time. //
// //
// Load libraries if root49 is not used
if (gClassTable->GetID("T49Run") < 0) {
printf("Load shared libraries for T49n");
gSystem->Load(""); // Load root DST library
gSystem->Load(""); // Load root analysis library
const Int_t maxEvent1 = 10;
const Int_t maxEvent2 = 5;
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!
// Important to allow for different TClonesArrays in different Events
// at the same time !!!!
gT49KeepEvent = kTRUE;
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!
// Define the first T49Run object
T49Run *Run1 = new T49Run();
// Define the second T49Run object
T49Run *Run2 = new T49Run();
T49EventRoot *Event1, *Event2;
TClonesArray *TrackList1, *TrackList2;
TObjArray *SecVertexList1, *SecVertexList2;
Char_t *inFile1 = "/d/alice/na49/DST/00B/t49run1389.0.root";
Char_t *inFile2 = "/d/alice/na49/DST/00B/t49run1444.0.root";
// Open Root-DST run 1
// Open Root-DST run 2
Int_t nEvent1 = 0;
Int_t nEvent2 = 0;
// Loop over the events of the first run
while ((Event1 = (T49EventRoot *) Run1->GetNextEvent()) &&
(nEvent1 < maxEvent1)) {
// Get main-vertex track list of the first event
TrackList1 = Event1->GetPrimaryParticles();
// Get the list with the secondary vertices of the first event
SecVertexList1 = Event1->GetSecondaryVertices();
T49ParticleRoot *Track1 = (T49ParticleRoot *) TrackList1->At(0);
T49VertexRoot *V01 = (T49VertexRoot *) SecVertexList1->At(0);
// Loop over the events of the second run
while ((Event2 = (T49EventRoot *) Run2->GetNextEvent()) &&
(nEvent2 < maxEvent2)) {
// Get main-vertex track list of the second event
TrackList2 = Event2->GetPrimaryParticles();
// Get the list with the secondary vertices of the second event
SecVertexList2 = Event2->GetSecondaryVertices();
T49ParticleRoot *Track2 = (T49ParticleRoot *) TrackList2->At(0);
T49VertexRoot *V02 = (T49VertexRoot *) SecVertexList2->At(0);
printf("Run1 %d event %d %d tracksn",Event1->GetNRun()
// Neccessary, because T49VertexRoot accesses the V0 daughter tracks
// via the global pointer to the corresponding T49Run object
gT49 = Run1;
printf("V01: minv(lambda) = %gn",V01->GetInvariantMassLambda());
printf("Run2 %d event %d %d tracksn",Event2->GetNRun()
// Neccessary, because T49VertexRoot accesses the V0 daughter tracks
// via the global pointer to the corresponding T49Run object
gT49 = Run2;
printf("V02: minv(lambda) = %gn",V02->GetInvariantMassLambda());
nEvent2 = 0;
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